Redox titrations

  1. Using titration for redox reactions.
  2. Recap of titration.
  3. Titration for redox reactions.
  4. Redox titration: Worked example
  5. Winkler method to find BOD.
  6. Worked example: Winkler method.
  1. Find the full equation and concentration of substances in a redox titration.
    A solution containing Co2+ ions of unknown concentration is made. 25mL of this Co2+ solution was measured and was titrated by 0.25M MnO4- solution until equivalence point was reached. An average titre of 16.20 mL MnO4- solution was required. The reaction produces Mn2+ and Co3+ ions.

    Write the full redox equation for this reaction and find the concentration of the aqueous Co2+ solution.
    1. Find the full equation and concentration of substances in a redox titration.
      A solution containing I- ions of unknown concentration is made. 25mL of this solution is measured precisely and is titrated by 0.18M MnO4- solution until the equivalence point is reached. This is repeated, to find an average titre of 19.55 mL MnO4- solution being needed to completely react the I- ions.

      Write the full redox equation for this reaction and find the concentration of the aqueous I- solution.
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations are a fundamental analytical technique in chemistry, essential for determining the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents in a solution. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this crucial concept, serving as an excellent starting point for students and researchers alike. Similar to acid-base titrations, redox titrations involve the gradual addition of one solution to another until the reaction reaches completion. However, instead of neutralizing acids and bases, redox titrations focus on the transfer of electrons between oxidizing and reducing agents. This process allows for precise quantification of these agents in various samples. Understanding redox titrations is vital for applications in environmental analysis, industrial quality control, and pharmaceutical research. By mastering this technique, chemists can accurately measure the concentration of important substances like vitamin C, chlorine in water, or iron in ore samples. The principles of redox titrations form the foundation for more advanced electrochemical methods and are indispensable in modern analytical chemistry.

      Principles of Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations are fundamental analytical techniques in chemistry that rely on oxidation-reduction reactions to determine the concentration of an unknown analyte. These titrations are based on the transfer of electrons between species, making them distinct from acid-base titrations. Understanding the principles of redox titrations is crucial for chemists and researchers working in various fields.

      At the core of redox titrations are oxidation states, which represent the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound. During a redox reaction, the oxidation states of the reactants change as electrons are transferred. This electron transfer is the key differentiator between redox titrations and acid-base titrations, which involve proton transfer.

      In a typical redox titration, an oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) reacts with a reducing agent (electron donor). The endpoint of the titration is reached when the amount of oxidizing agent added is chemically equivalent to the amount of reducing agent present in the sample. This equivalence point is often detected through color changes in redox reactions, which serve as visual indicators of the reaction's progress.

      Color changes in redox reactions are particularly useful as indicators because many redox reactions involve transitions between differently colored species. For example, the deep purple color of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) disappears as it is reduced to the colorless Mn2+ ion. Similarly, the yellow-orange color of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) changes to a blue-green as it is reduced to Cr3+ ions. These color changes provide a clear visual cue for the titration endpoint, making them invaluable in both laboratory and industrial settings.

      Common oxidizing agents used in redox titrations include potassium permanganate (KMnO4), potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), and iodine (I2). These compounds readily accept electrons, making them effective for quantifying reducing agents. On the other hand, common reducing agents include ferrous ions (Fe2+), oxalate ions (C2O42-), and thiosulfate ions (S2O32-). These species easily donate electrons and are used to quantify oxidizing agents.

      Compared to acid-base titrations, redox titrations offer several advantages. They can be used to analyze a wider range of substances, including those that do not exhibit acid-base properties. Redox titrations are often more sensitive and can detect lower concentrations of analytes. Additionally, the color changes in redox reactions can be more dramatic and easier to observe than those in acid-base titrations, which typically rely on pH indicators.

      However, redox titrations also present some challenges. The reactions can be more complex, involving multiple electron transfers and intermediate species. This complexity can make it more difficult to determine the exact stoichiometry of the reaction. Furthermore, some redox reactions are sensitive to pH, temperature, or the presence of other ions, requiring careful control of reaction conditions.

