Introduction to stoichiometry and moles

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  1. What is stoichiometry?
  2. Ratios in chemical reactions.
  3. Avogadro's number, moles and molar mass.
  4. Percentage composition by mass.
  5. Example: Find percentage composition and empirical formula.
  1. Find the reaction stoichiometry and use it to predict expected mass of products.
    Consider the reaction: CH4+_4 + 2O2_2 \, \, CO2+_2 + 2H2_2O
    1. How many moles of H2_2O were produced if 2.5 moles of CO2_2 were produced?
    2. What is the mass of 2.5 moles of CO2_2?
    3. In a repeat experiment, 132 grams of CO2_2 were produced. What was the mass of water also produced?
  2. Find the reaction stoichiometry and use it to predict the mass of chemicals used in a reaction.
    Consider the reaction: HCI+ + NaOH \, \, NaCl+ + H2_2O
    1. How many moles of HCI are required to react with 4.75 moles of NaOH?
    2. What would be the mass of 4.5 moles of NaOH?
    3. In a repeat experiment, 54.75g HCI (dissolved in solution) reacted completely with some NaOH added. What was the mass of NaOH used in this experiment?
  3. Find the reaction stoichiometry and use it to predict the mass of chemicals used and produced in a reaction.
    Consider the reaction: 2C2_2H6+_6 + 7O2_2 \, \, 4CO2+_2 +6H2_2O
    1. How many moles of O2_2 would react with 1 mole of C2_2H6_6?
    2. If 15 moles of H2_2O were produced in this experiment, how many moles of C2_2H6_6 were used?
    3. What is the mass of this amount of C2_2H6_6 used?
    4. A total of 0.19 mol of reactants and products combined were involved in this reaction. What is the number of moles of H2_2O produced?
  4. Find the percentage composition by mass of chemical compounds and use percentage composition to find empirical formula.
    1. Find the percentage composition by mass of the following atoms in these compounds:
      1. Ca in CaCO3
      2. C in CO2
      3. H in C6H6
    2. A compound has the following percentage composition by mass: C 52.2%; H 13.0%; O 34.8%. What is the empirical formula of this compound?
Topic Notes

Introduction to Stoichiometry and Moles

Stoichiometry and moles are fundamental concepts in chemistry that form the backbone of quantitative analysis. Stoichiometry deals with the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions, while moles provide a standardized unit for measuring the amount of substance. Our introduction video offers a comprehensive overview of these crucial topics, serving as an essential starting point for students and enthusiasts alike. By watching this video, viewers will gain a solid foundation in understanding how atoms and molecules interact in chemical reactions. The importance of stoichiometry and moles in chemistry cannot be overstated, as they are integral to balancing equations, predicting reaction outcomes, and solving complex chemical problems. Mastering these concepts opens doors to advanced chemistry topics and practical applications in various scientific fields. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this introduction to stoichiometry and moles will set you on the path to chemical mastery.

Understanding Stoichiometry and Chemical Reactions

Stoichiometry is a fundamental concept in chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships in chemical reactions that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding and predicting the amounts of substances involved in chemical processes. The term "stoichiometry" comes from the Greek words "stoicheion" (element) and "metron" (measure), emphasizing its role in measuring and calculating the quantities of elements in chemical reactions.

At its core, stoichiometry is based on the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. This principle allows chemists to establish precise relationships between the amounts of reactants consumed and products formed. By understanding stoichiometry, scientists and engineers can optimize chemical processes, predict reaction outcomes, and determine the most efficient use of resources in various applications.

One of the key aspects of stoichiometry is the concept of molar ratios. These ratios represent the relative quantities of reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation. For example, in the reaction 2H2 + O2 2H2O, the molar ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1, while the ratio of hydrogen to water is 2:2 or 1:1. These ratios are crucial for calculating the amounts of substances needed or produced in a reaction.

