Unit conversions in chemistry

  1. Units and calculations in chemistry.
  2. What is a unit conversion?
  3. Unit conversion method: Walkthrough
  1. Apply the conversion factor method to simple calculations.
    Use the unit conversion method to answer the following problems.
    1. If a car can travel 75 kilometres in 1 hour, how far can it travel in 4.5 hours?
    2. An electronics store has an offer that sells two TVs for $430. How much would 8 TVs cost using this deal?
    3. At a market, a man traded 8 apples for 14 oranges. How many oranges can he get if he traded 22 apples at this rate?
  2. Apply the conversion factor method to chemistry-related calculations.
    Use the unit conversion method to answer the following problems.
    1. If a container holds 3.5 dozen oxygen atoms, how many oxygen atoms in total will 3 full containers have in them?
    2. If one mole of oxygen gas has a mass of 32 g, what is the mass of 3.5 moles of oxygen gas?
    3. If one molecule of white phosphorus has 4 atoms of phosphorus in it, how many molecules of white phosphorus would be needed to have 72 atoms of phosphorus?
    4. If one mole of hydrogen gas fills up 22.4 L in a gas canister, how many moles of hydrogen gas would fill up a gas canister 180 L in size?
  3. Apply the conversion factor method to chemistry-related calculations with SI units.
    Use the unit conversion method to answer the following problems.
    1. 4.7 moles of carbon dioxide gas has a mass of 206.8 g. What is the mass of 1 mole of carbon dioxide gas?
    2. Gold has a density of 19.3 grams per millilitre (g/mL), what would the volume be of 62 grams of gold?
    3. If an acid has a concentration of 3 moles per litre, how many litres of acid would I need to have 1.8 moles of acid?