      The importance of oxidation states in redox titrations cannot be overstated. By tracking changes in oxidation states, chemists can balance redox equations and determine the number of electrons transferred in a reaction. This information is crucial for calculating the concentration of the unknown analyte. For instance, in the titration of Fe2+ with KMnO4, the iron's oxidation state changes from +2 to +3, while manganese is reduced from +7 to +2, involving a transfer of 5 electrons per manganese ion.

      Electron transfer in redox reactions is the driving force behind these titrations. The flow of electrons from the reducing agent to the oxidizing agent creates an electric current, which can be measured using electrochemical methods. This principle forms the basis of potentiometric titrations, where the endpoint is determined by measuring the change in electrode potential rather than relying on color changes.

      In conclusion, redox titrations are powerful analytical tools that leverage the principles of electron transfer and oxidation state changes. Their ability to utilize dramatic color changes as indicators, coupled with their versatility in analyzing various substances, makes them indispensable in chemical analysis. By understanding the fundamental principles of redox titrations, including the roles of oxidizing and reducing agents, chemists can accurately determine the concentrations of unknown analytes and gain valuable insights into chemical processes.

      Performing Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations are essential analytical techniques in chemistry used to determine the concentration of an unknown oxidizing or reducing agent. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of performing a redox titration, from setup to calculations.

      Step 1: Setup and Preparation

      Begin by assembling the necessary equipment: a burette, pipette, Erlenmeyer flask, and appropriate indicators. Clean all glassware thoroughly to avoid contamination. Fill the burette with the standardized titrant solution, ensuring there are no air bubbles. Use the pipette to transfer a precise volume of the analyte solution into the Erlenmeyer flask.

      Step 2: Standardization

      Before performing the actual titration, it's crucial to standardize the titrant solution. This process involves titrating the solution against a primary standard of known concentration. Standardization ensures the accuracy of your subsequent measurements. Calculate the exact concentration of your titrant using the results of this standardization.

      Step 3: Performing the Titration

      Add a few drops of an appropriate indicator to the analyte solution in the Erlenmeyer flask. Begin adding the titrant from the burette in small increments, swirling the flask after each addition to ensure thorough mixing. As you approach the endpoint, add the titrant drop by drop, observing any color changes or other signs of the reaction nearing completion.

      Step 4: Endpoint Determination

      The endpoint of a redox titration is the point at which the amount of titrant added is chemically equivalent to the amount of analyte in the solution. This is often indicated by a sharp color change of the indicator. In some cases, potentiometric methods may be used for more precise endpoint determination. Record the volume of titrant added at the endpoint.

      Step 5: Calculations

      To determine the concentration of the unknown analyte, use the balanced redox equation, molar ratios, and the known concentration of the titrant. Here's a worked example:

      Example: You're titrating an unknown concentration of Fe2+ with 0.02 M KMnO4. The balanced equation is:

      5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+ 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O

      If 25.0 mL of the Fe2+ solution required 20.0 mL of KMnO4 to reach the endpoint, calculate the concentration of Fe2+.

      Step 1: Calculate moles of KMnO4 used
      Moles KMnO4 = Concentration × Volume = 0.02 M × 0.020 L = 0.0004 moles

      Step 2: Use the molar ratio from the balanced equation
      5 moles Fe2+ : 1 mole MnO4-
      Moles Fe2+ = 5 × 0.0004 = 0.002 moles

      Step 3: Calculate concentration of Fe2+
      Concentration = Moles ÷ Volume = 0.002 moles ÷ 0.025 L = 0.08 M

      Therefore, the concentration of the Fe2

      Applications of Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations are powerful analytical techniques widely used in chemistry and related fields to determine the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents in solutions. These versatile methods find applications in various domains, including analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring, and industrial processes. By understanding the principles of electron transfer reactions, scientists and researchers can leverage redox titrations to obtain precise and accurate results in diverse scenarios.

      In analytical chemistry, redox titrations play a crucial role in quantitative analysis. One common application is the determination of iron content in samples. For instance, the titration of Fe2+ ions with potassium permanganate (KMnO4) allows for the accurate measurement of iron concentration in water samples, minerals, or steel alloys. This method is particularly useful in quality control processes for iron-containing products. Another important application in analytical chemistry is the iodometric titration, which is used to determine the concentration of oxidizing agents such as chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or dissolved oxygen in water samples.