Chemical Equations and Stoichiometric Relationships

Chemical equations are symbolic representations of chemical reactions that provide essential information for stoichiometric calculations. A properly balanced chemical equation shows the correct ratios of reactants and products, allowing for accurate predictions of reaction outcomes. For instance, the equation for the combustion of methane can be written as:

CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O

This equation tells us that one molecule of methane reacts with two molecules of oxygen to produce one molecule of carbon dioxide and two molecules of water. These molecular ratios directly translate to molar ratios, forming the basis for stoichiometric calculations.

Stoichiometry allows chemists to determine the limiting reagent in a reaction, calculate theoretical yields, and predict the amounts of products formed. For example, if we have 10 moles of methane and 15 moles of oxygen, we can use stoichiometry to determine that oxygen is the limiting reagent, and only 7.5 moles of carbon dioxide will be produced.

In practice, stoichiometry is applied in various fields, including industrial chemistry, environmental science, and pharmaceutical research. It helps in optimizing industrial processes to minimize waste and maximize product yield. In environmental studies, stoichiometry is used to analyze air and water pollution, understanding the impact of chemical reactions on ecosystems. In the pharmaceutical industry, it plays a crucial role in drug synthesis and quality control.

To illustrate the practical application of stoichiometry, let's consider a real-world example: the production of ammonia through the Haber process. The balanced equation for this reaction is:

N2 + 3H2 2NH3

Using stoichiometry, we can calculate that to produce 1 kg of ammonia, we need approximately 0.82 kg of nitrogen and 0.18 kg of hydrogen. This information is crucial for industrial-scale production, helping to determine the required quantities of raw materials and predict the output of ammonia.

Stoichiometry also extends beyond simple molecular reactions to more complex systems. In biochemistry, it helps in understanding metabolic pathways and enzyme kinetics. In materials science, it's used to design and analyze the composition of alloys and compounds. Even in environmental science, stoichiometry plays a role in studying the carbon cycle and other biogeochemical processes.

As chemistry continues to advance, the principles of stoichiometry remain fundamental. New applications in nanotechnology and green chemistry rely on precise stoichiometric calculations to develop efficient and sustainable processes. The ability to accurately predict and control the quantities of substances in chemical reactions is essential for addressing global challenges, from developing new materials to finding solutions for energy and environmental issues.

In conclusion, stoichiometry is a powerful tool that bridges the gap between the theoretical understanding of chemical quantitative relationships in chemical reactions and practical applications. It enables scientists and engineers to optimize processes, minimize waste, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. The study of stoichiometry is essential for anyone pursuing a career in chemistry or related fields, as it provides the foundation for understanding and manipulating chemical reactions at a fundamental level.

The Mole Concept and Avogadro's Number

The mole concept is a fundamental principle in chemistry that provides a bridge between the microscopic world of atoms and molecules and the macroscopic world of measurable quantities. At its core, a mole is defined as the amount of substance that contains exactly 6.022 × 10^23 elementary entities, such as atoms, molecules, or ions. This specific number is known as Avogadro's number, named after the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro.

Avogadro's number is crucial in understanding the relationship between the atomic scale and the observable world. It represents the number of carbon-12 atoms in exactly 12 grams of carbon-12. This connection allows chemists to relate atomic-scale properties to measurable quantities in the laboratory. The mole provides a standard unit for counting particles that are too small to be seen or handled individually.

The significance of the mole concept in chemistry cannot be overstated. It serves as a counting unit, much like a dozen, but on an enormously larger scale. Just as we might count eggs by the dozen, chemists use moles to count atoms, molecules, and other particles. This standardization is essential for several reasons:

  • It allows for precise measurements and calculations in chemical reactions.
  • It enables the conversion between mass, volume, and number of particles.
  • It facilitates the balancing of chemical equations and stoichiometric calculations.

The necessity of the mole for practical measurements in chemistry becomes clear when we consider the vast numbers of particles involved in chemical reactions. For instance, a single gram of hydrogen gas contains approximately 6.022 × 10^23 hydrogen molecules. Without the mole concept, it would be impractical to express or work with such large numbers in everyday laboratory settings.

