Euler's method

  1. Error using Euler's Method
  1. Determining how to use Euler's Method
    For the following Initial Value Problem


    Using Euler's Method with a step size of hh=0.5 find the approximate solution to y(1)y(1)
    1. Estimating the Solution to a Differential Equation Using Euler's Method
      For the following Initial Value Problem

      1. Using Euler's Method with a step size of h=1h=1 find the approximate solution to the value of yy at x=1.5x=1.5
      2. Using Euler's Method with a step size of h=0.25h=0.25 find the approximate solution to the value of yy at x=1.5x=1.5
      3. The explicit solution to the above equation satisfying the initial conditions is y=12xy=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2x}}. Compare the error found in the previous two parts.
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Euler's Method

    Welcome to our exploration of Euler's method, a fundamental technique in numerical analysis for solving differential equations. This powerful approach, named after the brilliant mathematician Leonhard Euler, provides a practical way to approximate solutions to complex problems. Euler's method is especially valuable when analytical solutions are difficult or impossible to obtain. By breaking down the problem into small steps, we can use the Euler method equation to estimate the behavior of various systems, from simple pendulums to complex biological models. In this article, we'll dive into the basics of Euler's method, its applications, and why it's such an important tool in mathematics and science. To kick things off, we've included an introductory video that visually explains the concept, making it easier to grasp. So, whether you're a student tackling differential equations for the first time or just curious about numerical methods, you're in the right place to learn about this fascinating technique.

    Understanding Error in Euler's Method

    Euler's method explained is a fundamental numerical technique used to solve ordinary differential equations. While it provides approximate solutions, understanding the concept of error in Euler's method is crucial for assessing the accuracy of results. Error in this context refers to the difference between the exact solution and the approximate solution obtained through the Euler method equation.

    The error in Euler's method arises from the simplification of the continuous problem into discrete steps. As we use linear approximations over finite intervals, we introduce inaccuracies that accumulate with each step. This cumulative error can lead to significant deviations from the true solution, especially over larger intervals or for more complex functions.

    To quantify this error, we often use the concept of percentage error. The formula for calculating percentage error is:

    Percentage Error = |(Exact Value - Approximate Value) / Exact Value| × 100%

    Let's illustrate this with the example provided in the video, where the exact solution is 0.75, and the approximate solution obtained through Euler's method is 0.5. Applying the formula:

    Percentage Error = |(0.75 - 0.5) / 0.75| × 100% = |0.25 / 0.75| × 100% 33.33%

    This significant error of approximately 33.33% demonstrates how Euler's method can deviate from the exact solution. It's important to note that this error can vary depending on the step size used in the Euler method equation and the nature of the differential equation being solved.

    Understanding error in Euler's method is crucial for several reasons:

    1. Accuracy Assessment: It allows us to gauge the reliability of our numerical solutions.
    2. Method Improvement: By analyzing error, we can refine our approach, perhaps by reducing step size or using more advanced numerical methods.
    3. Practical Applications: In real-world scenarios, such as engineering or physics simulations, knowing the error margin is essential for making informed decisions.
    4. Computational Efficiency: Balancing accuracy with computational cost is often necessary, and understanding error helps in making this trade-off.

    To minimize error in Euler's method, several strategies can be employed:

    • Reducing Step Size: Smaller steps generally lead to more accurate results, though at the cost of increased computation time.
    • Using Higher-Order Methods: More advanced techniques like Runge-Kutta methods can provide better accuracy.
    • Adaptive Step Size: Adjusting the step size based on the local error can optimize accuracy and efficiency.

    In practical applications, the importance of understanding error in Euler's method cannot be overstated. For instance, in aerospace engineering, even small errors in trajectory calculations can lead to significant deviations over long distances. In financial modeling, error in numerical methods can result in inaccurate predictions, potentially leading to costly decisions.

    Moreover, recognizing the limitations of Euler's method encourages a critical approach to numerical solutions. It prompts users to validate results, compare different methods, and consider the context of the problem. This critical thinking is essential in fields ranging from scientific research to engineering design.