      Environmental monitoring heavily relies on redox titrations to assess water quality and pollution levels. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) test, a key parameter in water quality analysis, utilizes redox titration to measure the amount of organic pollutants in water. In this test, potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) oxidizes organic matter, and the excess dichromate is then titrated with ferrous ammonium sulfate to determine the COD value. Additionally, redox titrations are employed to measure dissolved oxygen levels in natural water bodies, which is crucial for assessing aquatic ecosystem health and identifying potential eutrophication issues.

      In the realm of industrial processes, redox titrations find extensive applications in quality control and process optimization. The paper and pulp industry, for example, uses redox titrations to determine the concentration of bleaching agents like chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide in pulp samples. This ensures optimal bleaching efficiency and helps maintain product quality. In the pharmaceutical industry, redox titrations are utilized to assess the purity and potency of certain drugs, such as ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in pharmaceutical formulations. The food industry also benefits from redox titrations, particularly in determining the concentration of antioxidants in food products or evaluating the freshness of edible oils through peroxide value measurements.

      The versatility of redox titrations extends to other fields as well. In forensic science, these techniques can be employed to analyze trace evidence, such as determining the concentration of ethanol in blood samples for drunk driving cases. In agriculture, redox titrations help assess soil fertility by measuring the concentration of micronutrients like iron or manganese. The petroleum industry utilizes redox titrations to determine the sulfur content in fuel oils, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and product specifications.

      The effectiveness of redox titrations in determining the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents lies in their ability to exploit electron transfer reactions. During a redox titration, the analyte (the substance being analyzed) undergoes oxidation or reduction by reacting with a standardized titrant of known concentration. The endpoint of the titration is typically detected through a visible color change, often aided by the use of appropriate indicators. For instance, in the permanganate titration of Fe2+ ions, the endpoint is marked by the appearance of a faint pink color, indicating the presence of excess permanganate. In some cases, potentiometric methods using electrodes can provide even more precise endpoint detection.

      To ensure accurate results, careful standardization of the titrant and proper selection of indicators are crucial. Many redox titrations require specific pH conditions to proceed effectively, necessitating the use of buffer solutions. Furthermore, the choice of titration method depends on factors such as the nature of the analyte, its concentration range, and potential interfering substances present in the sample. By considering these factors and following proper analytical procedures, researchers can harness the full potential of redox titrations to obtain reliable and reproducible results across various applications.

      In conclusion, redox titrations serve as indispensable tools in chemistry and related fields, offering a wide range of applications in analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring, and industrial processes. Their ability to accurately determine the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents makes them valuable in diverse scenarios, from water quality assessment to pharmaceutical quality control. As analytical techniques continue to evolve, redox titrations remain a fundamental and reliable method for quantitative analysis, contributing significantly to scientific research, industrial quality assurance

      The Winkler Method for Dissolved Oxygen

      The Winkler method is a crucial technique in environmental chemistry and water quality assessment, specifically designed to determine the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water samples. This method, developed by Lajos Winkler in 1888, is a prime example of redox titration and remains a standard procedure in water analysis laboratories worldwide.

      Dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter in aquatic ecosystems, directly influencing the survival of aquatic organisms and the overall health of water bodies. The Winkler method's importance lies in its accuracy and reliability in measuring dissolved oxygen levels, which are essential for assessing water quality, monitoring pollution, and determining the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of water samples.

      The Winkler method involves a series of chemical reactions that ultimately allow for the quantification of dissolved oxygen. The process begins by adding manganese(II) sulfate to the water sample, followed by a strongly alkaline solution of potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide. In the presence of dissolved oxygen, the manganese(II) ions are oxidized to manganese(III) hydroxide:

      Mn2+ + 2OH- + ½O2 Mn(OH)3

      Next, the sample is acidified with sulfuric acid, which causes the manganese(III) hydroxide to react with iodide ions, releasing iodine:

      2Mn(OH)3 + 2I- + 6H+ 2Mn2+ + I2 + 6H2O

      The amount of iodine released is proportional to the original dissolved oxygen concentration. The final step involves titrating the iodine with a standardized sodium thiosulfate solution:

      I2 + 2S2O32- 2I- + S4O62-

      The endpoint of the titration is typically determined using a starch indicator, which turns the solution blue in the presence of iodine and becomes colorless at the endpoint. By measuring the volume of sodium thiosulfate used, analysts can calculate the original dissolved oxygen concentration in the water sample.

