Mastering Oxidation Numbers: Your Gateway to Redox Reactions
Dive into the world of oxidation numbers! Learn to assign charges, track electron movement, and conquer redox reactions. Our clear, step-by-step approach makes complex concepts simple.

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Now Playing:Oxidation number – Example 0a
  1. What is the oxidation number?
  2. What is the oxidation number?
    Identifying reduction and oxidation
  3. What is the oxidation number?
    Rules for oxidation numbers.
  1. Find the oxidation numbers of both elements in the following compounds.
    Find the oxidation numbers of each atom in the following chemical compounds.
    1. H2O2

    2. MgH2

    3. Na2O

    4. NCl3

Introduction to electrochemistry

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the oxidation states of common elements.
  • How to find the oxidation number of atoms in full equations.
  • How to use oxidation numbers to show what has been reduced or oxidized in reactions.
  • To identify disproportionation reactions, using oxidation numbers to do so.


  • Redox reactions will always have a chemical that is being oxidized and a chemical that is being reduced. You need to find the oxidation number of the atoms in the reaction to see what is being oxidized or reduced.
    The oxidation number is an assigned number that shows the number of electrons gained or lost by an atom compared to its original outer shell configuration.
    There are some key rules of oxidation numbers that help in most situations:
    • ANY ATOM in elemental form always has an oxidation state of zero.
    • Oxygen atoms in a compound have an oxidation state of -2.
    • The oxidation state of ions or atoms in a molecule will add up to the overall charge.
    • Halogen atoms in a compound have an oxidation state of -1.
    • Hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of +1 unless they are bonded to a metal atom, where they will be -1. Compounds with the formula MHn, where M is a metal, are called hydrides.
    • These oxidation numbers are often written using Roman numerals, especially when writing outside of a chemical equation. Make sure you know Roman numerals for the numbers 1 through 8!

  • Because oxidation number is related to electrons being lost or gained, you can make general predictions on oxidation numbers based on if an element is a metal or non-metal.
    • Non-metals are more electronegative than metals, so in general they will form negative ions in reactions through gaining electron(s) which decreases their oxidation number.
    • Metals are less electronegative than non-metals, so they generally form positive ions in reactions by losing electron(s) which will increase their oxidation number.

  • Just like charge of molecules/ions, the overall change in oxidation state during a reaction will be zero. Because the changes are caused by electrons being lost or gained, any positive change in oxidation state will be mirrored by a negative change in another reactant.

  • WORKED EXAMPLE: Using the rules of oxidation numbers, it is possible to predict the oxidation state of other less predictable elements in a redox reaction. For example:

    Fe2O3 (s) + 3 CO (g) \, \, 2 Fe (s) + 3 CO2 (g)

    Using the rules above, the oxidation numbers of iron and carbon in the reactants and products can be found.
    • Oxygen atoms have an oxidation number of -2 so three of them in Fe2O3 is a total of -6, and the compound is neutral, so the two iron atoms must, combined, have an oxidation number of +6. There are two of them, so Fe in Fe2O3 has an oxidation number of +3.
    • Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 and there is only one of them in CO, which is neutral, so the C atom in CO must have an oxidation number of +2 to counteract this to bring it back to zero.
    • Fe in the products is elemental iron so it has oxidation number 0. Atoms in any elemental sample will have oxidation number 0.
    • Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 and there are two O atoms in CO2, which is -4 in total due to the oxygen. The molecule is neutral, so the one C atom in CO2 must have a +4 oxidation number to balance the molecule out.

  • Working out the oxidation numbers in the products and reactants lets you work out the change in oxidation state of the atoms in the reaction – remember, the overall change will be zero.
    • Iron has changed from +3 oxidation state in Fe2O3 to 0 in its elemental form. Therefore iron has been reduced (\triangleOS = -3) in this reaction. The reaction with carbon monoxide is what caused this change, so carbon monoxide is the reducing agent in this process.
    • Carbon has changed from +2 oxidation state in the CO reactant to +4 in the CO2 products. Therefore carbon has been oxidized (\triangleOS = +2) in this reaction. The reaction with iron oxide caused this, so iron is the oxidizing agent, which was itself reduced in the reaction.

    There were two iron atoms in the reaction which is a total change in OS of -6. There were three carbon atoms in the reaction which is a total change in OS of +6.
    These changes in oxidation state balance to zero.

  • Disproportionation reactions are a rare but important type of redox reaction where identical atoms in a chemical compound undergo both reduction and oxidation. One of the most common disproportionation reactions is the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide:

    2H2O2\enspace \enspace 2H2O2 + O2
    Oxidation states: \quad \qquad -1 \qquad \quad \enspace -2 \quad 0 \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \enspace \enspace

    In the reactants, hydrogen peroxide has its oxygen atoms in an oxidation state of -1. This is because the oxygen-oxygen bond does not ‘assign’ electrons to either atom. Only the oxygen-hydrogen bonds do that, where one on each oxygen atom gives them an oxidation state of -1 each.
    In the products:
    • One oxygen atom went from a peroxide molecule to elemental oxygen. This takes it from an oxidation state of -1 to 0. This oxygen atom was oxidized.
    • The other oxygen atom went from peroxide to a water molecule. This oxygen atom went from an oxidation state of -1 to -2 and was therefore reduced.
    Disproportionation reactions require an atom to be able to take three different oxidation states: 
    • The reactants will have an atom in a middle oxidation state, where both the reduced and oxidized atoms start. For oxygen this is -1 when it is bonded to another oxygen atom.
    • One higher oxidation state for the oxidized atom. For oxygen, this is 0 in elemental oxygen, O2 (g).
    • One lower oxidation state for the reduced atom. For oxygen, this is -2 such as in H2O.