    In conclusion, while Euler's method is a powerful tool for solving differential equations, understanding its error is key to its effective application. By quantifying error through percentage calculations and recognizing its sources and implications, we can make more informed decisions in both theoretical and practical contexts. This understanding forms the foundation for more advanced numerical methods and contributes to the broader field of computational mathematics.

    Calculating Percentage Error: Step-by-Step Guide

    Euler's method, often mistakenly referred to as "oilers method" in math, is a numerical technique for solving ordinary differential equations. When using this method, it's crucial to understand how to calculate percentage error to assess the accuracy of your approximations. Let's walk through a step-by-step guide on calculating percentage error in Euler's method, using the example from the video.

    Step 1: Obtain the approximate value using Euler's method and the exact value (if known).
    Step 2: Calculate the absolute error by subtracting the approximate value from the exact value.
    Step 3: Take the absolute value of this difference to ensure a positive result.
    Step 4: Divide the absolute error by the exact value.
    Step 5: Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

    For example, let's say the exact value is 10, and our Euler's method approximation is 9.5:

    1. Exact value: 10, Approximate value: 9.5
    2. Absolute error = 10 - 9.5 = 0.5
    3. |0.5| = 0.5 (already positive)
    4. 0.5 / 10 = 0.05
    5. 0.05 * 100 = 5%

    The percentage error in this case is 5%.

    We use absolute values in this calculation because the magnitude of the error is what's important, not its direction. Negative percentage errors don't make sense in this context because we're measuring the degree of inaccuracy, which is always a positive quantity. Whether our approximation is too high or too low, we want to know how far off it is in relative terms.

    In Euler's method, understanding percentage error is crucial for assessing the accuracy of your approximations and determining if you need to adjust your step size or use a more sophisticated numerical method. Remember, smaller step sizes in Euler's method generally lead to more accurate results but require more computational effort. By calculating percentage error, you can make informed decisions about the trade-off between accuracy and computational efficiency in your numerical solutions.

    Interpreting Error in Euler's Method

    Understanding how to interpret the error calculated in Euler's method is crucial for anyone working with numerical solutions to differential equations. Euler's method, a fundamental technique in numerical analysis, provides approximate solutions to initial value problems. However, it's essential to grasp the significance of the error associated with these approximations.

    When we talk about error in Euler's method, we're referring to the difference between the approximate solution obtained through the Euler method equation and the exact solution of the differential equation. This error is typically expressed as a percentage, which can be misleading if not properly understood. For instance, a 33% error might sound alarmingly high, but its practical implications depend on the context of the problem.

    In practical terms, a 33% error means that the approximate value calculated using Euler's method deviates from the exact value by one-third. For example, if the exact value of a quantity is 100 units, an approximate value with a 33% error could be either 133 units (overestimation) or 67 units (underestimation). The magnitude of this error becomes more significant as the values involved increase.

    The relationship between the approximate and exact values is at the heart of understanding Euler's method explained. As we decrease the step size in our calculations, the approximate values generally converge towards the exact solution. However, this convergence isn't always uniform or guaranteed, which is why error analysis is so important.

    In real-world applications of Euler's method, understanding this error is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in assessing the reliability of the results obtained. A small error might be acceptable in some engineering applications, while even a tiny discrepancy could have severe consequences in fields like aerospace or financial modeling. Secondly, it guides decisions on whether to use more sophisticated numerical methods for better accuracy.

    Moreover, interpreting the error correctly allows researchers and engineers to make informed decisions about the trade-off between computational efficiency and accuracy. In some cases, a larger error might be acceptable if it means significantly reduced computation time. In others, additional computational resources might be justified to achieve a lower error rate.

    It's also worth noting that the error in Euler's method tends to accumulate over multiple steps. This means that for long-range predictions or calculations over extended periods, the error can compound, potentially leading to significantly inaccurate results. Understanding this characteristic is vital for properly applying Euler's method in various scientific and engineering disciplines.