Mole calculations are an integral part of chemistry and are used in various contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. Converting between mass and number of particles:
    Example: How many carbon atoms are in 24 grams of carbon?
    Solution: 1 mole of carbon = 12 g and contains 6.022 × 10^23 atoms
    24 g ÷ 12 g/mol = 2 moles
    2 moles × 6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol = 1.2044 × 10^24 atoms
  2. Determining the number of molecules in a gas sample:
    Example: How many molecules are in 5.6 liters of oxygen gas at STP?
    Solution: 1 mole of any gas at STP occupies 22.4 L
    5.6 L ÷ 22.4 L/mol = 0.25 moles
    0.25 moles × 6.022 × 10^23 molecules/mol = 1.5055 × 10^23 molecules
  3. Calculating molar mass:
    Example: What is the molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6)?
    Solution: (6 × 12.01 g/mol) + (12 × 1.008 g/mol) + (6 × 16.00 g/mol) = 180.16 g/mol

These calculations demonstrate the practical application of the mole concept in solving chemical problems. By using moles, chemists can easily convert between different units and scales, making it possible to predict the outcomes of reactions, determine the composition of substances, and perform quantitative analysis.

In conclusion, the mole concept and Avogadro's number are indispensable tools in chemistry. They provide a crucial link between the atomic world and macroscopic measurements, enabling chemists to perform accurate calculations and predictions. Understanding and applying the mole concept is essential for anyone studying or working in the field of chemistry, as it forms the basis for quantitative analysis and stoichiometry. As students and practitioners delve

Molar Mass and Its Applications

Molar mass is a fundamental concept in chemistry that plays a crucial role in various calculations and analyses. It is defined as the mass of one mole of a substance, typically expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). Understanding molar mass is essential for stoichiometric calculations and quantitative analysis in chemistry.

To calculate molar mass, we need to consider the atomic masses of all elements present in a compound. The atomic mass of an element is the average mass of its isotopes, weighted according to their natural abundance. It's important to note that atomic mass is different from molecular mass. Atomic mass refers to the mass of a single atom, while molecular mass is the sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule.

For example, let's calculate the molar mass of water (H2O). The atomic mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.008 g/mol, and oxygen is 15.999 g/mol. To find the molar mass of water, we sum the masses of its constituent atoms:

Molar mass of H2O = (2 × 1.008 g/mol) + (1 × 15.999 g/mol) = 18.015 g/mol

This means that one mole of water has a mass of 18.015 grams. Let's look at another example, such as carbon dioxide (CO2). The atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 g/mol. Calculating the molar mass of CO2:

Molar mass of CO2 = (1 × 12.011 g/mol) + (2 × 15.999 g/mol) = 44.009 g/mol

For more complex molecules, the process remains the same. Consider glucose (C6H12O6):

Molar mass of C6H12O6 = (6 × 12.011 g/mol) + (12 × 1.008 g/mol) + (6 × 15.999 g/mol) = 180.156 g/mol

Molar mass is a critical component in stoichiometric calculations, which involve determining the quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions. These calculations are based on the principle that atoms are conserved in chemical reactions, and the ratios of substances can be determined using their molar masses.

In stoichiometric calculations, molar mass is used to convert between the mass of a substance and the number of moles. This conversion is essential because chemical equations are typically balanced in terms of moles, not mass. The relationship between mass (m), number of moles (n), and molar mass (M) is given by the equation: n = m / M

For instance, if we need to determine how many moles of water are present in 36.03 grams of water, we can use the molar mass we calculated earlier:

n = 36.03 g / 18.015 g/mol = 2 moles of water

This conversion is crucial in many chemical applications, such as determining the amount of reactants needed for a specific yield of product or calculating the theoretical yield of a reaction. Molar mass also plays a vital role in solution chemistry, where concentrations are often expressed in terms of molarity (moles of solute per liter of solution).

