Ionic Equations and Formulae: Unlocking Chemistry's Core
Dive into the world of ionic equations and formulae! Our clear, concise explanations help you visualize chemical reactions and master compound representation. Perfect for beginners and advanced students alike.

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Now Playing:Ionic equations and formulae – Example 0a
  1. Balancing ionic equations
  2. Balancing ionic equations
    Metathesis reactions
  3. Balancing ionic equations
    Ways to write a metathesis reaction equation.
  1. Write the products and balanced equations for metathesis reactions:
    Write the balanced equation (including state symbols) for the metathesis reaction between:
    1. AgNO3 reacting with NaBr
    2. CaCl2 reacting with K2CO3
    3. Na3PO4 reacting with MgSO4
    Solubility and ion concentration

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • To recall the definition of a metathesis (double replacement) reaction.
    • Different methods to write metathesis reactions involving precipitate products.
    • How to construct balanced net ionic equations from full formula equations.


    • Recall that when ionic species react, salts are produced. If two salts react, a metathesis reaction occurs. This is also known as a double replacement reaction.
      • You can spot these reactions; look for two salts as the reactants. Salts can be spotted by using a table of common ions and charges. Most chemistry textbooks have back page for this; a salt has two oppositely charged ions or groups in a ratio that makes the compound neutral overall.
        For example the reaction of potassium phosphate, K3PO4 and calcium sulfide, CaS:
        • The potassium ion has a single positive charge (formula K+) and the phosphate ion has a 3- charge (formula PO43-). To balance, the formula of potassium phosphate is K3PO4 to give an overall neutral compound.
        • The calcium ion has a double positive charge (formula Ca2+) and the sulfide ion has a double negative charge (formula S2-). As such, the formula of calcium sulfide is CaS which gives an overall neutral compound.
        So four ions that make up the two salts have been identified: K+, Ca2+, S2- and OH-. In a metathesis reaction, ions are exchanged between the two salts reacting together. The products can be predicted by swapping the anions:

        K3PO4 + CaS \enspace \enspace K S + CaPO4

        As with before, the formula of the molecule will allow charges to balance and give a neutral molecule. To find this formula you can ‘cross’ the charges of the ions that make the compound.

        With the formulae found, we just need to balance the equation now.
        When balancing you can treat polyatomic ions as one combined entity; counting the individual atoms in the ions isn’t necessary as the ratio of atoms within the group should not change when balancing equations anyway:

        K3PO4 + CaS \enspace \enspace K2 S + Ca3(PO4)2

        There are 3 Ca atoms in the products to 1 in the reactants, and 2 PO4 groups in the products to 1 in the reactants. Balancing for these:

        2K3PO4 + 3CaS \enspace \enspace K2 S + Ca3(PO4)2

        There are now 6 K atoms in the products to 2 in the reactants and 3 S atoms in the reactants to 1 in the products.
        Balancing for these gives the full equation:

        2K3PO4 + 3CaS \enspace \enspace 3K2 S + Ca3(PO4)2
    • When metathesis reactions occur, sometimes one of the products formed is an insoluble solid, and comes out of solution. This is called a precipitate. In a real chemistry experiment spotting a precipitate is easy because the solution turns cloudy; the precipitate is blocking light passing through the solution. Because metathesis reactions normally use solutions, we assume the reactants and products are aqueous so if a precipitate is formed, you MUST make it clear with an (s) state symbol. There are a few ways to write metathesis reaction equations:
      • A formula equation, or full equation, involves writing all reactants and products of the reaction in their neutral molecular form. This is the normal way of writing an equation, like we did above with K3PO4 and CaS reacting.

      • A full ionic equation is written by displaying all the dissolved species – the dissolved ions! Full ionic equations include spectator ions; these are the ions still in an aqueous state in the products (which did not react). For example in the reaction with silver nitrate, AgNO3 and sodium chloride, NaCl.
        We assume aqueous state unless given otherwise:

        Ag+ + NO3- + Na+ + Cl- \enspace \enspace AgCl(s) + Na+ + Cl-

      • A net ionic equation is an ionic equation where only the reacting ionic species are included; spectator ions are ignored and stoichiometry is in its simplified form. This is a simplified version of the equation that can be written after the balanced full equation has been determined.

