Inverse laplace transforms

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  1. What are inverse Laplace Transforms?
  1. Inverse Laplace Transforms

    Find the inverse Laplace Transform of the following functions:

    1. F(s)F(s) = 12s4\frac{12}{s^{4}} - 4s6\frac{4}{s - 6} + 3s\frac{3}{s}
    2. G(s)G(s) = 43s212\frac{4}{3s^{2} - 12} - 3(s5)3\frac{3}{(s - 5)^{3}}
  2. Calculate the inverse Laplace Transform of the following functions:
    1. G(s)G(s) = 7s3s22\frac{7s - 3}{s^{2} - 2}
    2. H(s)H(s) = 3s5s24s+7\frac{3s - 5}{s^{2} - 4s + 7}
  3. For each of the following functions calculate their inverse Laplace Transform:
    1. F(s)F(s) = 7s+3(s3)(s+7)\frac{7s + 3}{(s - 3)(s + 7)}
    2. G(s)G(s) = 3s2+4s7(s2+7)(s3)\frac{3 s^{2} + 4s - 7}{(s^{2} + 7)(s - 3)}
Topic Notes

Introduction to Inverse Laplace Transforms

Inverse Laplace transforms are a fundamental concept in mathematics and engineering, serving as the counterpart to Laplace transforms. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept. Essentially, inverse Laplace transforms convert functions of 's' back to functions of 't', reversing the process of Laplace transforms. This technique is particularly valuable in solving differential equations, making it an indispensable tool in various fields. The inverse Laplace transform allows us to find the original function from its Laplace transform, which is especially useful when dealing with complex systems or equations. By applying the inverse Laplace formula, we can transform solutions from the 's-domain' back to the time domain, providing practical insights into real-world problems. Mastering inverse Laplace transforms is essential for anyone working with solving differential equations or signal processing, as it bridges the gap between theoretical mathematics and practical applications in engineering and physics.

Understanding the Inverse Laplace Transform

The inverse Laplace transform is a fundamental concept in mathematics and engineering, particularly in the field of signal processing and control systems. It allows us to convert a function from the complex frequency domain (s-domain) back to the time domain (t-domain). This process is crucial for solving differential equations and analyzing system responses.

To understand the inverse Laplace transform, we must first recall the Laplace transform. The Laplace transform converts a function f(t) in the time domain to F(s) in the frequency domain. The inverse Laplace transform, denoted as L^(-1){F(s)}, reverses this process, taking us from F(s) back to f(t).

Let's consider the example from the video: 3e^(3t). To find the inverse Laplace transform of this expression, we first need to recognize its Laplace transform. The Laplace transform of e^(at) is 1/(s-a), where 'a' is a constant. In our case, a = 3, and we have an additional factor of 3. So, the Laplace transform of 3e^(3t) is 3/(s-3).

Now, to find the inverse Laplace transform, we use the notation L^(-1){F(s)} = f(t). In this case, L^(-1){3/(s-3)} = 3e^(3t). This process demonstrates how we can move from the s-domain back to the t-domain.

The relationship between Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms is bijective, meaning each function in the time domain has a unique corresponding function in the frequency domain, and vice versa. This one-to-one correspondence is what makes the Laplace transform such a powerful tool in solving differential equations and analyzing systems.

To further illustrate the process of finding the inverse Laplace transform, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have F(s) = 1/(s^2 + 4). To find f(t), we recognize this as the Laplace transform of the sine function. Using inverse Laplace transform tables or the inverse Laplace transform formula, we can determine that L^(-1){1/(s^2 + 4)} = (1/2)sin(2t).

The inverse Laplace transform formula is a complex integral that allows us to find f(t) given F(s). However, in practice, we often use tables of common Laplace transform pairs or partial fraction decomposition to simplify the process. These methods make it easier to find the inverse Laplace transform of more complicated functions.

Understanding and applying the inverse Laplace transform is crucial in various fields, including electrical engineering, control systems, and signal processing. It allows engineers and scientists to analyze system responses, solve differential equations, and design complex systems more effectively.