Understanding the difference between atomic mass and molecular mass is crucial for accurate molar mass calculations. While atomic mass refers to individual atoms, molecular mass considers the entire molecule. For example, the atomic mass of oxygen is 15.999 g/mol, but the molecular mass of oxygen gas (O2) is twice that: 31.998 g/mol.

In more advanced applications, molar mass is used in gas law calculations, colligative properties of solutions, and in determining empirical and molecular formulas of compounds. It's also essential in fields such as environmental science for understanding pollutant concentrations and in biochemistry for analyzing the behavior of large molecules like proteins and nucleic acids.

To summarize, molar mass is a fundamental concept that bridges the microscopic world of atoms and molecules with the macroscopic world of measurable quantities in the laboratory. Its applications are vast and varied, making it a cornerstone of chemical education and practice.

Percentage Composition and Empirical Formulas

Percentage composition by mass is a fundamental concept in chemistry that provides valuable information about the elemental makeup of compounds. This concept is crucial for understanding the relationship between different elements within a molecule and forms the basis for determining empirical formulas. In this section, we'll explore the intricacies of percentage composition, its calculation methods, and its significance in chemical analysis.

Percentage composition by mass refers to the relative amount of each element present in a compound, expressed as a percentage of the total mass. To calculate the percentage composition, chemists use the following formula:

Percentage of element = (Mass of element / Total mass of compound) × 100

This calculation allows scientists to determine the proportion of each element in a given compound, providing crucial information about its composition. For instance, in water (H2O), the percentage composition would be approximately 11.19% hydrogen and 88.81% oxygen by mass.

The importance of percentage composition in chemistry cannot be overstated. It serves as a valuable tool for:

  • Identifying unknown compounds
  • Verifying the purity of substances
  • Determining the correct chemical formula of a compound
  • Facilitating stoichiometric calculations in chemical reactions

Understanding percentage composition is also essential for grasping the concept of empirical formulas. An empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound. It provides the relative numbers of atoms of each element present, without indicating the actual number of atoms in a molecule.

The relationship between percentage composition and empirical formulas is direct and significant. By knowing the percentage composition of a compound, chemists can determine its empirical formula through a series of calculations. This process is invaluable in situations where the molecular formula is unknown but elemental analysis data is available.

To determine the empirical formula from percentage composition data, follow these steps:

  1. Convert percentages to grams, assuming a 100g sample of the compound.
  2. Convert grams to moles for each element by dividing by their respective atomic masses.
  3. Determine the simplest whole-number ratio of moles by dividing all mole values by the smallest mole value.
  4. If necessary, multiply all numbers by a common factor to obtain whole numbers.
  5. Write the empirical formula using the resulting whole-number ratios.

For example, if a compound contains 40.0% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen, we can determine its empirical formula as follows:

  1. Convert to grams: 40.0g C, 6.7g H, 53.3g O
  2. Convert to moles: 3.33 mol C, 6.7 mol H, 3.33 mol O
  3. Divide by the smallest value: C (1), H (2), O (1)
  4. The empirical formula is CH2O

It's important to note that while the empirical formula provides valuable information about the relative proportions of elements in a compound, it may not always represent the actual molecular formula. The molecular formula is often a multiple of the empirical formula and can be determined through additional experimental data, such as molecular mass measurements.

In conclusion, percentage composition by mass and empirical formulas are interconnected concepts that play a crucial role in chemical analysis and formula determination. By understanding these principles, chemists can unravel the composition of unknown substances, verify the purity of compounds, and gain insights into molecular structures. Mastering the calculation of percentage composition and the determination of empirical formulas from this data is essential for students and professionals alike in the field of chemistry. These skills form the foundation for more advanced chemical calculations and contribute significantly to our understanding of matter at the molecular level.

Stoichiometric Calculations in Chemical Reactions

Stoichiometry is a fundamental concept in chemistry that allows us to quantitatively analyze chemical reactions. It provides a powerful tool for predicting the amounts of reactants needed and products formed in a chemical reaction. In this section, we'll explore key concepts of stoichiometry and work through examples to demonstrate its practical applications.