      Interpreting the results of the Winkler method is crucial for understanding water quality and ecosystem health. The dissolved oxygen concentration is typically expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). In natural waters, dissolved oxygen levels can range from 0 to 14 mg/L, with most aquatic life requiring at least 5-6 mg/L for optimal health.

      The Winkler method plays a vital role in determining the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), a key indicator of organic pollution in water. BOD measures the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms as they decompose organic matter in the water. To determine BOD, analysts perform the Winkler method on two samples from the same source: one immediately and another after five days of incubation at 20°C. The difference in dissolved oxygen levels between these two measurements represents the BOD5 value.

      Interpreting BOD results is essential for assessing water quality and pollution levels. Generally, unpolluted waters have a BOD5 below 1 mg/L, while moderately polluted waters may have BOD5 values between 2-8 mg/L. Heavily polluted waters can exhibit BOD5 values exceeding 8 mg/L, indicating significant organic contamination and potential risks to aquatic life.

      The Winkler method's accuracy and reliability make it invaluable in various environmental applications. It is used in monitoring the health of rivers, lakes, and oceans, assessing the impact of waste

      Challenges and Limitations of Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations are powerful analytical techniques used to determine the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents in a solution. However, like any analytical method, they come with their own set of challenges and limitations. Understanding these issues is crucial for researchers and chemists to ensure accurate and reliable results.

      One of the primary challenges in redox titrations is the presence of interfering substances. These are compounds in the sample that can react with either the analyte or the titrant, leading to inaccurate results. For example, in the determination of iron content using permanganate titration, the presence of chloride ions can interfere by reacting with permanganate, causing an overestimation of the iron concentration. To overcome this, chemists often employ masking agents or separation techniques to remove or neutralize the interfering substances before the titration.

      Side reactions pose another significant challenge in redox titrations. These are undesired reactions that occur alongside the main redox reaction, potentially skewing the results. For instance, in the titration of oxalic acid with permanganate, the formation of manganese dioxide can occur as a side reaction, affecting the endpoint determination. To minimize the impact of side reactions, careful control of reaction conditions, such as pH and temperature, is essential. Additionally, using an excess of a complexing agent can sometimes help suppress unwanted side reactions.

      The importance of proper technique cannot be overstated in redox titrations. Errors in measurement, improper standardization of solutions, or incorrect endpoint determination can significantly affect the accuracy of results. For example, in iodometric titrations, exposure to air can lead to the oxidation of iodide to iodine, introducing errors. To address this, analysts must work quickly and efficiently, often using an inert atmosphere or adding stabilizing agents to prevent unwanted oxidation.

      Another limitation of redox titrations is their sensitivity to pH changes. Many redox reactions are pH-dependent, and slight variations in acidity or basicity can alter the reaction equilibrium or kinetics. This is particularly evident in titrations involving weak acids or bases. To overcome this, buffer solutions are often employed to maintain a constant pH throughout the titration process.

      The choice of indicator in visual redox titrations can also present challenges. Some indicators may not provide a sharp color change at the endpoint, making it difficult to determine the exact point of equivalence. In such cases, potentiometric titrations using electrodes can offer a more precise endpoint determination, albeit at the cost of increased complexity and equipment requirements.

      Despite these challenges, redox titrations remain a valuable tool in analytical chemistry. When compared to other analytical methods for determining concentrations of oxidizing or reducing agents, redox titrations offer several advantages. They are generally less expensive and require simpler equipment than instrumental methods like spectrophotometry or chromatography. Redox titrations also provide direct measurements of the analyte concentration, often with high precision and accuracy when performed correctly.