    Improving Accuracy in Euler's Method

    Euler's method is a fundamental numerical technique for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs), but it can sometimes lack accuracy. To enhance the precision of Euler's method, several strategies can be employed. One of the most straightforward approaches is adjusting the step size, which plays a crucial role in the method's accuracy.

    The step size in Euler's method directly impacts the error of the approximation. Generally, reducing the step size leads to improved accuracy. This is because smaller steps allow the method to capture the behavior of the solution more closely, especially in regions where the function changes rapidly. However, it's important to note that excessively small step sizes can lead to increased computational time and potential round-off errors due to the limitations of computer arithmetic.

    The Euler method equation, y(n+1) = y(n) + h * f(x(n), y(n)), where h is the step size, illustrates how the step size affects each iteration. By decreasing h, we can obtain more accurate approximations, but at the cost of increased computational effort. Conversely, larger step sizes may lead to faster computations but potentially significant errors, especially for functions with rapid changes or high curvature.

    An advanced technique to optimize accuracy while managing computational resources is the concept of adaptive step size. This approach dynamically adjusts the step size based on the local behavior of the solution. In regions where the solution changes rapidly, the step size is automatically reduced to maintain accuracy. Conversely, in areas where the solution is relatively stable, larger steps can be taken to improve efficiency. Implementing adaptive step size methods requires more complex algorithms but can significantly enhance the overall performance of Euler's method.

    Several adaptive step size techniques exist, including error estimation and step doubling. These methods estimate the local error at each step and adjust the step size accordingly to keep the error within a specified tolerance. This adaptive approach allows for a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency, making it particularly useful for solving differential equations with varying rates of change.

    While Euler's method serves as an excellent introduction to numerical methods for ODEs, more advanced techniques offer improved accuracy and efficiency. The Runge-Kutta methods, particularly the fourth-order Runge-Kutta (RK4) method, are widely used alternatives that provide significantly better accuracy than Euler's method. RK4 uses a weighted average of four function evaluations per step, resulting in a much smaller local truncation error.

    Another family of advanced methods includes predictor-corrector methods, such as the Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton methods. These techniques use information from previous steps to predict a solution and then correct it, often achieving higher accuracy than single-step methods like Euler's. For stiff differential equations, where the solution components vary at widely different rates, implicit methods like the backward Euler method or more sophisticated implicit Runge-Kutta methods may be necessary.

    In comparison to these advanced methods, Euler's method is simpler and easier to implement but generally less accurate. However, its simplicity makes it valuable for educational purposes and quick estimations. The choice between Euler's method and more advanced techniques depends on the specific problem, required accuracy, and available computational resources.

    In conclusion, while Euler's method provides a foundational approach to solving ODEs numerically, its accuracy can be improved through careful consideration of step size and the implementation of adaptive techniques. For problems requiring high precision or dealing with complex dynamics, more advanced numerical methods often prove superior. Nevertheless, understanding Euler's method and its limitations is crucial for appreciating the development and application of more sophisticated numerical techniques in solving differential equations.

    Applications of Euler's Method in Real-World Problems

    Euler's method, also known as the forward Euler method, is a fundamental numerical technique used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This method, often referred to as "oilers method" in math due to pronunciation similarities, finds extensive applications across various fields. Let's explore some real-world examples where Euler's method is applied and discuss the importance of error calculation in these scenarios.

    In physics, Euler's method is frequently used to model and simulate dynamic systems. For instance, it can be applied to predict the trajectory of a projectile under the influence of gravity and air resistance. Scientists use this method to approximate the position and velocity of the object at different time intervals. Another physics application is in the study of pendulum motion, where Euler's method helps calculate the swing angles over time, considering factors like friction and air resistance.

    Engineering disciplines heavily rely on Euler's method for various applications. In electrical engineering, it's used to analyze circuits with time-varying components, such as capacitors and inductors. Engineers apply Euler's method to solve ordinary differential equations describing the current and voltage behavior in these circuits. In mechanical engineering, the method is employed to simulate the dynamics of mechanical systems, like the suspension of a car or the vibration of structures under different loads.