Understanding Stoichiometric Calculations

Stoichiometric calculations are based on the principle of conservation of mass and the law of definite proportions. These calculations involve using balanced chemical equations to determine the relationships between reactants and products in terms of moles, mass, or volume.

Limiting Reagents

In many reactions, one reactant is completely consumed before the others. This reactant is called the limiting reagent, as it limits the amount of product that can be formed. Identifying the limiting reagent is crucial for accurate stoichiometric calculations.

Example: Identifying the Limiting Reagent

Consider the reaction: 2H2 + O2 2H2O
If we have 10 moles of H2 and 6 moles of O2, which is the limiting reagent?
Solution: H2 requires 5 moles of O2 (10/2 = 5), but we only have 6 moles of O2. Therefore, H2 is the limiting reagent.

Theoretical Yield

The theoretical yield is the maximum amount of product that can be formed based on the limiting reagent. It assumes 100% efficiency in the reaction, which is rarely achieved in practice.

Example: Calculating Theoretical Yield

For the reaction above, if H2 is limiting (10 moles), calculate the theoretical yield of H2O.
Solution: From the balanced chemical equations, 2 moles of H2 produce 2 moles of H2O.
10 moles H2 × (2 moles H2O / 2 moles H2) = 10 moles H2O (theoretical yield)

Percent Yield

The percent yield compares the actual yield (amount of product actually obtained) to the theoretical yield, expressed as a percentage. It's a measure of the efficiency of a reaction.

Percent Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) × 100%

Example: Calculating Percent Yield

If the actual yield of H2O in the above reaction was 8.5 moles, calculate the percent yield.
Solution: Percent Yield = (8.5 moles / 10 moles) × 100% = 85%

Mass-Based Stoichiometric Calculations

Often, we need to convert between mass and moles in stoichiometric calculations. This involves using molar mass as a conversion factor.

Example: Mass to Moles to Mass

How many grams of O2 are needed to react completely with 10.0 g of H2?
Step 1: Convert H2 mass to moles: 10.0 g H2 × (1 mol H2 / 2.02 g H2) = 4.95 mol H2
Step 2: Use mole ratio from balanced equation: 4.95 mol H2 × (1 mol O2 / 2 mol H2) = 2.48 mol O2
Step 3: Convert O2 moles to mass: 2.48 mol O2 × (32.0 g O2 / 1 mol O2) = 79.4 g O2

Conclusion and Further Study

In this comprehensive stoichiometry review, we've explored the fundamental concepts of moles and their crucial role in chemical calculations. Understanding stoichiometry is essential for success in chemistry, as it forms the basis for quantitative analysis of chemical reactions. We've covered conversion factors, balanced chemical equations, and practical problem-solving techniques. To reinforce your understanding, we strongly recommend revisiting the introductory video, which provides a visual representation of these concepts. For further study, practice solving a variety of stoichiometry problems, focusing on different types of reactions and real-world applications. Utilize online resources, textbooks, and chemistry workbooks to hone your skills. Remember, mastering stoichiometry and moles is key to excelling in chemistry. As you continue your chemistry study, apply these principles to more advanced topics, and don't hesitate to seek additional guidance from instructors or tutors when needed. With consistent practice and dedication, you'll become proficient in stoichiometric calculations, setting a strong foundation for your chemistry education.

What is Stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is a fundamental concept in chemistry that involves the calculation of reactants and products in chemical reactions. It is essential for understanding how different substances interact and transform during chemical processes.

Step 1: Introduction to Stoichiometry

In this lesson, we introduce the idea of stoichiometry, which is the study of the relative amounts of reactants and products in chemical reactions. This concept is crucial for most calculations involving moles in chemistry. Depending on your curriculum, it might be referred to as moles or the amount of substance, but the general study is known as stoichiometry.

