Properties of determinants

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  1. Properties of Determinants Overview:
  2. Row Operation Property
    • Adding/Subtracting Rows → det B=B= det AA
    • Interchanging rows → det B=B=- det AA
    • Multiplying rows → det B=k  B=k\; \cdot det AA
    • Triangular Matrices
  3. The Multiplicative Property/Other Properties
    • det (A)=(A)= det (AT)(A^T)
    AA is invertible if and only if det A0A \neq 0
    • det (AB)=(AB)= det A  A \; \cdot det BB
  4. Applications to Determinants
    • If det (A)0(A) \neq 0, then columns are linearly independent
    • If det (A)=0(A) = 0, then columns are linear dependent
  1. Calculating the Determinant
    Compute det AA by row reduction to echelon form, where Compute det A by row reduction to echelon form.
    1. Find the determinants where Find the determinants,
      1. Find the determinants
      2. Find the determinants
    2. Property/Applications of Determinants
      You are given that matrix A, Property/Applications of Determinants and matrix A, Property/Applications of Determinants.
      1. Show that det (A)=(A)= det (AT)(A^T).
      2. Show that det (AB)=(AB)= det A  A \; \cdot det BB.
    3. Use determinants to decide if the set of vectors are linearly independent
      are the set of vectors linearly independent
      1. Proving the Property of Determinants
        Show that if a square matrix AA invertible, then
        det(A1)=1det(A)\det (A^{-1})=\frac{1}{\det (A)}
        1. Show that if 2 rows of a square matrix AA are the same, then det A=0A=0
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Properties of Determinants

          Welcome to our exploration of the fascinating world of determinants in linear algebra! Let's dive into the key properties of determinants that make them such powerful tools in matrix mathematics. As we begin, I'd like to draw your attention to our introductory video, which provides a visual and intuitive understanding of these concepts. This video is crucial for grasping the fundamental ideas behind determinants. Now, let's discuss some essential properties. The determinant of a matrix, often denoted as 'det' or '|A|', has several unique characteristics. For instance, the determinant of a product is the product of determinants, and transposing a matrix doesn't change its determinant. These matrix determinant rules are vital for simplifying complex calculations. We'll also explore how determinants behave under row operations and determinants and their relationship to matrix invertibility. Understanding these properties of determinants will significantly enhance your ability to solve linear algebra problems efficiently.

          As we continue, remember that these matrix determinant rules are not just theoretical; they have practical applications in various fields. For example, in computer graphics, determinants are used to perform transformations and in physics, they help in understanding systems of linear equations. Additionally, mastering these rules will aid in simplifying complex calculations in your future studies and professional work. The behavior of determinants under row operations and determinants is another critical aspect that we'll delve into. By the end of this lesson, you'll be well-equipped to tackle and solve linear algebra problems with confidence.

          Row Operation Properties of Determinants

          Understanding the row operation properties of determinants is crucial in linear algebra and matrix calculations. These properties, also known as the matrix determinant rules, provide powerful tools for simplifying and solving complex matrix problems. In this section, we'll explore the three fundamental row operation properties of determinants and their significance in mathematical computations.

          The first property of determinants relates to adding a multiple of one row to another. This operation states that the value of a determinant remains unchanged when we add a multiple of one row to another row. For example, consider a 3x3 matrix determinant. If we add twice the first row to the second row, the determinant's value will not change. This property is particularly useful when simplifying matrices or solving systems of linear equations.

          Let's illustrate this with a simple example:

          det|1 2 3| = det|1 2 3|
          |4 5 6| |4 7 9|
          |7 8 9| |7 8 9|

          In this case, we added the first row to the second row, and the determinant's value remains the same.

          The second property involves interchanging two rows of a matrix. When we swap any two rows in a determinant, the value of the determinant changes sign but maintains its absolute value. This property is particularly useful when rearranging matrices to simplify calculations or to achieve a desired form.

          For instance:

          det|1 2 3| = -det|4 5 6|
          |4 5 6| |1 2 3|
          |7 8 9| |7 8 9|

          Here, we interchanged the first and second rows, resulting in a change of sign for the determinant.

