  1. Introduction to Chain Rule
    • "bracket technique" explained!
    exercise: ddxx10\frac{d}{dx}x^{10} VS. ddx(x5+4x36x+8)10\frac{d}{dx}(x^5+4x^3-6x+8)^{10}
  1. Differentiate: Polynomial Functions
    ddx(2x1)3 \frac{d}{dx} (2x-1)^3
    1. Differentiate: Rational Functions
      1. ddx1(4x3+7)10 \frac{d}{dx} \frac{1}{(4x^3+7)^{10}}
      2. ddx5sin2x \frac{d}{dx}- \frac{5}{\sin ^2x}
    2. Differentiate: Radical Functions
      1. ddxx3+4x29\frac{d}{dx} \sqrt{x^3+4x^2-9}
      2. ddx3(x2+5)7 \frac{d}{dx} {^3}\sqrt{(x^2+5)^7}
      3. ddx136x4x\frac{d}{dx} \frac{1}{{^3}\sqrt{6x^4-x}}
      4. ddxx+x+x \frac{d}{dx} \sqrt{x+\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}}
      5. ddx3lnx \frac{d}{dx} {^3}\sqrt{\ln x}
    3. Differentiate: Trigonometric Functions
      1. Differentiate: y=sin4xy= \sin ^4x
        y=sin(x4)y=\sin (x^4)
      2. ddxtan(cose5x2) \frac{d}{dx} \tan (\cos e^{5x^2})
      3. ddθsin(cos(tanθ))\frac{d}{d \theta} \sin (\cos (\tan \theta))
    4. Differentiate: Exponential Functions
      1. ddxetanx\frac{d}{dx} e^{\tan x}
      2. ddxecsc5x2\frac{d}{dx} e^{\csc 5x^2}
      3. ddx2sinx\frac{d}{dx} 2^{\sin x}
      4. ddx52x3\frac{d}{dx} 5^{2^{{x}^3}}
    5. Differentiate: Logarithmic Functions
      1. ddxlnx100 \frac{d}{dx} \ln x^{100}
        ddx(lnx)100\frac{d}{dx} (\ln x)^{100}
      2. ddxlog2x3 \frac{d}{dx} \log_{2}{x^3}
    Topic Notes
    Chain Rule appears everywhere in the world of differential calculus. Whenever we are finding the derivative of a function, be it a composite function or not, we are in fact using the Chain Rule. In this section, we will learn about the concept, the definition and the application of the Chain Rule, as well as a secret trick – "The Bracket Technique".

    Introduction to the Chain Rule

    The Chain Rule is a fundamental concept in differential calculus, essential for calculating derivatives of composite functions. This powerful technique allows us to break down complex functions into simpler parts, making derivative calculations more manageable. The introduction video provides a clear and concise explanation of the Chain Rule, helping students grasp its significance and application. It's crucial to understand that the Chain Rule is used in virtually every derivative calculation, whether we explicitly recognize it or not. This ubiquity makes it an indispensable tool in calculus. By mastering the Chain Rule, students can tackle a wide range of mathematical problems, from basic differentiation to advanced applications in physics and engineering. The video demonstration offers valuable insights into how the Chain Rule works, providing a solid foundation for further exploration of differential calculus and its practical applications in various fields of study.

    Understanding the Chain Rule

    The Chain Rule is a fundamental concept in calculus that allows us to differentiate composite functions. It's an essential tool for solving complex derivative problems and is widely used in various fields of mathematics and science. Let's delve into the details of this powerful rule and explore its applications.

    The official textbook definition of the Chain Rule states: "If y = f(u) is a differentiable function of u and u = g(x) is a differentiable function of x, then the composite function y = f(g(x)) is a differentiable function of x, and its derivative is given by dy/dx = f'(u) * du/dx." This formal definition can be intimidating at first glance, but it essentially describes how to find the derivative of a function within a function.

    A simplified version of the Chain Rule can be expressed as: "The derivative of a composite function is the derivative of the outer function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function." This more accessible explanation helps us understand why it's called the 'Chain Rule' - it's like a chain of derivatives linked together.

    The 'bracket technique' is a practical method for applying the Chain Rule. It involves placing brackets around the inner function and treating it as a single variable when differentiating the outer function. This technique helps visualize the composite function and makes the differentiation process more intuitive.