Step 2: The Mole Concept

The mole concept is a key idea in stoichiometry. It allows chemists to link the number of atoms or molecules, which are difficult to see directly, with measurable quantities such as mass, volume, and concentration. This linkage is essential for predicting the amounts of products from a chemical reaction based on the available reactants.

Step 3: Predicting Products and Reactants

Stoichiometry helps us predict the amounts of products formed in a chemical reaction by using the amounts of reactants. It involves converting moles to find the mass of reactants and products. This process is crucial for understanding how different substances combine and transform during reactions.

Step 4: Percentage Composition by Mass

Another important aspect of stoichiometry is the percentage composition by mass. This calculation helps us understand the exact composition of a chemical substance by measuring its mass. It is related to stoichiometry and provides valuable insights into the properties of substances.

Step 5: Definition of Stoichiometry

In a short sentence, stoichiometry is the ratio of different reactants needed for a chemical reaction. It is the study of the relative amounts of one reactant with another to produce the products in a process. The key point here is the ratios involved in the reaction.

Step 6: Understanding Chemical Substances

Matter, which makes up all substances in the universe, is particulate in nature and composed of atoms. Atoms consist of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons around the nucleus. Unique atoms are known as elements, and these elements can combine in fixed ratios to form new substances with different properties.

Step 7: Fixed Ratios in Reactions

Chemical reactions occur with fixed integer ratios of reactants. For example, carbon and oxygen can combine in a 1:1 ratio to form carbon monoxide or in a 1:2 ratio to form carbon dioxide. The key is the consistent ratio of different atoms combining to create new substances.

Step 8: Practical Example - Making Coffee

To illustrate the concept of fixed ratios, consider making a cup of coffee. If you have one part coffee, four parts water, and one part milk, you need to maintain this ratio to make more cups. Similarly, in chemical reactions, the reactants must combine in fixed ratios to produce the desired products.

Step 9: Chemical Equations and Ratios

Chemical equations represent the ratios of reactants needed to form products. For example, if you have one atom of A and two atoms of B combining to form one molecule of C, you need to maintain this ratio to produce more of C. The ratios of molecules and atoms are crucial in stoichiometry.

Step 10: Measuring Atoms and Molecules

Atoms and molecules are incredibly tiny and difficult to measure directly. Advanced equipment can observe atoms indirectly, but they are not commonly available in regular laboratories. Instead, we measure substances in terms of volume, mass, and concentration.

Step 11: Linking Mass and Number of Atoms

Different atoms and molecules have different masses. For example, carbon has an atomic mass of 12, while oxygen has an atomic mass of 16. This means that the same number of carbon and oxygen atoms will have different masses. To link the number of atoms with measurable quantities, chemists use the concept of the mole or molar mass.

Step 12: Conclusion

In summary, stoichiometry is the study of the ratios of reactants and products in chemical reactions. It involves understanding the mole concept, predicting products and reactants, and measuring substances in terms of mass, volume, and concentration. By mastering stoichiometry, chemists can accurately calculate and predict the outcomes of chemical reactions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about stoichiometry and moles:

1. What is the basic introduction of stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is the study of quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It involves using balanced chemical equations to calculate the amounts of substances involved in reactions. The concept is based on the law of conservation of mass and allows chemists to predict the quantities of reactants needed or products formed.

2. How to do stoichiometry step by step?

To solve stoichiometry problems:

  1. Balance the chemical equation
  2. Convert given quantities to moles
  3. Use mole ratios from the balanced equation
  4. Convert moles of the desired substance to the requested unit
  5. Check your answer for reasonableness

3. Is stoichiometry hard?

Stoichiometry can be challenging for some students because it requires a solid understanding of several chemical concepts and mathematical skills. However, with practice and a step-by-step approach, it becomes more manageable. The key is to break down problems into smaller steps and understand the relationships between substances in chemical reactions.