    The field of aerospace engineering utilizes Euler's method for flight simulations and trajectory calculations. It helps in predicting the path of spacecraft or satellites, considering factors like gravitational forces from multiple bodies. Climate scientists also employ this method in weather prediction models, using it to solve complex differential equations that describe atmospheric dynamics.

    In the realm of finance, Euler's method finds applications in options pricing and risk management. Financial analysts use it to solve stochastic differential equations that model stock price movements or interest rate changes. This helps in valuing financial derivatives and assessing investment risks. Additionally, economists apply Euler's method in macroeconomic models to simulate economic growth patterns and policy impacts.

    The accuracy of Euler's method is crucial in these real-world applications, making error calculation and management essential. In practice, professionals deal with error in several ways:

    1. Step size adjustment: By reducing the step size, the accuracy of Euler's method can be improved. However, this increases computational time, so professionals often seek a balance between accuracy and efficiency.

    2. Higher-order methods: For applications requiring greater precision, professionals may opt for more advanced techniques like the Runge-Kutta methods, which are extensions of Euler's method with better accuracy.

    3. Adaptive step size: Some implementations use adaptive algorithms that automatically adjust the step size based on the estimated error, optimizing both accuracy and computational efficiency.

    4. Error estimation: Professionals often implement error estimation techniques to quantify the uncertainty in their results. This helps in assessing the reliability of the solutions and determining if further refinement is necessary.

    5. Validation against analytical solutions: Where possible, results from Euler's method are compared with known analytical solutions or experimental data to verify accuracy.

    6. Parallel computing: For complex systems requiring extensive calculations, parallel computing techniques are employed to handle large-scale simulations while maintaining reasonable computation times.

    Understanding and managing the error in Euler's method is crucial because inaccuracies can lead to significant consequences in real-world applications. For instance, in aerospace, even small errors in trajectory calculations could result in mission failures. In finance, inaccurate pricing models could lead to substantial financial losses. Therefore, professionals in these fields continuously work on refining their numerical methods and error management techniques to ensure reliable and accurate results.

    Common Mistakes and Misconceptions in Euler's Method

    Euler's method is a fundamental numerical technique for solving ordinary differential equations, but students often encounter challenges when applying it. Understanding common mistakes and misconceptions is crucial for mastering this important mathematical tool. One frequent error is choosing an inappropriate step size. Students may select a step size that's too large, leading to significant accumulation of error. Conversely, an excessively small step size can result in unnecessary computational burden without significantly improving accuracy. It's essential to strike a balance and consider the nature of the problem when determining the step size.

    Another common mistake is misunderstanding the Euler method equation itself. The formula y(n+1) = y(n) + h * f(x(n), y(n)) must be applied correctly, ensuring that the function f(x, y) is evaluated at the current point (x(n), y(n)). Students sometimes erroneously use future points or mix up the order of operations, leading to incorrect results. Additionally, failing to properly initialize the method with accurate initial conditions can propagate errors throughout the entire solution.

    A significant misconception revolves around the accuracy of Euler's method. Many students overestimate its precision, especially for complex or highly nonlinear problems. It's crucial to understand that Euler's method is a first-order method, meaning its global error is proportional to the step size. This limitation becomes particularly evident when dealing with stiff equations or over long intervals. Students should be aware that more advanced methods, such as Runge-Kutta or adaptive step-size algorithms, may be necessary for improved accuracy in certain scenarios.

    To avoid these pitfalls and develop a better understanding of Euler's method, students should focus on several key aspects. First, practice implementing the method with various step sizes to observe how it affects the solution's accuracy. Comparing results with analytical solutions, when available, can provide valuable insights into the method's behavior. Additionally, visualizing the solution graphically can help identify potential issues and understand the method's limitations. It's also beneficial to explore error analysis techniques, such as comparing local and global errors, to gain a deeper appreciation for the method's accuracy.

    Furthermore, students should strive to understand the underlying principles of numerical methods rather than merely memorizing formulas. This includes grasping concepts like truncation error, stability, and convergence. By developing this broader perspective, students can make more informed decisions about when and how to apply Euler's method effectively. Ultimately, recognizing its strengths and limitations will enable students to choose appropriate numerical techniques for solving differential equations in various contexts.