Introduction to Oxidation Numbers

Welcome to our exploration of oxidation numbers, a crucial concept in understanding redox reactions! Oxidation numbers are essential tools that help us track electron movement in chemical reactions. They provide a way to assign charges to atoms in molecules or ions, even when actual charges aren't present. In redox reactions, these numbers allow us to identify which species are being oxidized (losing electrons) and which are being reduced (gaining electrons). Our introduction video is designed to make this concept crystal clear, walking you through the basics and providing real-world examples. By watching this video, you'll gain a solid foundation in assigning oxidation numbers and recognizing their patterns in various compounds. This knowledge is invaluable for tackling more complex redox problems and understanding electron transfer in chemical reactions. So, let's dive in and demystify oxidation numbers together!


Here are some frequently asked questions about oxidation numbers:

1. Why is the oxidation number of oxygen usually -2?

Oxygen typically has an oxidation number of -2 because of its high electronegativity. In most compounds, oxygen attracts electrons strongly, gaining two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. However, there are exceptions, such as in peroxides (where it's -1) and compounds with fluorine (where it can be positive).

2. What is the oxidation number of oxygen in O2?

In O2 (molecular oxygen), the oxidation number of each oxygen atom is 0. This is because O2 is an element in its free state, and all elements in their elemental form have an oxidation number of 0.

3. How do you find the oxidation number of an element in a compound?

To find the oxidation number of an element in a compound: 1. Use known oxidation numbers for other elements. 2. Remember that the sum of oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is 0. 3. For ions, the sum equals the charge of the ion. 4. Solve for the unknown oxidation number using these rules.

4. Can oxygen have a positive oxidation number?

Yes, oxygen can have a positive oxidation number in rare cases. For example, in oxygen difluoride (OF2), oxygen has an oxidation number of +2 because fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen.

5. What is the oxidation number of carbon in carbon monoxide (CO)?

In carbon monoxide (CO), the oxidation number of carbon is +2. This can be calculated by knowing that oxygen typically has an oxidation number of -2 in compounds, and the sum of oxidation numbers in a neutral molecule must be 0. Therefore, carbon must have an oxidation number of +2 to balance out the -2 of oxygen.


To fully grasp the concept of oxidation number in chemistry, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. Understanding these fundamental concepts will greatly enhance your ability to work with oxidation numbers and apply them in various chemical contexts.

One of the key prerequisites is an introduction to chemical reactions. This foundational knowledge is essential because oxidation numbers play a vital role in describing electron transfer in chemical reactions. By understanding how atoms interact and form bonds, you'll be better equipped to interpret and assign oxidation numbers to elements in different compounds.

Another critical prerequisite topic is balancing redox equations. Oxidation numbers are integral to redox reactions, where electrons are transferred between species. Mastering the art of balancing redox equations will significantly improve your ability to work with oxidation numbers and understand their practical applications in chemistry.

Additionally, familiarity with calculating cell potential in voltaic cells is highly beneficial. This knowledge helps in predicting redox reaction products and understanding the relationship between oxidation numbers and electrochemical processes. By grasping the concepts of cell potential, you'll gain insights into how oxidation numbers influence the direction and spontaneity of redox reactions.

The importance of these prerequisite topics cannot be overstated when it comes to mastering oxidation numbers. They provide the necessary context and theoretical framework for understanding how oxidation numbers are assigned, how they change during reactions, and their significance in various chemical processes.

For instance, when you're introduced to chemical reactions, you learn about the transfer of electrons between atoms. This fundamental concept directly relates to oxidation numbers, as they represent the degree of oxidation of an atom in a compound. Similarly, balancing redox equations requires a deep understanding of how oxidation numbers change during a reaction, making it an essential skill for working with more complex oxidation-reduction processes.

Furthermore, the ability to calculate cell potential and predict redox reaction products demonstrates the practical application of oxidation numbers in electrochemistry. This knowledge allows you to understand how oxidation numbers relate to the flow of electrons in electrochemical cells and how they can be used to determine the feasibility of redox reactions.

By building a strong foundation in these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the complexities of oxidation numbers. You'll find it easier to assign oxidation states, understand their changes in chemical reactions, and apply this knowledge to solve real-world chemistry problems. Remember, a solid grasp of these fundamentals will not only help you in understanding oxidation numbers but will also enhance your overall comprehension of chemistry and its various interconnected concepts.