4. How can I understand stoichiometry better?

To improve your understanding of stoichiometry:

  • Master the concept of moles and molar mass
  • Practice balancing chemical equations
  • Work through many example problems
  • Use dimensional analysis to organize your calculations
  • Visualize the reactions and quantities involved

5. What is the key to stoichiometry?

The key to stoichiometry is understanding and applying the mole concept. The mole serves as a bridge between the microscopic world of atoms and molecules and the macroscopic world of measurable quantities. By using moles, chemists can relate the number of particles to mass and volume, making it possible to perform calculations based on balanced chemical equations.

Prerequisite Topics

Before diving into the fascinating world of stoichiometry and moles, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important prerequisites for understanding stoichiometry is balancing chemical equations. This fundamental skill is essential because stoichiometry relies heavily on the use of balanced chemical equations to perform calculations and analyze chemical reactions.

Balancing chemical equations is the cornerstone of stoichiometry, as it ensures that the law of conservation of mass is upheld in chemical reactions. When you're working with stoichiometric calculations, you'll constantly refer to balanced chemical equations to determine the ratios of reactants and products. These ratios are crucial for calculating molar relationships, which are at the heart of stoichiometry.

Understanding how to balance equations also helps you grasp the concept of moles more easily. Moles are the units used to express amounts of substances in chemistry, and they play a central role in stoichiometric calculations. When you work with balanced chemical equations, you're essentially dealing with molar ratios, which form the basis for converting between different quantities in stoichiometry.

Moreover, the ability to balance equations enhances your overall comprehension of chemical reactions. This skill allows you to visualize how atoms and molecules rearrange during a reaction, which is fundamental to understanding stoichiometry. As you progress in your study of stoichiometry and moles, you'll find that your proficiency in balancing chemical equations will make complex stoichiometric problems much more manageable.

In addition, balancing equations introduces you to the concept of coefficients, which are crucial in stoichiometric calculations. These coefficients represent the relative amounts of reactants and products in a balanced equation, and they directly translate to molar ratios in stoichiometry. By mastering balanced chemical equations, you're setting yourself up for success in understanding and applying stoichiometric principles.

As you embark on your journey into stoichiometry and moles, remember that your ability to balance equations will be your constant companion. It will help you navigate through limiting reagent problems, yield calculations, and complex multi-step stoichiometric analyses. By solidifying your understanding of this prerequisite topic, you're building a strong foundation that will support your growth and success in more advanced chemistry concepts.

In this lesson, we will learn:
  • The mole concept and its importance to the amount of chemical substance.
  • To predict amounts of product made in a reaction with a given amount of reactant.
  • To apply and convert moles to find mass of reactants and products in reactions.
  • To calculate percentage composition by mass of atoms in a chemical substance.


  • The stoichiometry of a reaction is the ratio of different amounts of each reactant that is needed to run a chemical reaction.
    As you should have seen previously, recall that:
    • Matter is particulate in nature; we call these matter particles atoms.

    • The 100 or so known unique atoms (the elements) can combine in unique arrangements of fixed ratios to form new chemical substances. This is what a chemical reaction is, and these combined arrangements of atoms are called molecules. The ratios of the different atoms combining does not depend on how the substance is prepared. This principle is known as the law of definite proportions or Proust’s law.

    • Reactions take place between fixed integer ratios of the reactants. For example, the reactants are two molecules of A and one atom of B which combine to make one molecule of product C. To make C, you need A and B in that ratio.
      This is like making a coffee: if the liquid in a coffee takes four parts hot water and one part milk, to make two servings you increase the amounts to make more but keep the ratio of them the same.

    We have two problems when finding amounts of reactants in chemistry:
    • Real atoms and molecules are far too small to count in an ordinary laboratory without special equipment.
    • Different atoms and molecules have different masses. 50 grams of one substance will not contain the same number of molecules as 50 grams of another.

    Stoichiometry is about knowing the ratios of different reactants in chemical processes and using measures like mass, volume and concentration to find the correct amounts we need to use to get the products we want.