          The third property of determinants involves multiplying a row by a constant. When we multiply any row of a determinant by a non-zero constant, the value of the determinant is multiplied by that same constant. This property is especially useful when scaling matrices or factoring out common terms.

          For example:

          2 * det|1 2 3| = det|2 4 6|
          |4 5 6| |4 5 6|
          |7 8 9| |7 8 9|

          In this case, multiplying the first row by 2 results in the entire determinant being multiplied by 2.

          These three row operation properties of determinants are fundamental in linear algebra and have significant implications for matrix calculations. They allow mathematicians and scientists to manipulate matrices efficiently, simplify complex problems, and solve systems of linear equations more easily.

          The property of adding a multiple of one row to another is particularly useful in Gaussian elimination, a method used to solve systems of linear equations. By strategically adding multiples of rows to others, we can create zeros in specific positions, simplifying the matrix and making it easier to solve.

          The property of interchanging rows is valuable when rearranging matrices to achieve a specific form, such as row echelon form. This can greatly simplify calculations and make it easier to spot patterns or solutions in complex systems.

          Lastly, the property of multiplying a row by a constant is essential for scaling matrices and factoring out common terms. This can lead to more straightforward calculations and can help in identifying important relationships between variables in a system.

          Understanding and applying these matrix determinant rules is crucial for anyone working with linear algebra or advanced mathematics. These properties not only simplify calculations but also provide insights into the structure and behavior of matrices and determinants. By mastering these concepts, students and professionals can tackle complex problems in fields such as physics, engineering, computer science, and economics with greater confidence and efficiency.

          In conclusion, the three row operation properties of determinants - adding a multiple of one row to another, interchanging two rows, and multiplying a row by a constant - are powerful tools in the realm of linear algebra.

          Determinant of Transpose and Invertibility

          In the fascinating world of linear algebra, matrix determinants play a crucial role in understanding various properties of matrices. One intriguing property that often surprises students is that the determinant of a matrix is equal to the determinant of its transpose. This relationship between a matrix and its linear transformations reveals some fundamental symmetries in linear transformations.

          Let's dive deeper into this concept. When we talk about the determinant of a matrix, we're referring to a scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix. This value provides important information about the matrix's properties. Now, the transpose of a matrix is obtained by flipping the matrix over its main diagonal, essentially switching its rows and columns.

          The property that states "the determinant of a matrix is equal to the determinant of its transpose" can be expressed mathematically as det(A) = det(A^T), where A is any square matrix and A^T is its transpose. This equality holds true for all square matrices, regardless of their size or the specific values they contain.

          To illustrate this, let's consider a simple 2x2 matrix:

          A = [a b; c d]

          The determinant of A is ad - bc. Now, let's look at its transpose:

          A^T = [a c; b d]

          The determinant of A^T is also ad - bc, which confirms our property.

          This property has several important implications in linear algebra and can be particularly useful in simplifying calculations and proofs. It also highlights the inherent symmetry in the determinant operation.

          Now, let's explore the relationship between a matrix's determinant and its invertibility. This connection is fundamental in understanding the behavior of linear transformations and solving systems of linear equations.

          A matrix is invertible (also called non-singular) if and only if its determinant is not zero. In other words, if the determinant of a matrix is zero, the matrix is not invertible (singular). This property is crucial because invertible matrices have unique solutions in linear systems, while non-invertible matrices lead to either no solution or infinitely many solutions.

          For example, consider the following matrices:

          B = [2 1; 1 3] and C = [1 2; 2 4]

          The determinant of B is (2 * 3) - (1 * 1) = 5, which is non-zero. Therefore, B is invertible. On the other hand, the determinant of C is (1 * 4) - (2 * 2) = 0, making C non-invertible.

          Understanding these properties of matrix determinants is essential in various fields, including computer graphics, physics, and engineering. The determinant of a matrix provides valuable information about the nature of the linear transformation it represents, such as whether it preserves, increases, or decreases volume in space.