In conclusion, the inverse Laplace transform is a powerful mathematical tool that enables us to convert functions from the frequency domain back to the time domain. By understanding this concept and its relationship to the Laplace transform, we can solve a wide range of problems in engineering and applied mathematics. Whether you're analyzing circuit behavior, designing control systems, or studying signal processing, mastering the inverse Laplace transform is an essential skill that opens up new possibilities in understanding and manipulating complex systems.

Properties of Inverse Laplace Transforms

The linearity property of inverse Laplace transforms is a fundamental concept in signal processing and control systems. This property allows engineers and mathematicians to simplify complex problems by breaking them down into more manageable parts. The linearity property states that the inverse Laplace transform of a sum of functions is equal to the sum of the inverse Laplace transforms of those individual functions.

The formula for the linearity property can be expressed as:

L-1{aF(s) + bG(s)} = aL-1{F(s)} + bL-1{G(s)}

Where L-1 denotes the inverse Laplace transform, F(s) and G(s) are functions in the s-domain, and a and b are constants. This property is significant because it allows us to break down complex transforms into simpler parts, making calculations more manageable and efficient.

For example, consider the inverse Laplace transform example of the function:

H(s) = 3/(s+2) + 2/(s+1)

Using the linearity property, we can solve this problem by breaking it down:

L-1{H(s)} = L-1{3/(s+2)} + L-1{2/(s+1)}

Now, we can apply the inverse Laplace transform to each term separately:

L-1{3/(s+2)} = 3e-2t

L-1{2/(s+1)} = 2e-t

Therefore, the final solution is:

h(t) = 3e-2t + 2e-t

This example demonstrates how the linearity property simplifies the process of finding inverse Laplace transforms. By breaking down complex functions into simpler components, we can solve problems more efficiently and with greater accuracy. The linearity property is particularly useful when dealing with systems that involve multiple inputs or when analyzing the response of a system to various stimuli.

In conclusion, the linearity property of inverse Laplace transforms is a powerful tool that enables engineers and mathematicians to tackle complex problems by breaking them down into more manageable parts. By understanding and applying this property, we can simplify calculations, improve problem-solving efficiency, and gain deeper insights into the behavior of dynamic systems.

Common Inverse Laplace Transforms

Inverse Laplace transforms are essential tools in solving differential equations and analyzing systems in various fields of engineering and applied mathematics. This section presents a comprehensive list of common inverse Laplace transforms and demonstrates how to use them effectively in problem-solving.

Table of Common Inverse Laplace Transforms

F(s) f(t)
1/s 1
1/sn tn-1/(n-1)!
1/(s-a) eat
s/(s2 + a2) cos(at)
a/(s2 + a2) sin(at)
1/(s2 + a2) (1/a)sin(at)
e-as/s u(t-a)

Using Common Inverse Laplace Transforms

To find the inverse Laplace transform of a function, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the given function F(s) in the Laplace domain.
  2. Compare the function with the entries in the table of common inverse Laplace transforms.
  3. If an exact match is found, write down the corresponding time-domain function f(t).
  4. If no exact match is found, try to decompose the function into simpler parts using partial fraction decomposition or other algebraic techniques.
  5. Apply the linearity property of inverse Laplace transforms to combine the results.

Examples of Finding Inverse Laplace Transforms

Example 1: Find the inverse Laplace transform of 1/s

Solution: From the table, we can see that the inverse Laplace transform of 1/s is 1. Therefore, L-1{1/s} = 1.

Example 2: Find the inverse Laplace transform of 1/s2

Solution: Using the table, we see that for 1/sn, the inverse Laplace transform is tn-1/(n-1)!. In this case, n = 2, so:

L-1{1/s2} = t2-1/(2-1)! = t

Example 3: Find the inverse Laplace transform of 1/(s-3)

Solution: This matches the form 1/(s-a) in the table, where a = 3. Therefore:

L-1{1/(s-3)} = e3t

Example 4: Find the inverse Laplace transform of (s+2)/(s2+4)

Solution: This function can be decomposed into two parts:


Using partial fraction decomposition, we can separate the function into simpler fractions and then find the inverse Laplace transform of each part.

