Understanding tessellations

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  1. How to find the sum of interior angles of a polygon?
  1. Can you tessellate the plane with the following regular polygons? Explain.
    Understanding tessellations
    1. Complete the table below.


      Interior Angle (°)

      Can it tessellate a plane? (Y/N)

      Equilateral Triangle


      Regular Pentagon

      Regular Hexagon

      Regular Heptagon

      Topic Notes
      The word tessellations may not be a familiar word to all of us, while tessellations are common in our everyday life. What exactly does it mean? Tessellations basically mean covering a surface without overlaps or gaps using a pattern of flat shapes. Using rectangular tiles to cover the kitchen floor is a good real life example of tessellations. We will learn more basic concepts of tessellations in this lesson.

      Introduction to Tessellations

      Tessellations are fascinating geometric patterns that have captivated mathematicians and artists alike for centuries. In mathematics and geometry, a tessellation refers to the arrangement of shapes that completely cover a surface without any gaps or overlaps. The introduction video provides a visual representation of this concept, making it easier to grasp the fundamental principles of tessellations. These patterns can be found in nature, art, and architecture, showcasing the beauty of mathematical precision. Tessellations can be created using various shapes, from simple triangles and squares to more complex polygons. The process of tessellating involves repeating a single shape or a combination of shapes to create an infinite pattern. Understanding tessellations is crucial in fields such as crystallography, computer graphics, and architectural design. By exploring tessellations, students can develop spatial reasoning skills and appreciate the intricate relationship between mathematics and visual aesthetics.

      What is a Tessellation?

      Tessellation, a fundamental concept in mathematics and geometry, refers to the process of covering a plane or surface with geometric shapes in a repetitive pattern without any gaps or overlaps. The term "tessellate" comes from the Latin word "tessella," meaning a small square tile used in creating mosaics. In mathematical terms, a tessellation is a collection of shapes that fit together perfectly to cover an infinite plane.

      The concept of tessellation is closely tied to the idea of covering a surface completely and efficiently. When shapes tessellate, they create a seamless pattern that can theoretically extend infinitely in all directions. This property makes tessellations not only mathematically interesting but also practically useful in various fields, from art and architecture to crystallography and computer graphics.

      Examples of tessellations are abundant in everyday life, often going unnoticed due to their ubiquity. One of the most common instances is tiled floors, where square or hexagonal tiles fit together perfectly to cover the entire floor surface. Another natural example is the honeycomb structure created by bees, where hexagonal cells tessellate to form an efficient and strong structure. In architecture, tessellations can be observed in the intricate patterns of Islamic art, where complex geometric shapes interlock to create stunning visual designs.

      For shapes to tessellate, they must meet certain basic requirements. The most fundamental condition is that the angles around a point where shapes meet must add up to exactly 360 degrees. This ensures that there are no gaps or overlaps in the pattern. Regular polygons that can tessellate on their own include equilateral triangles, squares, and regular hexagons. These shapes have angles that divide evenly into 360 degrees, allowing them to fit together perfectly.

      Irregular shapes can also tessellate, but they often require more complex arrangements or combinations with other shapes. For instance, the famous tessellations by Dutch artist M.C. Escher demonstrate how intricately designed irregular shapes can fit together to cover a plane. These artistic tessellations often play with perception, creating optical illusions and transforming shapes across the pattern.

      In geometry, the study of tessellations extends beyond simple shapes to include more complex patterns and symmetries. Mathematicians classify tessellations based on their symmetry groups, which describe the ways the pattern can be transformed while remaining unchanged. This classification leads to 17 distinct types of tessellations, known as the 17 wallpaper groups, each with its unique symmetry properties.

      The applications of tessellations in mathematics and science are diverse. In crystallography, tessellations help describe the atomic structure of crystals. In computer graphics, tessellations are used to create complex 3D models and textures. Even in nature, tessellations appear in various forms, from the scales on a fish to the cellular structure of plants.

      Understanding tessellations not only enhances our appreciation of geometric patterns but also provides insights into efficient space-filling techniques. This knowledge has practical applications in fields such as material science, where understanding how atoms or molecules pack together can lead to the development of new materials with specific properties.