          In conclusion, the property that the determinant of a matrix equals the determinant of its transpose, along with the relationship between determinants and invertibility, are fundamental concepts in linear algebra. These properties not only simplify calculations but also provide deep insights into the behavior of linear transformations. As you continue to explore linear algebra, keep these concepts in mind they'll serve as powerful tools in your mathematical toolkit.

          Multiplicative Property of Determinants

          The multiplicative property of determinants is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that plays a crucial role in understanding matrix operations and their determinants. This property, also known as one of the key matrix determinant rules, states that the determinant of a product of matrices is equal to the product of their individual determinants. In mathematical notation, for square matrices A and B of the same size, we can express this property as: det(AB) = det(A) × det(B).

          This property of determinants is particularly useful when working with complex matrix calculations, as it allows us to simplify the process of finding determinants for multiplied matrices. Instead of calculating the determinant of the resulting matrix after multiplication, we can simply multiply the determinants of the individual matrices.

          To better understand the multiplicative property, let's consider an example using 2x2 matrices. Suppose we have two matrices:

          A = [2 1; 3 4] and B = [1 2; 3 1]

          First, let's calculate the determinants of A and B separately:

          det(A) = (2 × 4) - (1 × 3) = 8 - 3 = 5

          det(B) = (1 × 1) - (2 × 3) = 1 - 6 = -5

          Now, let's multiply these determinants:

          det(A) × det(B) = 5 × (-5) = -25

          To verify the multiplicative property, we need to calculate det(AB). First, let's multiply matrices A and B:

          AB = [2 1; 3 4] × [1 2; 3 1] = [5 5; 15 10]

          Now, let's calculate the determinant of AB:

          det(AB) = (5 × 10) - (5 × 15) = 50 - 75 = -25

          As we can see, det(AB) = det(A) × det(B) = -25, which confirms the multiplicative property of determinants.

          This property is not only applicable to 2x2 matrices but extends to square matrices of any size. It's important to note that this property is one of the essential matrix determinant rules that simplifies calculations in various mathematical and scientific applications.

          The multiplicative property of determinants has several practical implications. For instance, it can be used to prove that if a matrix A is invertible, then det(A¹) = 1/det(A). This follows from the fact that AA¹ = I (identity matrix), and det(I) = 1.

          In linear transformations, the determinant of multiplied matrices represents the factor by which the area or volume of a geometric object changes when subjected to multiple transformations in sequence. This interpretation provides a geometric intuition for the multiplicative property.

          Understanding and applying the multiplicative property of determinants is crucial in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It simplifies calculations involving matrix operations and provides insights into the behavior of linear transformations.

          In conclusion, the multiplicative property of determinants is a powerful tool in linear algebra that states the determinant of a product of matrices equals the product of their determinants. This property simplifies complex calculations and offers valuable insights into matrix operations. By mastering this concept, along with other determinant multiplication rules, you'll be better equipped to handle advanced topics in linear algebra and its applications across various disciplines.

          Determinants and Linear Independence

          In linear algebra, determinants and linear independence play a crucial role in determining whether a set of vectors is linearly independent. This concept is fundamental to understanding the structure and properties of vector spaces. Let's explore how determinants and linear independence can be used to decide if a set of vectors is linearly independent and the relationship between non-zero determinants and linear independence of matrix columns.

          Determinants are mathematical tools used to analyze square matrices. They provide valuable information about the properties of these matrices, including their invertibility and the linear independence of their columns. In the context of linear algebra, determinants can be particularly useful when working with systems of linear equations or analyzing vector spaces.

          To understand how determinants relate to linear independence, let's first recall what linear independence means. A set of vectors is considered linearly independent if no vector in the set can be expressed as a linear combination of the others. In other words, the only way to obtain the zero vector using these vectors is by multiplying each vector by zero.

          Now, let's consider a square matrix A whose columns represent a set of vectors. The determinant of this matrix, denoted as det(A), can provide crucial information about the linear independence of these vectors. Here's the key relationship: If the determinant of matrix A is non-zero, then the columns of A are linearly independent.