These inverse Laplace transform examples demonstrate the process of finding the time-domain function from the Laplace domain representation.

Techniques for Solving Inverse Laplace Transforms

When it comes to solving more complex inverse Laplace transform examples, several advanced techniques can be employed. In this section, we'll explore these methods, focusing on partial fraction decomposition and its application in inverse transforms. We'll also discuss how to handle rational functions in s-domain and products in the s-domain, providing detailed examples to illustrate each technique.

One of the most powerful tools for solving inverse Laplace transforms is partial fraction decomposition. This method is particularly useful when dealing with rational functions in s-domain. To find the inverse Laplace transform of a complex fraction, we first break it down into simpler fractions, which can then be easily transformed using standard inverse Laplace formulas.

Let's consider an example to demonstrate this technique. Suppose we need to find the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = (s + 2) / (s^2 + 3s + 2). To apply partial fraction decomposition, we first factor the denominator: (s^2 + 3s + 2) = (s + 1)(s + 2). Then, we express F(s) as the sum of two simpler fractions: F(s) = A / (s + 1) + B / (s + 2), where A and B are constants to be determined. By solving a system of equations, we find A = 1 and B = -1. Thus, F(s) = 1 / (s + 1) - 1 / (s + 2). Now, we can easily apply the inverse Laplace transform to each term separately, resulting in f(t) = e^(-t) - e^(-2t).

Another important technique is handling products in the s-domain. When faced with a product of two functions in the Laplace domain, we can use the convolution theorem in Laplace transforms. This theorem states that the inverse Laplace transform of a product in the s-domain is equal to the convolution of the inverse transforms of the individual functions in the time domain. Mathematically, if F(s) = G(s)H(s), then f(t) = (g * h)(t) = [0 to t] g(τ)h(t - τ)dτ.

For example, let's find the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 1 / (s(s + 1)). We can rewrite this as F(s) = (1/s) * (1/(s + 1)). The inverse Laplace transform of 1/s is 1, and the inverse of 1/(s + 1) is e^(-t). Applying the convolution theorem in Laplace transforms, we get f(t) = [0 to t] 1 * e^(-(t - τ))dτ = 1 - e^(-t).

When dealing with rational functions in s-domain, it's often helpful to use long division in Laplace transforms before applying partial fraction decomposition. This is particularly useful when the degree of the numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of the denominator. By performing long division, we can separate the function into a polynomial part and a proper rational function, which can then be further decomposed using partial fractions.

For instance, consider F(s) = (s^2 + 3s + 2) / (s + 1). Performing long division in Laplace transforms, we get F(s) = s + 2 + 1 / (s + 1). Now, finding the inverse Laplace transform is straightforward: f(t) = δ'(t) + 2δ(t) + e^(-t), where Dirac delta function in Laplace transforms and δ'(t) is its derivative.

Another useful technique is the method of completing the square in Laplace transforms, which can be applied to quadratic terms in the denominator. This is particularly helpful when dealing with complex roots. For example, to find the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = 1 / (s^2 + 2s + 5), we can complete the square in the denominator: F(s) = 1 / ((s + 1)^2 + 4). Recognizing this as a standard form, we can proceed with the inverse transform.

Applications of Inverse Laplace Transforms

Inverse Laplace transforms play a crucial role in various fields of engineering and applied mathematics, particularly in solving differential equations. This powerful mathematical tool allows us to transform complex problems in the time domain into simpler algebraic equations in the frequency domain, solve them, and then transform the solutions back to the time domain. The process of using Laplace transforms to solve differential equations involves three main steps: applying the Laplace transform, solving in the s-domain, and using the inverse Laplace transform to obtain the final solution.

The Laplace transform, denoted as L{f(t)} = F(s), converts a function of time f(t) into a function of complex frequency F(s). This transformation simplifies differential equations by turning them into algebraic equations, which are generally easier to solve. Once we have the solution in the s-domain, we use the inverse Laplace transform, denoted as L^(-1){F(s)} = f(t), to convert the solution back to the time domain.