      However, other analytical methods may be preferred in certain situations. For instance, spectrophotometric methods can be more suitable for analyzing very dilute solutions or when dealing with colored compounds that might interfere with visual endpoint detection in titrations. Electrochemical methods, such as voltammetry, can offer higher sensitivity and the ability to analyze multiple species simultaneously, which may be advantageous in complex sample matrices.

      In conclusion, while redox titrations face challenges such as interfering substances, side reactions, and the need for meticulous technique, they remain a cornerstone of quantitative analysis in chemistry. By understanding these limitations and implementing appropriate strategies to overcome them, chemists can harness the full potential of redox titrations. The choice between redox titrations and other analytical methods ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the analysis, including the nature of the sample, the desired precision, and the available resources. As with all analytical techniques, a thorough understanding of both the strengths and limitations of redox titrations is essential for their effective application in research and industry.


      Redox titrations are essential techniques in analytical chemistry, involving the transfer of electrons between oxidizing and reducing agents. Understanding these principles is crucial for accurate quantitative analysis. Key points include the importance of selecting appropriate indicators, standardizing solutions, and recognizing endpoint detection methods. Redox titrations find applications in various fields, from environmental analysis to pharmaceutical quality control. Mastering redox titration calculations enhances problem-solving skills and deepens comprehension of electron transfer processes. Students and researchers are encouraged to practice these calculations regularly and explore diverse applications in their studies. By doing so, they'll gain valuable insights into oxidation-reduction reactions and their significance in chemical analysis. The principles learned in redox titrations extend beyond the laboratory, offering a foundation for understanding complex chemical systems in nature and industry. Continued exploration of this topic will undoubtedly lead to exciting discoveries and innovations in the field of chemistry.

      Using Titration for Redox Reactions

      Recap of titration.

      Step 1: Introduction to Redox Titrations

      In this lesson, we will explore redox titrations, which involve the use of titration techniques to analyze redox reactions. Redox titrations are similar to acid-base titrations but involve oxidizing and reducing agents instead of acids and bases. The primary objectives are to understand how titrations apply to redox reactions, calculate the amounts of substances involved, and learn about specific methods like the Winkler method for determining biochemical oxygen demand in environmental studies.

      Step 2: Understanding Redox Reactions

      Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons between two substances. One substance gets oxidized (loses electrons), and the other gets reduced (gains electrons). This complementary nature allows us to determine the amount of one reactant if we know the molar ratio and the amount of the other reactant. In redox titrations, we use this principle to find the concentration of an unknown substance by reacting it with a known substance.

      Step 3: Setting Up the Titration

      To perform a redox titration, we need a known substance (titrant) and an unknown substance (analyte). The titrant is a solution of known concentration, and we measure its volume precisely. The analyte is the substance whose concentration we want to determine. We also need to know the volume of the analyte solution. The titration process involves adding the titrant to the analyte until the reaction reaches its endpoint, which is indicated by a color change or other observable change.

      Step 4: Performing the Titration

      During the titration, we carefully add the titrant to the analyte while continuously mixing. We monitor the reaction to detect the endpoint, which occurs when the reactants have completely reacted. In redox titrations, the endpoint is often indicated by a color change due to the different colors of the oxidized and reduced forms of the reactants. Unlike acid-base titrations, we may not need an external indicator because the redox reagents themselves change color.

      Step 5: Calculating the Results

      Once the titration is complete, we use the volume of the titrant added and its concentration to calculate the moles of the titrant used. The formula for this calculation is:

      Moles of titrant = Concentration of titrant × Volume of titrant

      Next, we use the stoichiometric relationship between the titrant and the analyte to determine the moles of the analyte. For example, if the reaction is:

      A + 2B C + D

      and we know the moles of A, we can calculate the moles of B using the molar ratio. Finally, we use the volume of the analyte solution to find its concentration:

      Concentration of analyte = Moles of analyte / Volume of analyte

      Step 6: Application of Redox Titrations

      Redox titrations have various applications, including environmental studies. One specific method is the Winkler method, which is used to determine the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of water. BOD is an important parameter for assessing water quality and pollution levels. By using redox titrations, we can measure the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms in the water, providing valuable information about the water's purity and health.