          This relationship between determinants and linear independence is powerful because it gives us a straightforward method to check for linear independence. Instead of performing complex calculations or analyzing multiple equations, we can simply calculate the determinant of the matrix formed by the vectors in question.

          Let's illustrate this concept with an example. Consider the following 3x3 matrix:

          A = [2 1 3]
          [0 -1 2]
          [1 1 1]

          To determine if the columns of this matrix are linearly independent, we can calculate its determinant. Using the standard methods for computing determinants, we find that det(A) = -4. Since the determinant is non-zero, we can conclude that the columns of matrix A are linearly independent.

          This example demonstrates how determinants can be used efficiently in linear algebra to assess linear independence. It's important to note that while a non-zero determinant guarantees linear independence, the converse is not always true. A zero determinant doesn't necessarily mean the vectors are linearly dependent, especially when dealing with non-square matrices or infinite-dimensional vector spaces.

          The use of determinants to decide if a set of vectors is linearly independent is particularly valuable in various applications of linear algebra. For instance, in solving systems of linear equations, checking the linear independence of the coefficient matrix linear independence can help determine if the system has a unique solution linear equations, infinitely many solutions, or no solution at all.

          In conclusion, determinants provide a powerful tool in linear algebra for analyzing the properties of matrices and vector sets. Their ability to determine linear independence makes them invaluable in various mathematical and practical applications. By understanding and utilizing the relationship between non-zero determinants and linear independence, we can simplify complex problems and gain deeper insights into the structure of vector spaces.

          Applications of Determinant Properties

          Determinants play a crucial role in linear algebra, offering powerful tools for solving complex problems. Understanding and applying determinant properties can significantly simplify calculations and provide insights into matrix behavior. Let's explore some practical applications of these properties in linear algebra problem-solving.

          One of the fundamental properties of determinants is multiplicativity. This property states that the determinant of a product of matrices is equal to the product of their determinants. Mathematically, det(AB) = det(A) * det(B). This property is particularly useful when dealing with matrix multiplication and can save considerable time in calculations. For example, when solving systems of linear equations using Cramer's rule, this property allows us to break down complex determinants into simpler components.

          Another important property is the effect of elementary row operations on determinants. Interchanging two rows of a matrix multiplies its determinant by -1, while multiplying a row by a scalar multiplies the determinant by that scalar. These matrix determinant rules are invaluable when simplifying matrices or solving linear systems. For instance, when using Gaussian elimination, understanding how these operations affect the determinant helps in tracking the solution's validity.

          The property that states a determinant equals zero if and only if the matrix is singular (non-invertible) is particularly useful in determining matrix invertibility. This property connects determinants to the concept of linear independence and can be applied in various fields, from computer graphics to economic modeling. When solving problems involving matrix inversions or linear transformations, quickly checking if the determinant is zero can save time and prevent errors.

          Determinants math also includes the property that the determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal elements. This property significantly simplifies calculations for upper or lower triangular matrices, which are common in many applications. For example, in solving differential equations or analyzing electrical circuits, where matrices often take triangular forms, this property can expedite solutions.

          The linearity property of determinants with respect to rows (or columns) is another powerful tool. It states that if one row of a matrix is a sum of two vectors, the determinant can be expressed as the sum of two determinants. This property is particularly useful in expanding determinants and can be applied in various fields, from physics to engineering, where complex systems are often represented as sums of simpler components.

          When working with block matrices, the determinant properties can be especially helpful. For instance, the determinant of a block triangular matrix is the product of the determinants of its diagonal blocks. This property can significantly reduce the complexity of calculations in problems involving large, structured matrices, such as those found in network analysis or economic modeling.

          One interesting application is in geometry, where determinants can be used to calculate areas and volumes. The absolute value of a 2x2 determinant represents the area of a parallelogram, while a 3x3 determinant can represent the volume of a parallelepiped. This connection between linear algebra and geometry is powerful in fields like computer graphics and computational geometry.