One of the most significant applications of inverse Laplace transforms is in solving initial value problems in differential equations. This method is particularly useful in analyzing linear time-invariant systems in various engineering disciplines, such as electrical, mechanical, and control systems. It's also extensively used in signal processing, circuit analysis, and the study of vibrations.

Let's consider a simple example to illustrate the process of solving a differential equation using Laplace transforms. Suppose we have the following second-order differential equation:

d^2y/dt^2 + 4dy/dt + 4y = 0, with initial conditions y(0) = 1 and y'(0) = 0

Step 1: Apply the Laplace transform to both sides of the equation. Using the linearity property and the Laplace transform of derivatives, we get:

s^2Y(s) - sy(0) - y'(0) + 4[sY(s) - y(0)] + 4Y(s) = 0

Step 2: Substitute the initial conditions and solve for Y(s) in the s-domain:

s^2Y(s) - s + 4sY(s) - 4 + 4Y(s) = 0

(s^2 + 4s + 4)Y(s) = s + 4

Y(s) = (s + 4) / (s^2 + 4s + 4)

Step 3: Use partial fraction decomposition to simplify Y(s):

Y(s) = 1 / (s + 2)

Step 4: Apply the inverse Laplace transform to obtain the solution in the time domain:

y(t) = e^(-2t)

This example demonstrates how Laplace transforms simplify the process of solving differential equations. Instead of dealing with complex differential operations, we work with algebraic equations in the s-domain, which are often more manageable. The inverse Laplace transform then allows us to convert our solution back to the time domain, giving us the desired function y(t).

In more complex systems, such as those encountered in control theory or signal processing, the power of Laplace transforms becomes even more evident. They allow engineers and mathematicians to analyze system stability, determine frequency responses, and design controllers more efficiently than traditional methods of solving differential equations.

In conclusion, inverse Laplace transforms are an indispensable tool in the mathematician's and engineer's toolkit. By bridging the gap between the time and frequency domains, they provide a powerful method for solving differential equations and analyzing complex systems across various scientific and engineering disciplines.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Success

When working with inverse Laplace transforms, students often encounter challenges that can lead to errors. Understanding these common mistakes and learning how to avoid them is crucial for mastering this important mathematical technique. One frequent error is misapplying the inverse Laplace formula, which can result in incorrect solutions. Students should always double-check their use of the formula and ensure they're following the correct steps.

Another common pitfall is failing to recognize the appropriate form of the function before attempting to find the inverse Laplace transform. It's essential to simplify and manipulate the expression into a recognizable form that matches standard inverse Laplace transform pairs. This step often requires a solid understanding of partial fraction decomposition and algebraic manipulation.

To successfully apply inverse transforms, students should follow these tips: 1. Review and memorize common Laplace transform pairs and their inverses. 2. Practice simplifying complex fractions and expressions before applying the inverse transform. 3. Use partial fraction decomposition when dealing with rational functions. 4. Pay close attention to initial conditions and boundary values, as these can affect the final solution. 5. Always verify your answer by taking the Laplace transform of your result to see if it matches the original function.

Checking answers is a crucial step in the process. After finding the inverse Laplace transform, students should take the Laplace transform of their solution to see if it matches the original function. This verification process helps catch errors and builds confidence in the result. Additionally, graphing both the original function and the inverse transform can provide a visual confirmation of the solution's correctness.

To avoid common pitfalls, students should: 1. Be cautious with sign changes during algebraic manipulations. 2. Pay attention to the domain of the resulting function, especially when dealing with step functions or piecewise definitions. 3. Remember to include all terms when dealing with partial fraction decomposition. 4. Be aware of the limitations of tables and software tools, and understand when manual calculations are necessary.

The importance of practice cannot be overstated when it comes to mastering inverse Laplace transforms. Regular problem-solving sessions, working through varied examples, and challenging oneself with increasingly complex problems are all essential for developing proficiency. Understanding the underlying concepts, such as the relationship between time and frequency domains, is crucial for applying inverse Laplace transforms effectively in real-world engineering and physics problems.