      Step 7: Summary and Conclusion

      In summary, redox titrations are a powerful analytical technique for studying redox reactions. They involve the careful addition of a titrant to an analyte until the reaction reaches its endpoint, allowing us to calculate the concentration of the unknown substance. The principles and calculations are similar to those used in acid-base titrations, but the reagents involved are oxidizing and reducing agents. Redox titrations have important applications in various fields, including environmental science, where they help assess water quality and pollution levels.


      1. What is meant by redox titration?

        Redox titration is an analytical technique used to determine the concentration of an oxidizing or reducing agent in a solution. It involves the transfer of electrons between the analyte and a standardized titrant, resulting in a change in oxidation states. The endpoint is typically detected through a color change or using electrochemical methods.

      2. What is the difference between a redox titration and an acid-base titration?

        The main difference lies in the type of reaction occurring. Redox titrations involve electron transfer and changes in oxidation states, while acid-base titrations involve proton transfer. Redox titrations can analyze a wider range of substances and often use different indicators or endpoint detection methods compared to acid-base titrations.

      3. Why is acid needed in redox titration?

        Acid is often added in redox titrations to create favorable conditions for the reaction. It can help prevent side reactions, adjust the pH to an optimal range for the redox reaction, and in some cases, it's necessary for the formation of reactive species. For example, in permanganate titrations, acid is required to form the reactive Mn2+ species.

      4. What is being oxidized in a redox titration?

        In a redox titration, either the analyte or the titrant is being oxidized, while the other is being reduced. The species being oxidized loses electrons and increases its oxidation state. For example, in the titration of Fe2+ with KMnO4, the Fe2+ is being oxidized to Fe3+, while the MnO4- is being reduced to Mn2+.

      5. How to solve redox titrations?

        To solve redox titrations, follow these steps: 1) Balance the redox equation, 2) Determine the mole ratio between the analyte and titrant, 3) Calculate the moles of titrant used, 4) Use the mole ratio to find the moles of analyte, and 5) Calculate the concentration or mass of the analyte. Always consider the stoichiometry of the reaction and any dilutions made during the process.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the foundation of redox titrations is crucial for mastering this important analytical technique in chemistry. One of the key prerequisite topics that students should grasp is calculating cell potential (voltaic cells). This fundamental concept plays a vital role in comprehending the principles behind redox titrations and their applications in various chemical analyses.

      Redox titrations are a type of volumetric analysis used to determine the concentration of an analyte in a solution by utilizing oxidation-reduction reactions. To fully appreciate the intricacies of redox titrations, it's essential to have a solid understanding of cell potentials and how they relate to the spontaneity of redox reactions. The ability to calculate and interpret cell potentials provides valuable insights into the direction and extent of electron transfer in redox reactions, which is the cornerstone of redox titrations.

      When performing redox titrations, students often encounter color changes that indicate the endpoint of the reaction. These color changes are directly related to the redox processes occurring in the solution. By understanding cell potentials and predicting redox reactions, students can better interpret these visual cues and accurately determine the endpoint of the titration.

      Moreover, the concept of cell potentials is crucial for selecting appropriate indicators in redox titrations. Many indicators used in these titrations are themselves redox-active species, and their color changes are dependent on the oxidation state of the indicator molecules. A thorough understanding of cell potentials helps in choosing the right indicator for a specific redox titration, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

      In addition, knowledge of cell potentials aids in understanding the limitations and potential sources of error in redox titrations. For instance, competing side reactions or incomplete reactions can affect the accuracy of the titration. By applying their understanding of cell potentials, students can predict these potential issues and take appropriate measures to minimize their impact on the analysis.

      Furthermore, the ability to calculate and interpret cell potentials is invaluable when working with more complex redox systems, such as those involving multiple redox couples or in non-standard conditions. This knowledge allows students to adapt their titration techniques and calculations to a wide range of analytical scenarios, making them more versatile and proficient in chemical analysis.

      In conclusion, a solid grasp of calculating cell potentials and predicting redox reactions is indispensable for students approaching the study of redox titrations. This prerequisite knowledge not only enhances their understanding of the underlying principles but also improves their practical skills in performing and interpreting redox titrations accurately. By mastering these fundamental concepts, students will be well-equipped to tackle more advanced topics in analytical chemistry and electrochemistry.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • To recall the practical use of titration experiments
      • How titration applies to redox reactions.
      • How to calculate chemical quantities required in redox reactions.
      • How to use the Winkler titration method to find the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).