    In this article, we've explored Euler's method, a fundamental numerical technique for solving ordinary differential equations. We've discussed its basic principles, step-by-step implementation, and practical applications. Understanding the inherent error in Euler's method is crucial for accurate problem-solving. This error, influenced by step size and function complexity, highlights the method's limitations and the need for careful consideration in its application. For a visual explanation, we encourage you to watch the introductory video, which provides a clear, intuitive understanding of Euler's method explained. To deepen your knowledge, practice applying Euler's method to various problems, comparing results with analytical solutions when possible. Explore more advanced numerical methods to see how they improve upon Euler's approach. By mastering Euler's method, you'll gain valuable insights into numerical analysis and differential equations, paving the way for more complex problem-solving in science and engineering.

    Error using Euler's Method

    Euler's method is a numerical technique used to approximate solutions to differential equations. However, it is important to understand and calculate the error associated with this method to gauge the accuracy of the approximation. Below is a step-by-step guide to understanding and calculating the error using Euler's method.

    Step 1: Understand the Exact and Approximate Solutions

    To calculate the error in Euler's method, you need to know both the exact solution and the approximate solution obtained using Euler's method. The exact solution is the true value of the function at a given point, while the approximate solution is the value obtained using Euler's method.

    For example, if the exact solution to a differential equation at a certain point is y1=0.75 y_1 = 0.75 , and the approximate solution obtained using Euler's method is y1=0.5 y_1 = 0.5 , these values will be used to calculate the error.

    Step 2: Calculate the Difference Between Exact and Approximate Solutions

    Next, you need to find the difference between the exact solution and the approximate solution. This difference is given by:

    Difference= = Exact Solution - Approximate Solution

    Using the example values, the difference would be:

    Difference=0.750.5=0.25 = 0.75 - 0.5 = 0.25

    Step 3: Take the Absolute Value of the Difference

    To avoid negative error values, take the absolute value of the difference calculated in the previous step. This ensures that the error is always a positive value.

    Absolute Difference=0.25=0.25 = |0.25| = 0.25

    Step 4: Calculate the Percentage Error

    The percentage error gives a relative measure of the error in terms of the exact solution. It is calculated using the formula:

    Percentage Error = \left( \frac{Absolute Difference}{Exact Solution} \right) \times 100\%

    Substituting the example values, we get:

    Percentage Error=(0.250.75)×100%=(13)×100%=33.33% = \left( \frac{0.25}{0.75} \right) \times 100\% = \left( \frac{1}{3} \right) \times 100\% = 33.33\%

    Step 5: Interpret the Percentage Error

    The percentage error provides an indication of how close the approximate solution is to the exact solution. In this example, a percentage error of 33.33% means that the approximate solution is off by 33.33% from the exact solution. This helps in understanding the accuracy of Euler's method for the given problem.

    Step 6: Apply the Method to Different Problems

    It is important to practice calculating the error using Euler's method for different problems. This will help you become proficient in assessing the accuracy of the method and understanding its limitations. Remember that the error can vary depending on the step size and the nature of the differential equation being solved.


    Understanding and calculating the error in Euler's method is crucial for evaluating the accuracy of the numerical approximation. By following the steps outlined above, you can determine the percentage error and gain insights into the reliability of the method for solving differential equations.


    Q1: What is the Euler's method formula?
    A1: The Euler's method formula is y(n+1) = y(n) + h * f(x(n), y(n)), where y(n+1) is the next approximation, y(n) is the current value, h is the step size, and f(x(n), y(n)) is the derivative of y with respect to x at the current point.

    Q2: What is Euler's method used for in real life?
    A2: Euler's method is used in various real-life applications, including:

    • Physics: Predicting trajectories of objects and modeling pendulum motion
    • Engineering: Analyzing electrical circuits and simulating mechanical systems
    • Finance: Options pricing and risk management
    • Climate science: Weather prediction models
    • Aerospace: Flight simulations and spacecraft trajectory calculations
    These applications involve solving ordinary differential equations where analytical solutions are difficult or impossible to obtain.