          In many linear algebra problems, you might encounter equations that illustrate specific properties of determinants. For instance, an equation like det(A^T) = det(A) demonstrates the property that the determinant of a transpose is equal to the determinant of the original matrix. Being able to state which property of determinants is illustrated in this equation can deepen your understanding and help in problem-solving.

          The application of determinant properties extends to more advanced topics in linear algebra as well. In eigenvalue problems, determinants are crucial in finding characteristic equations. The property that det(A - λI) = 0 for eigenvalues λ is fundamental in spectral theory and has applications in fields ranging from quantum mechanics to data science.

          In conclusion, mastering the properties of determinants is essential for anyone working with linear algebra. These properties not only simplify calculations but also provide deeper insights into matrix behavior and system characteristics. Whether you're solving systems of equations, analyzing transformations, or working on advanced mathematical models, a solid understanding of determinant properties will be an invaluable asset in your problem-solving toolkit.


          In this exploration of determinants in linear algebra, we've uncovered several crucial properties that make them a powerful tool in matrix analysis. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding these concepts, highlighting how determinants can reveal key information about matrices. We discussed how determinants change with row operations and determinants, their behavior in determinants in matrix multiplication, and their role in determining matrix invertibility. The property of determinants in linear algebra extends to solving systems of equations with determinants and finding eigenvalues. As you continue your journey in understanding matrix determinants, remember that practice is key to mastering these concepts. Challenge yourself with various determinant calculations, exploring different matrix sizes and types. By doing so, you'll deepen your understanding of linear algebra and its applications. Don't hesitate to revisit the introductory video for a refresher on the fundamentals. Keep exploring, calculating, and expanding your knowledge of determinants they're an essential part of the applications of determinants in linear algebra toolkit!

          Properties of Determinants Overview:

          Properties of Determinants Overview: Row Operation Property
          • Adding/Subtracting Rows → det B = det A
          • Interchanging rows → det B = -det A
          • Multiplying rows → det B = k · det A
          • Triangular Matrices

          Step 1: Introduction to Row Operation Properties

          In this section, we will discuss the properties of determinants, specifically focusing on row operation properties. These properties are essential for understanding how different row operations affect the determinant of a matrix. Before diving into the properties, it is important to note that the matrix A must be a square matrix (n x n) because the determinant is only defined for square matrices.

          Step 2: Adding/Subtracting Rows

          The first property states that if a multiple of one row of matrix A is added to another row to produce matrix B, then the determinant of B is equal to the determinant of A. This means that the determinant remains unchanged when rows are added or subtracted. For example, if matrix A is:

              1 2 3
              4 5 6
              7 8 9

          And we add row 1 to row 2, the new matrix B will be:

              5 7 9
              4 5 6
              7 8 9

          The determinant of matrix B will be equal to the determinant of matrix A.

          Step 3: Interchanging Rows

          The second property states that if two rows of matrix A are interchanged to produce matrix B, then the determinant of B is equal to the negative of the determinant of A. For example, if matrix A is:

              1 2 3
              4 5 6
              7 8 9

          And we interchange row 1 and row 2, the new matrix B will be:

              4 5 6
              1 2 3
              7 8 9

          The determinant of matrix B will be equal to the negative of the determinant of matrix A.

          Step 4: Multiplying Rows by a Constant

          The third property states that if one row of matrix A is multiplied by a constant k to produce matrix B, then the determinant of B is equal to k times the determinant of A. For example, if matrix A is:

              1 2 3
              4 5 6
              7 8 9

          And we multiply row 1 by 2, the new matrix B will be:

              2 4 6
              4 5 6
              7 8 9

          The determinant of matrix B will be equal to 2 times the determinant of matrix A.

          Step 5: Triangular Matrices

          A triangular matrix is a matrix in which all the entries below (or above) the main diagonal are zero. The determinant of a triangular matrix is simply the product of the diagonal entries. For example, if matrix A is:

              2 0 0
              0 3 0
              0 0 4

          The determinant of matrix A is 2 * 3 * 4 = 24.