      • We learned the basics of a titration with its use in acid-base chemistry in Acid-base-titration.
        Just like acid-base titrations are used to find the concentration of acids and bases, a redox titration can be done to find the unknown concentration of a chemical in a redox process. The working out and calculations are detailed in Acid-base-titration and is summarized in the image below. Chemical A and chemical B in a redox titration would simply be the two chemicals in the redox (the reducing and oxidizing agent):

        Redox titrations

      • Redox titrations will involve a reducing and oxidizing agent reacting together, but indicator is normally not used like it is in acid-base titrations. This means that one of the reactants used has to be one with a color difference between its reduced and oxidized form. There are two good options:
        • Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is an oxidizing agent that is purple in solution, but turns colorless when reduced to Mn2+ ions.
        • Potassium iodide (KI) in solution gives I- ions that get oxidized (lots of chemicals can be used for this part) into brown-colored I2 in solution. Then in a redox titration, I2 can be reduced back to colorless I- ions. Starch can be added (it acts like an indicator for I2) to this, which is blue-black when I2 is present, the color fading when I2 becomes I- again.

        A solution containing Co2+ ions of unknown concentration is made. 25mL of this Co2+ solution was measured and was titrated by 0.2M MnO4- solution until equivalence point was reached. 19.40 mL of the MnO4- solution was required.
        The first thing that needs doing is the finding out of the two half-reactions:
        • Manganese in MnO4- will be reduced to Mn2+ ions as shown in the half-equation:

          MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-\enspace \enspace Mn2+ + 4H2O

        • Co2+ ions can be oxidized to Co3+ according to the half-equation:

          Co2+\enspace \enspace Co3+ + e-

          The method for working out half-equations in redox was covered in Half equations.

        Next, the combining of the two half-reactions will give us the overall equation

        1 x [ MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-\enspace \enspace Mn2+ + 4H2O ]

        5 x [ Co2+\enspace \enspace Co3+ + e- ]

        These balance for electrons and give the overall equation:

        MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Co2+\enspace \enspace Mn2+ + 4H2O + 5Co3+

        This reaction has the cobalt solution as the unknown, so MnO4- with known concentration is being added by burette. MnO4- is purple and as it is added to the cobalt solution, the purple color will disappear as Co2+ reacts it away. When equivalence point is reached the purple color will no longer be removed as there will be no more Co2+ to remove the MnO4- and the purple color that it causes. Therefore the equivalence point is shown by the appearance of the purple color of the MnO4- thats now in excess.

        The number of moles of MnO4- can be calculated using the information in the question:

        Mol MnO4- = 19.40 mL * 1  L1000  mL    0.2  mol  MnO41  L\frac{1\; L}{1000 \; m L} \;* \; \frac{0.2\; mol \; MnO_{4}^{-}}{1 \; L} = 3.88 * 10-3 mol MnO4-

        Looking at the equation, we can see a 1:5 MnO4- to Co2+ ratio. The equivalence point will have five times as many moles of cobalt as manganese, then.

        Mol Co2+ = 3.88 * 10-3 MnO4- \,* 5  mol  Co2+1  mol  MnO4\frac{5\; mol \; Co^{2+}}{1 \; mol \; MnO_{4}^{-}} = 0.0194 mol Co2+

        With the moles of Co2+ ions now found in 25 mL volume of the sample used, we can calculate the concentration.