      In conclusion, tessellation is a fascinating concept that bridges mathematics, art, and nature. It demonstrates how simple geometric principles can create complex and beautiful patterns that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient. Whether observed in the tiles of a bathroom floor or the intricate designs of a mosque, tessellations remind us of the underlying mathematical order in the world around us.

      Types of Tessellations

      Tessellation in geometry is a fascinating concept that involves covering a plane with geometric shapes without gaps or overlaps. There are three main types of tessellations: regular, semi-regular, and irregular. Each type has unique characteristics and offers endless possibilities for creating intricate patterns and designs.

      Regular tessellations are the simplest and most symmetrical form. They consist of a single regular polygon repeated across the plane. Only three regular polygons can create a regular tessellation: equilateral triangles, squares, and regular hexagons. These shapes fit together perfectly, with each vertex surrounded by the same arrangement of polygons. Regular tessellations are often found in nature, such as in honeycombs (hexagons) or in crystal structures (squares).

      Semi-regular tessellations, also known as Archimedean tessellations, are more complex and involve two or more types of regular polygons. In these tessellations, each vertex must have the same arrangement of polygons around it. There are eight distinct semi-regular tessellations, including combinations like triangles and squares, or hexagons and triangles. These tessellations offer more variety and visual interest than regular tessellations while maintaining a sense of order and symmetry.

      Irregular tessellations are the most diverse and creative category. They can involve any combination of shapes, including irregular polygons, curved shapes, or even abstract forms. The key requirement is that the shapes fit together without gaps or overlaps. Irregular tessellations are often seen in nature, such as in the patterns of giraffe spots or the cracked surface of dried mud. In art and design, irregular tessellations offer unlimited possibilities for creating unique and visually striking patterns.

      When creating more complex tessellations, different shapes can be combined in various ways. One approach is to use a combination of regular and irregular shapes. For example, a regular hexagon can be surrounded by triangles and squares to create a semi-regular tessellation. Another method is to use interlocking shapes that fit together like puzzle pieces. This technique is often seen in the works of M.C. Escher, who created intricate tessellations featuring interlocking animals and other figures.

      Tessellations can also be created by transforming a single shape through rotations, reflections, or translations. This method allows for the creation of complex patterns from simple starting shapes. For instance, a square can be modified by adding curves or notches to its edges, creating a shape that tessellates in interesting ways when repeated and rotated.

      The study of tessellations in geometry has applications beyond art and design. In crystallography, tessellations help explain the structure of crystals and minerals. In architecture and construction, tessellating patterns are used in tile work, brickwork, and other decorative elements. Even in nature, tessellations play a crucial role in the efficient use of space, as seen in the arrangement of scales on fish or the cellular structure of plants.

      Understanding the different types of tessellations opens up a world of possibilities for exploring geometric patterns and spatial relationships. Whether you're interested in mathematics, art, or design, tessellations offer a rich field of study that combines logic and creativity. By experimenting with different shapes and combinations, you can discover new and exciting ways to fill space and create visually captivating patterns that seamlessly blend form and function.

      Mathematical Properties of Tessellations

      Tessellations are fascinating geometric patterns that have captivated mathematicians and artists alike for centuries. In mathematics, to tessellate means to cover a plane with repeated geometric shapes without gaps or overlaps. This concept is not only visually appealing but also rich in mathematical properties that make it a subject of great interest in geometry.

      At the heart of understanding tessellations are polygons, which are closed shapes with straight sides. Not all polygons can tessellate, and this is where the mathematical properties come into play. The key to determining whether a shape can tessellate lies in its interior angles in tessellations. Interior angles in tessellations are the angles inside a polygon, formed by two adjacent sides.

      For a polygon to tessellate, its interior angles must fit together perfectly around a point. This requirement leads us to one of the fundamental rules of tessellations: the sum of the angles meeting at any vertex in a tessellation must be exactly 360 degrees. This rule explains why some shapes tessellate easily while others don't.