By focusing on these tips and being aware of common mistakes, students can improve their ability to find the inverse Laplace transform of various functions accurately and efficiently. With consistent practice and a solid grasp of the fundamentals, mastering this powerful mathematical tool becomes an achievable goal.


In this article, we've explored the crucial concept of inverse Laplace transforms and their pivotal role in solving differential equations. We've covered the fundamental principles, step-by-step methods, and practical applications of this powerful mathematical tool. Understanding inverse Laplace transforms is essential for engineers, physicists, and mathematicians alike, as it provides a streamlined approach to tackling complex differential equations. To solidify your grasp of this topic, we encourage you to practice with various examples and revisit the introductory video for visual reinforcement. Remember, mastering inverse Laplace transforms opens doors to solving differential equations in fields such as control systems, signal processing, and circuit analysis. As you continue your mathematical journey, consider delving deeper into advanced applications of Laplace transforms and exploring related topics in differential equations. Don't hesitate to engage with online forums or seek additional resources to further enhance your understanding of this fundamental mathematical concept.


Inverse Laplace Transforms

Find the inverse Laplace Transform of the following functions:

F(s)F(s) = 12s4\frac{12}{s^{4}} - 4s6\frac{4}{s - 6} + 3s\frac{3}{s}

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

To find the inverse Laplace transform of the given function F(s)F(s), we need to break it down into simpler parts. The function is given as: \[ F(s) = \frac{12}{s^{4}} - \frac{4}{s - 6} + \frac{3}{s} \] We will find the inverse Laplace transform of each term separately and then combine the results.

Step 2: Analyzing the First Term 12s4\frac{12}{s^{4}}

We start by looking at the first term 12s4\frac{12}{s^{4}}. According to the Laplace transform table, the inverse Laplace transform of 1sn+1\frac{1}{s^{n+1}} is tnn!\frac{t^n}{n!}. Here, n+1=4n+1 = 4, so n=3n = 3. Therefore, the inverse Laplace transform of 1s4\frac{1}{s^{4}} is t33!\frac{t^3}{3!}. Since 3!=63! = 6, the inverse Laplace transform of 1s4\frac{1}{s^{4}} is t36\frac{t^3}{6}. To match the numerator 12, we multiply by 12: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{12}{s^{4}}\right\} = 12 \cdot \frac{t^3}{6} = 2t^3

Step 3: Analyzing the Second Term 4s6\frac{4}{s - 6}

Next, we consider the term 4s6\frac{4}{s - 6}. The inverse Laplace transform of 1sa\frac{1}{s - a} is eate^{at}. Here, a=6a = 6. Therefore, the inverse Laplace transform of 1s6\frac{1}{s - 6} is e6te^{6t}. To match the numerator -4, we multiply by -4: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{-4}{s - 6}\right\} = -4e^{6t}

Step 4: Analyzing the Third Term 3s\frac{3}{s}

Finally, we look at the term 3s\frac{3}{s}. The inverse Laplace transform of 1s\frac{1}{s} is 1. Therefore, the inverse Laplace transform of 3s\frac{3}{s} is simply 3: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{3}{s}\right\} = 3

Step 5: Combining the Results

Now that we have found the inverse Laplace transforms of each term, we combine them to get the final result: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{F(s)\right\} = \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{12}{s^{4}}\right\} - \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{4}{s - 6}\right\} + \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{\frac{3}{s}\right\} \] \[ = 2t^3 - 4e^{6t} + 3


By following these steps, we have successfully found the inverse Laplace transform of the given function F(s)F(s). The final result is: \[ \mathcal{L}^{-1}\left\{F(s)\right\} = 2t^3 - 4e^{6t} + 3


Q1: What is the inverse Laplace transform?
A1: The inverse Laplace transform is a mathematical operation that converts a function from the complex frequency domain (s-domain) back to the time domain (t-domain). It is denoted as L^(-1){F(s)} = f(t), where F(s) is the Laplace transform of f(t).