          Step 6: Using Row Operations to Find Determinants

          To find the determinant of a matrix using row operations, follow these steps:

          1. Row reduce the matrix to echelon form using the properties discussed above.
          2. Keep track of any row interchanges and multiplications by constants.
          3. Once the matrix is in echelon form, multiply the diagonal entries to find the determinant.
          4. Adjust the determinant based on any row interchanges and multiplications by constants.

          For example, to find the determinant of the matrix:

              1 4 2
              1 2 3
              2 2 4

          We can row reduce it to echelon form and then multiply the diagonal entries to find the determinant.


          Here are some frequently asked questions about determinants in linear algebra:

          1. What is the determinant of a 2x2 matrix?

          The determinant of a 2x2 matrix A = [a b; c d] is calculated as det(A) = ad - bc. This formula is easy to remember and apply, making it a fundamental concept in linear algebra.

          2. How do you find the determinant of a 3x3 matrix?

          For a 3x3 matrix, you can use the Sarrus' rule or the Laplace expansion. The Sarrus' rule involves calculating the sum of the products of elements along the main diagonals and subtracting the sum of products along the counter-diagonals.

          3. What are the properties of determinants?

          Key properties include: the determinant of a product is the product of determinants, the determinant of a transpose equals the original determinant, interchanging two rows or columns changes the sign of the determinant, and the determinant is zero if and only if the matrix is singular (non-invertible).

          4. How are determinants related to linear independence?

          A set of vectors is linearly independent if and only if the determinant of the matrix formed by these vectors as columns is non-zero. This property is crucial in determining the solvability of systems of linear equations and the invertibility of matrices.

          5. What is the multiplicative property of determinants?

          The multiplicative property states that for square matrices A and B of the same size, det(AB) = det(A) × det(B). This property is particularly useful in simplifying calculations involving matrix products and powers.

          Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Properties of Determinants

          To fully grasp the properties of determinants, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of linear algebra and matrix theory. Understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to work with determinants and appreciate their importance in various mathematical applications.

          One of the fundamental concepts you should be familiar with is matrix multiplication. The properties of matrix multiplication play a vital role in understanding how determinants behave under various operations. This knowledge is essential when dealing with more complex determinant calculations and their applications in linear transformations.

          Another critical skill is Gaussian elimination, which is closely related to determinants. This method is not only useful for solving systems of linear equations but also provides insights into the structure of matrices and their determinants. Understanding Gaussian elimination will help you appreciate how determinants relate to the solvability of linear systems.

          Linear transformations are also closely tied to determinants. Knowing how determinants relate to the properties of linear transformations, such as their invertibility and the preservation of volume, will deepen your understanding of both concepts.

          A strong grasp of systems of linear equations is essential, as determinants play a crucial role in solving these systems. This connection becomes particularly evident when you explore methods like Cramer's rule, which directly uses determinants to solve linear systems.

          Familiarity with row echelon form is important as it relates to the calculation and properties of determinants. Understanding how row operations affect the determinant of a matrix is crucial for many proofs and applications involving determinants.

          The properties of matrix addition also come into play when working with determinants, especially when considering how determinants behave under matrix operations.

          Lastly, understanding how to represent a linear system as a matrix is crucial. This skill allows you to see the connection between determinants and the solvability of linear systems, including concepts like linear independence and the existence of unique solutions.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to explore the properties of determinants with confidence and insight. Each of these areas contributes to a comprehensive understanding of determinants and their significance in linear algebra and beyond.

          Let AA be a n×nn \times n square matrix. Then
          1) If a multiple of one row of matrix AA is added to another row to produce matrix BB, then det B=B= det AA
          2) If two rows of AA are interchanged to produce matrix BB, then det B=B=- det AA
          3) If one row of AA is multiplied by kk to produce matrix BB, then det B=k  B=k \; \cdot det AA

          If AA is an n×nn \times n matrix, then det(AT)=(A^T )= det AA

          A square matrix AA is invertible if and only if det A0A \neq 0.

          The Multiplicative Property
          If AA and BB are n×nn \times n matrices, then det AB=AB= (det AA)(det BB)

          It may be useful to know that the determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal entries. For example,
          determinant of a triangular matrix