      Regular polygons, which have all sides and angles equal, provide a clear illustration of this principle. Equilateral triangles tessellation, squares, and regular hexagons are the only regular polygons that can tessellate by themselves. Let's explore why:

      • Equilateral triangles tessellation have interior angles of 60°. Six of these can fit around a point (6 × 60° = 360°).
      • Squares have interior angles of 90°. Four squares fit perfectly at a vertex (4 × 90° = 360°).
      • Regular hexagons have interior angles of 120°. Three hexagons meet at each vertex (3 × 120° = 360°).

      Other regular polygons, like pentagons or octagons, don't tessellate by themselves because their interior angles don't divide evenly into 360°. However, this doesn't mean they can't be part of a tessellation. By combining different shapes, we can create more complex tessellations that still adhere to the 360° rule at each vertex.

      The concept of interior angles in tessellations is crucial in understanding tessellations. For any polygon, we can calculate the measure of each interior angle using the formula: (n - 2) × 180° / n, where n is the number of sides. This formula is derived from the fact that the sum of interior angles in a polygon is (n - 2) × 180°.

      Understanding these mathematical properties allows us to predict which shapes will tessellate and why. It also opens up possibilities for creating intricate patterns by combining different polygons. For instance, we can create a tessellation using octagons and squares, where the 135° interior angles of the octagon combine with the 90° angles of the square to sum to 360° at each vertex.

      Tessellations also extend beyond regular polygons. Irregular polygons can tessellate if they meet certain conditions. For example, any triangle or quadrilateral can tessellate, regardless of its specific shape. This is because the sum of angles in a triangle is always 180°, and in a quadrilateral, it's always 360°, allowing them to fit together in various configurations.

      The study of tessellations bridges pure mathematics with practical applications. In nature, tessellations appear in structures like honeycomb cells and the scales of fish. In human-made designs, they're used in architecture, tiling, and even in the arrangement of solar panels for maximum efficiency.

      As we delve deeper into the world of tessellations, we encounter more complex mathematical concepts. For instance, the study of aperiodic tilings, which are tessellations that lack translational symmetry, has led to discoveries in crystallography and quantum physics.

      In conclusion, the mathematical properties of tessellations, particularly the role of interior angles and the 360° rule, provide a foundation for understanding these captivating patterns. By exploring what it means to tessellate in math, we unlock a world where geometry, art, and nature intersect, revealing the beautiful order that underlies seemingly complex structures.

      Creating Tessellations

      Tessellations are fascinating geometric patterns that seamlessly cover a surface without gaps or overlaps. Learning how to create tessellations is not only a fun artistic endeavor but also an excellent way to explore mathematical concepts. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating simple tessellations using basic geometric shapes and various techniques.

      Step 1: Choose Your Shape

      Begin by selecting a basic geometric shape as your starting point. Triangles, squares, and hexagons are excellent choices for beginners. These shapes naturally tessellate, making them perfect for your first attempts at creating tessellations in math.

      Step 2: Understand Tessellation Techniques

      There are three primary techniques used to create tessellations:

      • Translation: Sliding the shape in a specific direction without rotating or flipping it.
      • Rotation: Turning the shape around a fixed point.
      • Reflection: Flipping the shape as if it were reflected in a mirror.

      Step 3: Create a Simple Translation Tessellation

      To create a tessellation using translation:

      1. Draw your chosen shape on a piece of paper.
      2. Cut out the shape.
      3. Trace the shape onto a new sheet of paper.
      4. Slide the cutout shape in any direction and trace it again, ensuring it touches the first shape without overlapping.
      5. Repeat this process, filling the entire paper with your shape.

      Step 4: Experiment with Rotation

      To create a tessellation using rotation:

      1. Draw a shape, such as an equilateral triangle.
      2. Choose a vertex as your rotation point.
      3. Rotate the shape 120 degrees around this point and draw it again.
      4. Repeat the rotation once more to complete a full 360-degree turn.
      5. Continue this pattern across your paper.

      Step 5: Try Reflection Tessellations

      To create a tessellation using reflection:

      1. Draw a shape on one side of a line.
      2. Reflect the shape across the line, as if it were a mirror image.
      3. Repeat this process along multiple lines to create your pattern.