    Let's explore some examples to illustrate how the Chain Rule works with different types of functions:

    1. Power functions: Consider y = (2x + 1)³. Using the bracket technique, we differentiate the outer function (u³) and multiply it by the derivative of the inner function (2x + 1). The result is dy/dx = 3(2x + 1)² * 2 = 6(2x + 1)².

    2. Trigonometric functions: For y = sin(x²), we apply the Chain Rule by differentiating sin(u) and multiplying it by the derivative of x². This gives us dy/dx = cos(x²) * 2x.

    3. Exponential functions: With y = e^(3x + 2), we differentiate e^u and multiply it by the derivative of (3x + 2). The result is dy/dx = e^(3x + 2) * 3.

    The Chain Rule becomes particularly useful when dealing with more complex composite functions. For instance, consider y = ln(sin(x²)). We can apply the Chain Rule twice: first to differentiate ln(sin(u)), and then to differentiate sin(x²). The final result is dy/dx = (1/sin(x²)) * cos(x²) * 2x.

    It's important to note that the Chain Rule can be extended to functions with multiple variables and can be applied repeatedly for nested functions. This versatility makes it an indispensable tool in calculus and its applications in physics, engineering, and economics.

    The power of the Chain Rule lies in its ability to break down complex differentiation problems into manageable steps. By recognizing composite functions and applying the rule systematically, we can tackle derivatives that would otherwise be extremely challenging or impossible to solve directly.

    In practice, the Chain Rule often works in conjunction with other differentiation rules, such as the Product Rule and Quotient Rule. Mastering these rules and understanding when to apply them is crucial for solving a wide range of calculus problems.

    As you become more familiar with the Chain Rule, you'll find that it becomes second nature to identify composite functions and apply the rule automatically. This skill is invaluable not only in pure mathematics but also in applied fields where derivatives are used to model real-world phenomena and optimize systems.

    In conclusion, the Chain Rule is a powerful and versatile tool in calculus that allows us to differentiate composite functions efficiently. By understanding its definition, applying the bracket technique, and practicing with various types of functions, you can master this essential concept and unlock new possibilities in mathematical problem-solving.

    Applying the Chain Rule: Simple Power Functions

    The Chain Rule is a fundamental concept in calculus that allows us to differentiate composite functions. While it's often associated with more complex functions, it can also be applied to simple power functions. Let's explore how the Chain Rule works with these functions, using the example of y = x^10, and understand when it's necessary and when it becomes optional.

    To begin, let's recall the general form of the Chain Rule:

    If y = f(u) and u = g(x), then dy/dx = f'(u) * du/dx

    Now, let's apply this to our example: y = x^10

    Step 1: Rewrite the function as a composition

    y = (x)^10

    Here, we can consider u = x and f(u) = u^10

    Step 2: Apply the Chain Rule

    dy/dx = f'(u) * du/dx

    Step 3: Calculate f'(u)

    f'(u) = 10u^9 (using the power rule)

    Step 4: Calculate du/dx

    du/dx = 1 (since u = x)

    Step 5: Combine the results

    dy/dx = 10u^9 * 1

    Step 6: Substitute back u = x

    dy/dx = 10x^9

    This result is correct, but you might wonder why we went through all these steps when we could have simply applied the power rule directly. This brings us to an important point: the Chain Rule becomes optional in certain cases, particularly with simple power functions.

    When the Chain Rule is Optional:

    For power functions of the form y = x^n, where n is a constant, the Chain Rule is not strictly necessary. We can directly apply the power rule: dy/dx = nx^(n-1)

    In our example, this would give us:

    dy/dx = 10x^(10-1) = 10x^9

    This is the same result we obtained using the Chain Rule, but with fewer steps.

    When the Chain Rule is Necessary:

    The Chain Rule becomes essential when dealing with differentiating composite functions or more complex power functions. For example:

    1. y = (2x + 1)^5

    2. y = sin(x^3)

    3. y = (x^2 + 3)^4

    In these cases, we can't simply apply the power rule directly. The Chain Rule allows us to break down these composite functions and differentiate them correctly.

    Let's quickly demonstrate with y = (2x + 1)^5:

    Step 1: Let u = 2x + 1, so y = u^5

    Step 2: dy/du = 5u^4 (power rule)

    Step 3: du/dx = 2 (derivative of 2x + 1)

    Step 4: dy/dx = dy/du * du/dx = 5u^4 * 2 = 10u^4

    Step 5: Substitute back u = 2x + 1

    dy/dx = 10(2x + 1)^4

    This result couldn't have been obtained without the Chain Rule.