    Q3: Why is Euler's method inaccurate?
    A3: Euler's method can be inaccurate for several reasons:

    • It uses linear approximations over finite intervals, introducing cumulative errors
    • The method is sensitive to step size; larger steps lead to greater inaccuracies
    • It struggles with rapidly changing functions or stiff equations
    • The method is first-order, meaning its global error is proportional to the step size
    Accuracy can be improved by reducing step size or using more advanced numerical methods.

    Q4: How do you calculate percentage error in Euler's method?
    A4: To calculate percentage error in Euler's method:

    1. Obtain the approximate value using Euler's method and the exact value (if known)
    2. Calculate the absolute error: |Exact Value - Approximate Value|
    3. Divide the absolute error by the exact value
    4. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage
    The formula is: Percentage Error = |(Exact Value - Approximate Value) / Exact Value| × 100%

    Q5: What are the pros and cons of Euler's method?
    A5: Pros of Euler's method:

    • Simple to understand and implement
    • Computationally efficient for basic problems
    • Useful for quick estimations and educational purposes
    Cons of Euler's method:
    • Less accurate than more advanced numerical methods
    • Requires small step sizes for better accuracy, increasing computation time
    • Not suitable for stiff equations or highly nonlinear problems
    • Accumulates errors over long intervals

    Prerequisite Topics

    Before diving into Euler's method, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in modeling with differential equations. This prerequisite topic is fundamental to understanding Euler's method, as it provides the necessary context and mathematical framework for approaching numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations.

    Euler's method is a powerful numerical technique used to solve initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. To fully grasp its significance and application, students must first be comfortable with the concept of differential equations and their role in modeling real-world phenomena. The ability to interpret and work with these equations is essential for comprehending how Euler's method approximates solutions.

    When studying applications to differential equations, students learn how to translate physical, biological, or economic systems into mathematical models. This skill is directly applicable to Euler's method, as it helps in understanding the types of problems that can be solved using this numerical approach. Moreover, familiarity with different forms of differential equations enables students to recognize when Euler's method is an appropriate solution technique.

    The prerequisite knowledge of ordinary differential equations provides insight into the behavior of solutions, which is crucial when implementing Euler's method. Understanding concepts such as slope fields, equilibrium solutions, and the general shape of solution curves helps in interpreting the results obtained through Euler's method and assessing their accuracy.

    Furthermore, the study of modeling with differential equations introduces students to the limitations of analytical solutions. This awareness is vital when approaching Euler's method, as it highlights the need for numerical methods in cases where closed-form solutions are not possible or practical to obtain.

    By mastering the prerequisite topic of differential equations and their applications, students develop the analytical skills necessary to implement Euler's method effectively. They learn to break down complex problems, identify relevant variables, and set up the initial conditions required for the method. This foundation also aids in understanding the step-by-step process of Euler's method, including the concept of discretization and the iterative nature of the solution.

    In conclusion, a strong grasp of modeling with differential equations is indispensable for students approaching Euler's method. It provides the conceptual framework, problem-solving skills, and mathematical intuition needed to apply this numerical technique confidently and interpret its results accurately. By investing time in this prerequisite topic, students set themselves up for success in understanding and utilizing Euler's method in various scientific and engineering applications.

    So far we've learned how to solve many different differential equations. But actually there is a wide assortment of differential equations that will not be explicitly solvable with any of the techniques we've learned (or could learn).

    So for this section we will focus on figuring out an approximation to differential equations that we are not able to explicitly solve.

    A useful tool we will be able to use is Slope Fields.

    There is a wide variety of numerical methods that approximate the solution to a differential equation, for now we will focus on Euler's Method.

    Euler's Method:

    To use Euler's Method we require the following:

    \cdot A Differential Equation (we can't solve)
    \cdot Initial Conditions: y(x0)=y0y(x_0 )=y_0
    \cdot A step size hh~step size


    Error=exact    approx.exact×100Error=\frac{|exact\;-\;approx.|}{exact} \times 100%