      Step 6: Combine Techniques

      Once you're comfortable with individual techniques, try combining them to create more complex tessellations. For example, you could rotate a shape, then translate it, and finally reflect it to create an intricate pattern.

      Step 7: Modify Basic Shapes

      To create more interesting tessellations:

      1. Start with a basic shape that tessellates, like a square.
      2. Cut a section from one side of the shape.
      3. Move that section to the opposite side of the shape.
      4. Ensure the modified shape still fits together without gaps or overlaps.
      5. Use this new shape to create your tessellation.

      Step 8: Explore Color and Design

      Once you've created your tessellation pattern, experiment with colors and additional designs within each shape to bring your creation to life. This is where you can let your creativity shine!


      Creating tessellations is a wonderful way to explore the intersection of art and mathematics. As you practice these techniques, you'll discover endless possibilities for creating beautiful geometric patterns. Remember, the key to mastering tessellations is experimentation. Don't be

      Applications of Tessellations

      Tessellations, a fundamental concept in geometry, have found numerous real-world applications in art, architecture, and nature. These repeating patterns that fill a plane without gaps or overlaps have captivated human imagination for centuries. Understanding tessellations can be incredibly useful in various fields, from design to science.

      In the realm of art, tessellations have been used to create mesmerizing and intricate designs. One of the most famous artists known for his tessellation-based works is M.C. Escher. His mind-bending illustrations, such as "Sky and Water I" and "Reptiles," showcase how tessellations can be manipulated to create optical illusions and seamless transformations between shapes. Escher's work demonstrates the power of tessellations in creating visually stunning and thought-provoking art.

      Architecture has also embraced tessellations, particularly in Islamic geometric patterns. These intricate designs, found in mosques, palaces, and other structures throughout the Islamic world, often feature complex tessellations of stars, polygons, and other shapes. The Alhambra palace in Granada, Spain, is a prime example of this, with its walls and ceilings adorned with breathtaking tessellated patterns. These designs not only serve an aesthetic purpose but also reflect mathematical and spiritual concepts important in Islamic culture.

      Nature itself provides numerous examples of tessellations. Perhaps the most well-known natural tessellation is the honeycomb structure created by bees. This hexagonal pattern is not only visually appealing but also highly efficient in terms of material usage and structural integrity. Other examples of tessellations in nature include the scales on fish and reptiles, the patterns on pineapples, and the arrangement of seeds in sunflowers.

      Understanding tessellations has practical applications in various fields. In materials science, knowledge of tessellations helps in designing stronger and more efficient structures. For instance, graphene, a material composed of tessellating hexagons of carbon atoms, exhibits remarkable strength and conductivity properties. In computer graphics and game design, tessellations are used to create realistic textures and 3D models. The principles of tessellation are also applied in the manufacturing of tiles, wallpapers, and fabrics to create repeating patterns.

      In urban planning and landscape design, tessellations can be used to create efficient and aesthetically pleasing layouts for parks, plazas, and other public spaces. The principles of tessellation can help in maximizing space utilization while creating visually interesting patterns. In the field of crystallography, understanding tessellations is crucial for studying the atomic and molecular structures of crystals.

      As we continue to explore and understand tessellations, new applications are constantly emerging. From creating energy-efficient solar panels to designing self-assembling nanomaterials, the principles of tessellation continue to inspire innovation across various disciplines. By studying these geometric patterns, we not only gain insight into the mathematical beauty of our world but also unlock new possibilities for solving complex problems and creating stunning designs.

      Tessellations and Technology

      Tessellations, a fundamental concept in mathematics, have found remarkable applications in modern technology, particularly in computer graphics, digital design, and 3D modeling. These repeating patterns have become integral to creating visually stunning and efficient digital landscapes. In computer graphics, tessellations are used to create complex geometric shapes and textures, enhancing the realism and detail of digital environments. Game developers and animators leverage tessellation techniques to generate intricate surfaces and terrains, adding depth and richness to virtual worlds.

      Digital design has embraced tessellations as a powerful tool for creating seamless patterns and backgrounds. Graphic designers use tessellation principles to develop eye-catching wallpapers, textile prints, and packaging designs. In the realm of 3D modeling, tessellations play a crucial role in creating mesh structures that form the basis of three-dimensional objects. This application is particularly evident in architectural visualization, product design, and virtual reality experiences.

