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  1. Conditionals Overview:
  2. What are Conditionals?
  3. Truth Table for Conditionals
  1. Hypothesis and Conclusions

    Identify the Hypothesis and Conclusion:

    1. If Patsy has a messy hair today, then she will not show up to work.
    2. If two lines are parallel, then they will not intersect.
    3. If a polygon has 3 sides, then it is a triangle.
    4. If the dog is barking, then someone is nearby.
  2. Write each statement in "if, then" form:
    1. The sum of the angles of a 3-sided polygon is 180&#deg;.
    2. In a clear night, we can see the moon.
    3. Getting a bachelor's degree will get you a job.
  3. Truth value of Conditionals

    Determine the truth value of the following conditional statements. If it is false, then find a counterexample:

    1. If a3a \leq 3, then a>3a > 3
    2. If two lines intersect, then it must create a right angle
    3. If a=1a=1, b=2b=2, c=3c=3, then a+b+c>5a+b+c>5
    4. If a polygon has 3 sides, then it is a triangle.
  4. Determine the truth value of the statement below for each set of conditions:

    If I sleep for more than 8 hours, then you will be not tired

    1. I sleep for 9 hours and I am not tired
    2. I sleep for 9 hours and I am tired
    3. I sleep for 6 hours and I am tired
    4. I sleep for 5 hours and I am not tired
    5. I sleep for 8 hours and I am tired
Topic Notes

A conditional statement is a statement written in the form "if, then".
The phrase after the word "if" is called a hypothesis.
The phrase after the word "then" is called the conclusion.
In symbolic form the conditional statement is written as:

pqp \to q

Where pp is the hypothesis, qq is the conclusion, and \to implies it is an "if, then" statement.