    In conclusion, while the Chain Rule can be applied to simple power functions like y = x^10, it often becomes optional in these cases. However, it remains an indispensable tool for differentiating composite functions.

    Applying the Chain Rule: Complex Functions

    The Chain Rule is a powerful tool in calculus, especially when dealing with complex functions such as polynomials raised to a power. In this section, we'll explore how to apply the Chain Rule to these more intricate expressions, using the example of y = (x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)^10. We'll break down the process step-by-step and introduce the crucial bracket technique.

    Let's begin with our example: y = (x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)^10

    Step 1: Identify the outer and inner functions
    Outer function: f(u) = u^10
    Inner function: u = x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8

    Step 2: Apply the Chain Rule
    The Chain Rule states that dy/dx = (dy/du) * (du/dx)
    In our case: dy/dx = 10(x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)^9 * (d/dx)(x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)

    Step 3: Use the bracket technique
    The bracket technique is crucial here. We keep the inner function in brackets and raise it to the power of (10-1) = 9. This comes from differentiating u^10 with respect to u.

    Step 4: Differentiate the inner function
    Now we need to find (d/dx)(x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)
    = 5x^4 + 12x^2 - 6

    Step 5: Combine the results
    dy/dx = 10(x^5 + 4x^3 - 6x + 8)^9 * (5x^4 + 12x^2 - 6)

    This final expression is our derivative. The bracket technique is crucial because it allows us to keep the complex inner function intact while we apply the Chain Rule. Without it, we'd risk losing track of which parts of the expression belong together.

    Why is the bracket technique so important? When dealing with complex functions, especially polynomials raised to a power, the bracket technique helps us maintain the structure of the original function. It clearly separates the outer function's derivative (the 10 and the power of 9) from the inner function and its derivative. This separation is key to correctly applying the Chain Rule and avoiding errors in more complicated expressions.

    Let's break down why each part of our solution is important:

    1. The factor of 10: This comes from differentiating u^10 with respect to u, giving us 10u^9.
    2. The bracketed term raised to the 9th power: This is the inner function, kept intact and raised to one less than its original power.
    3. The final factor (5x^4 + 12x^2 - 6): This is the derivative of the inner function.

    The bracket technique becomes even more valuable when dealing with nested functions or when the Chain Rule needs to be applied multiple times. It provides a clear, visual way to organize the different layers of the function and ensure that each part is differentiated correctly.

    In practice, you might encounter even more complex functions, such as trigonometric functions of polynomials or exponential functions with polynomial exponents. The principles remain the same: identify the outer and inner functions, apply the Chain Rule, use the bracket technique to keep the structure clear, and differentiate each part carefully.

    Remember, mastering the Chain Rule and the bracket technique opens up a world of possibilities in calculus. It allows you to tackle a wide range of complex functions with confidence, breaking them down into manageable pieces and applying the rules of differentiation systematically. As you practice with more

    Comparing Simple and Complex Applications

    The Chain Rule stands as a fundamental principle in differential calculus, offering a powerful method for differentiating composite functions. Its beauty lies in its universal applicability, seamlessly bridging the gap between simple and complex functions. When comparing the application of the Chain Rule across these different function types, we uncover both striking similarities and nuanced differences that highlight its versatility.

    In simple functions, the Chain Rule's application often appears straightforward. Consider a basic composite function like f(x) = sin(x²). Here, the Chain Rule guides us to differentiate the outer function (sin) with respect to its argument (x²), then multiply by the derivative of the inner function (x²). The process unfolds as d/dx[sin(x²)] = cos(x²) · 2x. This example demonstrates the core principle: we differentiate "from the outside in," maintaining the structure of the original function while applying the rule.

    Moving to more complex functions, the fundamental approach remains unchanged, but the calculations become more intricate. Take, for instance, f(x) = ln(e^(sin(x)) + 1). The Chain Rule still directs us to start from the outermost function and work our way inward. We begin with d/dx[ln(u)], where u = e^(sin(x)) + 1. The derivative becomes (1/u) · d/dx[e^(sin(x)) + 1]. Continuing inward, we apply the rule to e^(sin(x)), resulting in e^(sin(x)) · cos(x). The final derivative is (e^(sin(x)) · cos(x)) / (e^(sin(x)) + 1).