        Ag+ + Cl- \enspace \enspace AgCl(s)

    Introduction to Ionic Equations and Formulae

    Welcome to the fascinating world of ionic equations and formulae! These concepts are essential in understanding chemical reactions and the behavior of ions in solution. Our introduction video serves as a perfect starting point, offering a clear and concise explanation of these fundamental ideas. As we dive into this topic, you'll discover how ionic equations help us visualize the actual particles involved in reactions, while formulae provide a shorthand way to represent compounds. The video will guide you through the basics, making it easier to grasp these sometimes challenging concepts. Remember, mastering ionic equations and formulae is crucial for success in chemistry, so pay close attention! Don't worry if it seems complex at first with practice and patience, you'll soon become comfortable working with these important tools. Let's begin this exciting journey together, exploring the world of ions and their interactions!


    Balancing ionic equations Metathesis reactions

    Step 1: Understanding Metathesis Reactions

    Metathesis reactions, also known as double replacement reactions, occur when two salts react in solution to form new products. These reactions involve the exchange of ions between the reactants. A salt, in general terms, is any compound composed of two oppositely charged ions or groups that dissolve in solution in a ratio that makes the compound neutral overall. For example, when potassium phosphate (K3PO4) reacts with calcium sulfide (CaS), the ions involved are K+, Ca2+, S2-, and PO43-.

    Step 2: Identifying the Ions and Their Charges

    To balance the ionic equation, it is crucial to identify the charges of the ions involved. For instance, potassium (K) is in group 1 of the periodic table and forms a K+ ion. Phosphate (PO4) is a polyatomic ion with a 3- charge (PO43-). Calcium (Ca) is in group 2 and forms a Ca2+ ion, while sulfide (S) forms an S2- ion. Understanding these charges helps in predicting the products of the reaction.

    Step 3: Predicting the Products

    In a metathesis reaction, the ions exchange partners. For example, when potassium phosphate reacts with calcium sulfide, the potassium ions (K+) will pair with the sulfide ions (S2-), and the calcium ions (Ca2+) will pair with the phosphate ions (PO43-). This results in the formation of potassium sulfide (K2S) and calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2).

    Step 4: Writing the Unbalanced Equation

    The unbalanced equation for the reaction between potassium phosphate and calcium sulfide is:
    K3PO4 + CaS K2S + Ca3(PO4)2
    At this stage, the equation is not balanced because the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side does not equal the number on the product side.

    Step 5: Balancing the Equation

    To balance the equation, we need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides. Start by balancing the polyatomic ions as a whole unit if they appear unchanged on both sides of the equation. For example, balance the phosphate (PO4) groups first. In the products, there are two phosphate groups, so we need two phosphate groups in the reactants:
    2 K3PO4 + CaS K2S + Ca3(PO4)2
    Next, balance the calcium atoms. There are three calcium atoms in the products, so we need three calcium atoms in the reactants:
    2 K3PO4 + 3 CaS K2S + Ca3(PO4)2
    Finally, balance the potassium and sulfur atoms. There are six potassium atoms in the reactants (2 K3PO4), so we need six potassium atoms in the products:
    2 K3PO4 + 3 CaS 3 K2S + Ca3(PO4)2

    Step 6: Verifying the Balanced Equation

    Verify that the equation is balanced by counting the number of atoms of each element on both sides. The balanced equation should have the same number of each type of atom on both sides:
    Reactants: 6 K, 2 PO4, 3 Ca, 3 S
    Products: 6 K, 2 PO4, 3 Ca, 3 S
    The equation is now balanced.