  • Recall from Introduction to chemical equations that a chemical equation tells you the fixed ratio of reactants the reaction uses, and products that the reaction produces.
    • In the example below, we are being told that to produce 1 molecule of C, the reaction needs 1 molecule of A and 2 molecules of B in that fixed ratio. Again, like coffee with one part milk and four parts hot water: if you want to make coffee for two, you must add twice as much milk and water in the same ratio. This is what the “stoichiometry of the reaction” is.

    A + 2B \, \, C

    The coefficients (the number before the chemical formulae) tell you how many molecules of that chemical are used in the reaction as a ratio with the others. If no number is there, it’s one molecule.

  • As said above, atoms are so small they cannot be counted with regular laboratory equipment, so chemists use mass which is easily measurable to get the amounts they need. The mass of a substance is related to the number of moles of the substance.

  • A mole is a fixed number of atoms known as Avogadro’s number – 6.02x1023 (six hundred and two billion trillion!). It is a number in exactly the same way that a dozen is the number 12 or a pair is the number 2. It’s just a very big number because atoms are tiny!

    In chemistry the molar mass of a substance is measured in grams per mole (gmol-1), for example carbon has the molar mass 12 g mol-1, meaning one mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12 grams.
    Molar mass is known as atomic mass (Ar) for atoms and the periodic table contains this information for every element (e.g. 12 for C, 16 for O). Molar mass is known as molecular mass (Mr) for molecules, and it can be found by just combining the atomic masses of the atoms in the molecule (e.g. for O2, 16+16=32 g mol-1 for an O2 molecule).

    Using mass and molar mass we can find the number of moles in a sample:
    • For example, carbon dioxide or CO2 has a molecular mass of 44 grams per mole (g mol-1).
      That means that 1 mole (six hundred billion trillion molecules) of carbon dioxide has a mass of 44 grams. A sample of 22 grams of CO2 would be 0.5 moles of CO2.
    • The mole is important because we can now find out the correct amounts of substance needed in a reaction by using molar mass (from the periodic table) and mass which is very easy to measure.

    The equation to calculate number of moles is:

    moles(mol)=moles \, (mol) \, = \, mass(g)Mr(gmol1)\large \frac{mass \, (g) } {M_{r} \, (g \, mol^{-1}) }

    Use the chemical equation to find the ratio of reactant moles to product moles (the reaction stoichiometry) and then find their relative masses. Now, you can predict the mass of any reactants required or products expected for any reaction scale.

  • The idea of fixed ratios of amounts of substance applies to atoms within compounds too. Compounds are formed by fixed ratios of elemental atoms combining and the method of preparation does not affect this (Proust’s law), so a given compound will always have the same composition by mass of its elements.
    • For example, no matter how you make CO2, its molar mass is 44 g mol-1 and O2 provides 32 g mol-1 of this mass. This is 73% of the mass of CO2 from oxygen; all CO2 molecules will be 73% oxygen as a percentage composition by mass.

    The equation to find percentage composition by mass is:

    %bymass=\, by \, mass \, = \, totalmassofelementsincompoundtotalmolecularmassofcompound100 \frac{total\, mass \, of \, elements \, in \, compound} {total\, molecular \, mass \, of \, compound} \, * \, 100

    If given the percentage composition by mass, the equation can be re-arranged to help identify compounds by their empirical formula.

    For example, knowing the percentage composition of mass of a compound containing C and O would tell you if you have CO (a highly toxic gas!) or CO2 (a relatively harmless gas) judging by the mass ratios.

  • WORKED EXAMPLE: Using percentage composition to find empirical formula.

  • A compound containing has the following percentage compositions by mass:
    • Na, 43.5%
    • C, 11.3%
    • O, 45.2%

    Find the empirical formula of this compound.

    To find the empirical formula is found by dividing the percentages by mass by the atomic mass of the element. This is going to find the relative proportions of each atom, accounting for their different masses:




    % by mass




    Atomic mass




    Relative proportion




    Empirical formula




    Accounting for mass, the ratios of Na : C : O are 2 : 1 : 3, so the empirical formula of this compound is Na2CO3. This is sodium carbonate.