    The key similarity in both simple and complex cases is the methodical, layer-by-layer approach. Whether dealing with two layers of composition or multiple nested functions, the Chain Rule consistently guides us to differentiate each layer with respect to its immediate argument. This systematic process remains constant, regardless of the function's complexity.

    The primary difference lies in the content within the brackets at each step. Simple functions often involve familiar derivatives and straightforward multiplications. In contrast, complex functions may require multiple applications of the Chain Rule, leading to more elaborate expressions and potentially challenging algebraic manipulations. However, the core principle remains unchanged.

    It's crucial to reinforce that the Chain Rule's universal application in differential calculus is not merely a theoretical concept but a practical tool. Whether tackling elementary trigonometric compositions or intricate exponential and logarithmic combinations, the rule provides a consistent framework for differentiation. This universality makes the Chain Rule an indispensable tool in various fields, from physics and engineering to economics and data science.

    As students and practitioners progress from simple to complex applications, they develop a deeper appreciation for the Chain Rule's elegance and power. The transition between these levels of complexity is not a leap but a gradual expansion of the same fundamental principle. This continuity in application underscores the rule's importance in building a solid foundation in calculus.

    In conclusion, the comparison between simple and complex applications of the Chain Rule reveals a beautiful consistency in approach coupled with an escalation in computational intricacy. The universal applicability of this rule across the spectrum of function complexity stands as a testament to its fundamental role in differential calculus. Mastering the Chain Rule, from its simplest forms to its most complex applications, equips one with a versatile tool for tackling a wide array of mathematical challenges, reinforcing its status as a cornerstone of calculus.

    Common Mistakes and Tips for Using the Chain Rule

    The Chain Rule is a fundamental concept in calculus, but many students struggle with its application. Understanding common mistakes and learning helpful tips can significantly improve your ability to use this rule effectively. One of the most frequent errors is forgetting to apply the Chain Rule when it's necessary. Students often overlook composite functions, failing to recognize when one function is nested inside another. To avoid this, always ask yourself if the function can be broken down into simpler parts.

    Another common mistake is incorrectly identifying the inner and outer functions. This can lead to errors in differentiation. A helpful tip is to think of the Chain Rule as working from the "outside in." Start with the outermost function and work your way inward, applying the derivative at each step. Additionally, students sometimes forget to multiply the results of each differentiation step. Remember, the Chain Rule involves the product of derivatives, not their sum.

    Recognizing when to use the Chain Rule is crucial. Look for functions within functions, such as sin(x²) or e^(3x+1). These composite functions are clear indicators that the Chain Rule is needed. A useful memory aid is the phrase "inside-outside." First, differentiate the outside function, then multiply by the derivative of the inside function. This simple reminder can help you apply the rule correctly in most situations.

    When dealing with more complex functions, breaking them down into smaller, manageable parts can be beneficial. Use brackets to separate different components of the function, making it easier to identify where the Chain Rule should be applied. For instance, in f(x) = (x² + 3), clearly identify (x² + 3) as the inner function and the fourth power as the outer function.

    Practice is key to mastering the Chain Rule. Work through a variety of problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Start with simple composite functions and progress to more challenging ones. As you gain experience, you'll develop an intuition for when and how to apply the rule. Remember, the Chain Rule is not just a formula to memorize, but a concept to understand deeply. By avoiding common mistakes, using helpful tips, and practicing regularly, you'll become proficient in applying this essential calculus tool.


    In summary, the Chain Rule stands as a cornerstone of differential calculus, offering a powerful method for differentiating composite functions. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it allows us to tackle complex functions by breaking them down into simpler components. The Chain Rule's universal application extends across various fields, from physics to economics, making it an essential tool for problem-solving. We strongly encourage you to practice applying the Chain Rule to a wide range of functions, including trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic compositions. Regular practice will solidify your understanding and improve your ability to recognize when and how to use this rule. Remember, the introduction video serves as an excellent foundation for grasping this fundamental concept. By mastering the Chain Rule, you'll unlock a deeper understanding of calculus and enhance your problem-solving skills in mathematics and related disciplines. Keep practicing, and you'll soon find the Chain Rule becoming second nature in your mathematical toolkit.