      Several software tools have emerged to facilitate the creation and study of tessellations in digital contexts. Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW offer features for creating tessellating patterns in vector graphics. For 3D applications, software like Blender and Autodesk Maya provide tessellation modifiers that allow artists to add intricate details to 3D models. Specialized tools like Tessellation Designer and Tess Creator cater specifically to tessellation enthusiasts, offering intuitive interfaces for exploring and generating complex tessellating patterns.

      Beyond aesthetics, tessellations have practical applications in optimizing space utilization and creating efficient packing designs. In logistics and manufacturing, tessellation principles are applied to maximize the use of space in shipping containers and storage facilities. Packaging designers use tessellations to create interlocking shapes that minimize wasted space and materials. This approach not only reduces costs but also contributes to more sustainable packaging solutions.

      The intersection of tessellations and technology extends to scientific visualization as well. Researchers use tessellation algorithms to model and analyze complex molecular structures, crystalline formations, and even cosmic phenomena. In the field of materials science, understanding tessellations at the microscopic level has led to innovations in developing stronger, lighter materials with unique properties.

      As technology continues to evolve, the role of tessellations in digital realms is likely to expand further. From enhancing the realism of virtual environments to optimizing resource utilization in various industries, tessellations remain a powerful concept at the intersection of mathematics and technology. Their ability to create both beauty and efficiency ensures that tessellations will continue to be a valuable tool in the digital designer's arsenal for years to come.


      Tessellations are fascinating geometric patterns that seamlessly cover a plane without gaps or overlaps. As explored in the introduction video, these intricate designs combine art and mathematics, showcasing the beauty of geometry. Tessellations rely on specific shapes that can tessellate, such as triangles, squares, and hexagons. Understanding tessellations enhances spatial reasoning and pattern recognition skills, crucial in fields like architecture, computer graphics, and crystallography. The video provides a solid foundation for grasping this concept, but we encourage you to delve deeper into the world of tessellations. Experiment with creating your own tessellating patterns, explore famous tessellations in art and nature, and consider how this knowledge can be applied in various disciplines. To further engage with tessellations, try designing a unique tessellation artwork, research their applications in technology, or join online communities dedicated to geometric art. The possibilities are endless when you tessellate your imagination!

      Understanding Tessellations: How to Find the Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon

      In this guide, we will explore the method to find the sum of interior angles of any polygon. This step-by-step solution is derived from a detailed explanation provided in a video, ensuring clarity and coherence.

      Step 1: Understanding the Basics

      Before diving into the method for finding the sum of interior angles of a polygon, it's essential to understand some basic concepts. We know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees. This is a fundamental fact that has been drilled into us over the years. Similarly, for squares and rectangles, the sum of the interior angles is 360 degrees because each angle is 90 degrees.

      Step 2: Scaling Up to Polygons

      To find the sum of the interior angles of polygons, we can use the knowledge of triangles. By dividing a polygon into triangles, we can determine the sum of its interior angles. For example, if we take a rectangle and split it into two triangles, each triangle will have an angle sum of 180 degrees. Therefore, the total sum of the interior angles of the rectangle is 360 degrees (180 + 180).

      Step 3: Drawing Triangles within Polygons

      To generalize this method for any polygon, we can draw triangles within the polygon. The key is to ensure that these triangles contain only the interior angles of the polygon. To do this, pick a corner (vertex) of the polygon and draw lines to all other non-adjacent vertices. This will divide the polygon into several triangles.

      Step 4: Counting the Triangles

      Once the polygon is divided into triangles, count the number of triangles formed. For instance, if you have a pentagon (a five-sided polygon), you can divide it into three triangles. Each triangle has an angle sum of 180 degrees. Therefore, the total sum of the interior angles of the pentagon is 3 times 180 degrees, which equals 540 degrees.

      Step 5: Developing a Pattern

      By examining different polygons, we can develop a pattern. For a polygon with 'n' sides, the number of triangles formed is always 'n-2'. This is because each new side adds another triangle to the polygon. For example, a hexagon (six-sided polygon) can be divided into four triangles, and an octagon (eight-sided polygon) can be divided into six triangles.