    Step 7: Writing the Net Ionic Equation

    To write the net ionic equation, we need to show only the ions that participate in the reaction. Spectator ions, which do not change during the reaction, are omitted. For the reaction between potassium phosphate and calcium sulfide, the net ionic equation focuses on the formation of the precipitate (calcium phosphate):
    3 Ca2+ (aq) + 2 PO43- (aq) Ca3(PO4)2 (s)
    This net ionic equation shows the formation of the insoluble product, calcium phosphate, from the calcium and phosphate ions in solution.

    1. What is the difference between a full ionic equation and a net ionic equation?

      A full ionic equation shows all ions present in a reaction, including spectator ions. A net ionic equation, on the other hand, only includes the ions and molecules that actively participate in the reaction, omitting spectator ions. Net ionic equations provide a simplified view of the essential chemical changes occurring in a reaction.

    2. How do you identify spectator ions in an ionic equation?

      Spectator ions are ions that appear unchanged on both sides of the equation. To identify them, compare the ions present in the reactants and products. Any ions that remain in the same form on both sides are spectator ions. These ions do not participate in the chemical reaction and can be canceled out when writing a net ionic equation.

    3. Why is it important to balance ionic equations?

      Balancing ionic equations is crucial to ensure that the law of conservation of mass is followed. It ensures that the number of atoms and the total charge are equal on both sides of the equation. Balanced equations accurately represent the stoichiometry of the reaction and are essential for quantitative analysis and predictions in chemistry.

    4. What are some common applications of ionic equations in everyday life?

      Ionic equations have numerous practical applications, including water treatment processes, understanding battery chemistry, explaining metal corrosion, and analyzing environmental issues like acid rain. They are also used in swimming pool maintenance, antacid action in the stomach, soil pH adjustment in agriculture, and wastewater treatment.

    5. How can I improve my skills in writing and balancing ionic equations?

      To improve your skills, practice regularly with a variety of problems. Start by writing molecular equations, then convert them to full ionic equations, and finally to net ionic equations. Familiarize yourself with solubility rules and common ion charges. Use online resources, textbooks, and practice problems to test your understanding. Additionally, try to relate the equations to real-world applications to better grasp their significance.


    Understanding ionic equations and formulae is a crucial aspect of chemistry, but to truly grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. Two key areas that serve as building blocks for mastering ionic equations and formulae are the introduction to chemical reactions and balancing chemical equations.

    Let's start with the importance of understanding chemical reactions. This fundamental concept is crucial because ionic equations are essentially a more detailed representation of chemical reactions involving ions. By grasping the basics of how substances interact and transform during a reaction, students can better comprehend the behavior of ions in solution and how they participate in chemical processes. The chemical reactions visualization techniques learned in this prerequisite topic help in mentally picturing the movement and interactions of ions, which is invaluable when working with ionic equations.

    Moving on to the second prerequisite, balancing chemical equations is absolutely critical for working with ionic equations and formulae. This skill ensures that the law of conservation of mass is upheld in chemical reactions, including those involving ions. When dealing with ionic equations, the ability to balance charges becomes just as important as balancing atoms. The techniques learned in balancing chemical equations provide a strong foundation for this more advanced balancing act.

    The relationship between these prerequisites and ionic equations is clear when we consider the process of writing and interpreting ionic equations. Students must first identify the reactants and products, much like in basic chemical reactions. Then, they need to apply their balancing skills to ensure that both mass and charge are conserved. Finally, understanding how to visualize these reactions helps in distinguishing between spectator ions and those actively participating in the reaction.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong conceptual framework that makes learning ionic equations and formulae much more manageable. The skills developed in understanding chemical reactions and balancing equations serve as a bridge to more complex ionic concepts. They provide the necessary tools to analyze, interpret, and predict the behavior of ions in various chemical contexts.

    In conclusion, a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics is not just helpful but essential for success in understanding ionic equations and formulae. By investing time in mastering these foundational concepts, students set themselves up for a deeper, more intuitive understanding of ionic chemistry, paving the way for success in more advanced chemical studies.