Q2: How do you calculate the inverse Laplace transform?
A2: To calculate the inverse Laplace transform, you can use several methods: 1. Use a table of common Laplace transform pairs. 2. Apply partial fraction decomposition for complex rational functions. 3. Use the inverse Laplace transform formula (complex integral). 4. Utilize properties like linearity and shifting. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the function in the s-domain.

Q3: What is the inverse Laplace transform of 1/s?
A3: The inverse Laplace transform of 1/s is 1. This is one of the fundamental pairs in Laplace transform theory. Mathematically, L^(-1){1/s} = 1 for t 0. This result is often used as a building block for more complex inverse transforms.

Q4: How do you find the inverse Laplace transform of (s + 4)/(s^2 + 4s + 4)?
A4: To find the inverse Laplace transform of (s + 4)/(s^2 + 4s + 4): 1. Factor the denominator: (s^2 + 4s + 4) = (s + 2)^2 2. Rewrite as: 1 + 2/(s + 2) 3. Use linearity: L^(-1){1} + L^(-1){2/(s + 2)} 4. The inverse transform is: 1 + 2e^(-2t)

Q5: What are the basic formulas of inverse Laplace transforms?
A5: Some basic inverse Laplace transform formulas include: 1. L^(-1){1/s} = 1 2. L^(-1){1/s^n} = t^(n-1)/(n-1)! for n > 0 3. L^(-1){1/(s-a)} = e^(at) 4. L^(-1){a/(s^2 + a^2)} = sin(at) 5. L^(-1){s/(s^2 + a^2)} = cos(at) These formulas form the foundation for solving more complex inverse Laplace transforms.

Prerequisite Topics for Inverse Laplace Transforms

Understanding inverse Laplace transforms is crucial in various fields of mathematics and engineering. However, to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the fundamental prerequisites is the introduction to the Laplace transform. This topic provides the groundwork for understanding Laplace transform pairs, which are integral to performing inverse transformations.

Another critical prerequisite is partial fraction decomposition. This algebraic technique is frequently used in the process of finding inverse Laplace transforms, especially when dealing with complex rational functions. Mastery of partial fraction decomposition allows students to break down complicated expressions into simpler forms that are more manageable for inverse transformation.

When working with inverse Laplace transforms, you'll often encounter problems involving solving differential equations with step functions. This topic is crucial for understanding how to handle discontinuities and sudden changes in functions within the Laplace transform domain.

To effectively perform inverse transformations, a strong grasp of calculating Laplace transforms is necessary. This includes understanding the convolution theorem in Laplace transforms, which is often used in solving complex inverse transform problems.

The Dirac delta function is another important concept in the realm of Laplace transforms. Familiarity with this function and its properties in Laplace transforms is essential for handling impulse responses and other specialized scenarios in inverse transformations.

While it might seem unexpected, polynomial long division plays a significant role in inverse Laplace transforms. This algebraic skill is often employed in the process of simplifying complex fractions before applying inverse transform techniques.

Lastly, understanding the broader context of modeling with differential equations provides valuable insight into the practical applications of inverse Laplace transforms. This includes solving initial value problems in differential equations, which is a common application of the inverse Laplace transform method.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of inverse Laplace transforms. Each of these areas contributes uniquely to the understanding and application of this powerful mathematical tool, enabling a more comprehensive and intuitive grasp of the subject matter.

To solve a differential equation using a Laplace Transform it will also be necessary to know how to use an Inverse Laplace Transform

Finding the Inverse Laplace Transform involves turning the Laplace Transform of a function back into that function.

L1F(s)L^{-1}{F(s)} = f(t)f(t)

For example from the section Calculating Laplace Transforms we saw,

LL{3e3te^{3t}} = 3s3\frac{3}{s - 3}

So to find out the inverse of the Laplace Transform of 3s3\frac{3}{s - 3}:

L1L^{-1}{3s3\frac{3}{s-3}} = 3e3te^{3t}

The same rule of Linearity applies:

L1L^{-1}{aF(s)a F(s) + bG(s)bG(s)} = aL1aL^{-1}{F(s)F(s)} + bL1bL^{-1} {G(s)G(s)}