      Step 6: Formulating the General Rule

      Based on the pattern observed, we can formulate a general rule to find the sum of the interior angles of any polygon. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with 'n' sides is given by the formula:
      Sum of interior angles = (n - 2) × 180 degrees
      Here, 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon. This formula works for any polygon, whether regular (all sides and angles are equal) or irregular (sides and angles are not equal).

      Step 7: Applying the Formula

      To apply this formula, simply substitute the number of sides of the polygon into the formula. For example, for a nonagon (a nine-sided polygon), the sum of the interior angles is:
      Sum of interior angles = (9 - 2) × 180 degrees = 7 × 180 degrees = 1260 degrees
      This formula provides a quick and efficient way to determine the sum of the interior angles of any polygon without having to draw and count triangles each time.


      By understanding the relationship between the number of sides of a polygon and the sum of its interior angles, we can easily calculate the interior angle sum for any polygon using the formula (n - 2) × 180 degrees. This method is not only efficient but also provides a deeper understanding of the geometric properties of polygons.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about tessellations:

      1. What is a tessellation in math?

      A tessellation in math is a pattern of shapes that covers a plane without any gaps or overlaps. It's created by repeating a single shape or a combination of shapes indefinitely.

      2. What shapes can tessellate?

      Regular shapes that can tessellate on their own include equilateral triangles, squares, and regular hexagons. However, any shape can potentially tessellate if it's designed correctly, including irregular shapes and combinations of different shapes.

      3. What are the three types of tessellations?

      The three main types of tessellations are:

      • Regular: Uses only one type of regular polygon
      • Semi-regular: Uses two or more types of regular polygons
      • Irregular: Uses irregular shapes or a combination of regular and irregular shapes

      4. How do you explain tessellation to a child?

      You can explain tessellation to a child as a special way of fitting shapes together like puzzle pieces. These shapes cover an entire area without leaving any empty spaces or overlapping each other, creating a repeating pattern that could go on forever.

      5. What are some real-world examples of tessellations?

      Real-world examples of tessellations include:

      • Honeycomb structures in beehives
      • Tiled floors or walls
      • Fish scales
      • Pineapple skin patterns
      • Brick or stone walls

      Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Tessellations

      Before delving into the fascinating world of tessellations, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain geometric concepts. Two key prerequisite topics that play a significant role in understanding tessellations are polygons and isosceles and equilateral triangles. These fundamental concepts form the building blocks for comprehending the intricate patterns and symmetry found in tessellations.

      A strong grasp of polygons is essential when studying tessellations. Polygons are the basic shapes that form the repeating patterns in tessellations. Understanding their properties, such as the number of sides, angles, and symmetry, is crucial for creating and analyzing tessellations. For instance, knowing how to calculate interior angles in polygons helps in determining which shapes can fit together seamlessly in a tessellation pattern.

      Equally important is the knowledge of isosceles and equilateral triangles. These specific types of triangles often appear in tessellations due to their unique properties. Equilateral triangles, in particular, are frequently used in tessellations because of their perfect symmetry. Understanding the characteristics of equilateral triangles tessellation patterns is fundamental to grasping more complex tessellation concepts.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can more easily comprehend the principles of tessellations. For example, knowing how polygons fit together and understanding the symmetry of equilateral triangles allows students to predict which shapes will tessellate and why. This knowledge base enables them to create their own tessellations and analyze existing patterns in art, nature, and architecture.

      Moreover, these foundational concepts provide the necessary vocabulary and geometric reasoning skills required to discuss and explore tessellations in depth. Students who are well-versed in polygons and triangle types can more readily understand the mathematical properties that make tessellations possible, such as rotational and reflectional symmetry.

      In conclusion, a solid understanding of polygons and isosceles and equilateral triangles is invaluable when studying tessellations. These prerequisite topics provide the necessary foundation for exploring the beauty and complexity of tessellations in mathematics, art, and the world around us. By investing time in mastering these fundamental concepts, students set themselves up for success in understanding and appreciating the intricate world of tessellations.