        [Co2+] = 0.0194  mol  Co2+0.025  L\frac{0.0194\; mol \; Co^{2+}}{0.025 \; L } = 0.776 M Co2+

      • The Winkler method (or Winkler titration) is a way of finding the concentration of oxygen in water systems using a redox titration reaction. This is important for knowing the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of a water system, which is a good indicator of water purity. A lot of decaying matter like dead organisms and sewage in the water will cause an upsurge in bacteria, which demand oxygen in their respiratory processes.
        The Winkler method makes oxygen the limiting reagent in a redox titration process.
        A common redox reaction to do this with is the titration of iodine by thiosulfate ions. The limited supply of oxygen initially oxidises iodide to produce the iodine:

      • Mn2+ (aq) + O2 (aq) + 4 OH- (aq) \, \, 2 MnO2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)

        MnO2 (aq) + 4 H+ (aq) + 2 I- (aq) \, \, Mn2+ (aq) + I2 + 2 H2O (l)

        The iodine then reacts with the thiosulfate:

        I2 (aq) + 2 S2O32- (aq) \, \, S4O62- (aq) + 2 I- (aq)

        The amount of iodine that reacts in the final step is entirely dependent on how much oxygen was available to turn it from iodide into iodine. This is what the Winkler method is trying to find out.

        The concentration of oxygen is an indicator of how much is available and not being used up by microorganisms in the water. At any temperature, there is a general solubility of oxygen in water.
        With a typical atmosphere of 21% O2 gas, O2 solubility at 298K and 100 kPa (room temperature and pressure) is around 8.2*10-3 g dm-3. Any gap between this value and oxygen concentration in your sample indicates the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

      • Worked example: Using the Winkler method of titration to find BOD.

      • A 750 mL sample of water from a lake is saturated with oxygen and left for a week. Afterward, the titration of iodine by thiosulfate ions is run, with the iodine being prepared in solution by reacting with oxygen in the following complete reaction scheme:

        Mn2+ (aq) + O2 (aq) + 4 OH- (aq) \, \, 2 MnO2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)

        MnO2 (aq) + 4 H+(aq) + 2 I- (aq) \, \, Mn2+ (aq) + I2 + 2 H2O (l)

        I2 (aq) + 2 S2O32- (aq) \, \, S4O62- (aq) + 2 I- (aq)

        5.7 mL of a 0.05 M thiosulfate (S2O32-) solution completely reacted the I2 present in the water sample.
        Calculate how many moles of O2 were present in the water. Assuming 8.2*10-3 g dm-3 solubility of oxygen in this water, determine the BOD of this water sample.

        This question needs to be answered like a regular titration question first. We need to know how much oxygen is there. We can get this information by the amounts of thiosulfate and the molar ratios involved.
        • There is a 1:2 ratio of iodine to thiosulfate, so

        • mol S2O32- = 0.05 M S2O32- * 5.7  mL  S2O321000 \large \frac{5.7\; mL\; S_{2}O_{3}^{2-}}{1000} =2.85 * 10-4

          mol I2 = 2.85  ×  1042 \large \frac{2.85 \; \times \; 10^{-4}}{2} = 1.425 × 10-4

        • There is a 1:1 ratio with iodine and MnO2, which itself is in a 2:1 ratio with O2. So we need to cut this amount in half again:

        • mol O2 = 1.425  ×  1042 \large \frac{1.425\; \times \; 10^{-4}}{2} = 7.125 × 10-5

          You could say overall there is a 4 : 1 thiosulfate : O2 ratio in this reaction sequence, so cutting the thiosulfate moles by 4 will give us moles of O2.

        • This second step needs us to find quantities in grams per decimeter cube. We are currently in moles, so we need to convert to grams and divide by volume in dm3 (where 1 dm3 = 1 L)

        • g O2 = 7.125 × 10-5 mol × 32gmol \frac{g}{mol} =2.28 × 10-3g O2

          This is the amount found in a 750 mL sample. This is 3/4 of a litre (or dm3), so this value needs to be divided by 0.75 to find the value for 1 dm-3.

          2.28  ×  103g  O20.75  dm3\large \frac{ 2.28 \; \times \; 10^{-3} \, g \; O_{2}} {0.75\; dm^{3}} = 3.04 × 10-3 g dm-3

          This concentration is the amount of oxygen still available in the water sample. Assuming from above that a saturated sample at room temperature and pressure has a solubility of 8.2 × 10-3 g dm-3, the gap between our concentration and this concentration is the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD):

          BOD=8.2 × 10-3 - 3.04 × 10-3 = 5.16 × 10-3 g dm-3

          This is the concentration of oxygen being used up by (micro)organisms in the water system, assuming the level is at equilibrium now.