    Differentiate: Rational Functions ddx1(4x3+7)10 \frac{d}{dx} \frac{1}{(4x^3+7)^{10}}

    Step 1: Understanding the Problem

    We need to find the derivative of the rational function 1(4x3+7)10 \frac{1}{(4x^3+7)^{10}} . This function is in the form of a rational function, which can be challenging to differentiate directly. However, we can simplify the process by converting it into a power function.

    Step 2: Converting the Rational Function to a Power Function

    To apply the power rule, we need to express the given rational function as a power function. Recall that a rational function of the form 1xn \frac{1}{x^n} can be rewritten as xn x^{-n} . Applying this to our function, we get:

    1(4x3+7)10=(4x3+7)10 \frac{1}{(4x^3+7)^{10}} = (4x^3+7)^{-10}

    Step 3: Applying the Power Rule

    Now that we have the function in the form (4x3+7)10 (4x^3+7)^{-10} , we can apply the power rule. The power rule states that the derivative of xn x^n is nxn1 nx^{n-1} . For our function, the exponent n n is -10. Therefore, we bring down the exponent and subtract 1 from it:

    ddx(4x3+7)10=10(4x3+7)11 \frac{d}{dx} (4x^3+7)^{-10} = -10(4x^3+7)^{-11}

    Step 4: Applying the Chain Rule

    Since the function inside the parentheses is not just x x but a polynomial 4x3+7 4x^3+7 , we need to apply the chain rule. The chain rule states that we must multiply by the derivative of the inner function. The inner function here is 4x3+7 4x^3+7 , and its derivative is:

    ddx(4x3+7)=12x2 \frac{d}{dx} (4x^3+7) = 12x^2

    Therefore, applying the chain rule, we get:

    ddx(4x3+7)10=10(4x3+7)1112x2 \frac{d}{dx} (4x^3+7)^{-10} = -10(4x^3+7)^{-11} \cdot 12x^2

    Step 5: Simplifying the Expression

    Next, we simplify the expression by combining the constants and terms:

    1012x2(4x3+7)11=120x2(4x3+7)11 -10 \cdot 12x^2 (4x^3+7)^{-11} = -120x^2 (4x^3+7)^{-11}

    Step 6: Converting Back to Rational Form

    Finally, we convert the expression back to its rational form. Recall that a negative exponent indicates that the term is in the denominator:

    120x2(4x3+7)11=120x2(4x3+7)11 -120x^2 (4x^3+7)^{-11} = \frac{-120x^2}{(4x^3+7)^{11}}


    Thus, the derivative of the given rational function 1(4x3+7)10 \frac{1}{(4x^3+7)^{10}} is 120x2(4x3+7)11 \frac{-120x^2}{(4x^3+7)^{11}} . This step-by-step process demonstrates how to use the power rule and chain rule in combination to differentiate a complex rational function.


    Q1: What is the Chain Rule in calculus?
    A1: The Chain Rule is a fundamental principle in calculus used for differentiating composite functions. It states that if y = f(u) and u = g(x), then the derivative of y with respect to x is given by dy/dx = f'(u) * du/dx. In simpler terms, it allows us to break down complex functions into simpler parts for differentiation.

    Q2: When should I use the Chain Rule?
    A2: You should use the Chain Rule when dealing with composite functions, which are functions within functions. Examples include sin(x²), e^(3x+1), or (x² + 3). Whenever you see a function that can be broken down into an outer function and an inner function, the Chain Rule is likely necessary.

    Q3: What is the "bracket technique" in applying the Chain Rule?
    A3: The bracket technique is a method used to visually organize composite functions when applying the Chain Rule. It involves placing brackets around the inner function and treating it as a single variable when differentiating the outer function. This technique helps maintain the structure of complex functions and ensures correct application of the Chain Rule.

    Q4: How does the Chain Rule differ for simple and complex functions?
    A4: The fundamental approach of the Chain Rule remains the same for both simple and complex functions. However, complex functions often require multiple applications of the rule and may involve more intricate algebraic manipulations. Simple functions typically involve straightforward derivatives and multiplications, while complex functions may lead to more elaborate expressions.

    Q5: What are common mistakes to avoid when using the Chain Rule?
    A5: Common mistakes include forgetting to apply the Chain Rule when necessary, incorrectly identifying inner and outer functions, and forgetting to multiply the results of each differentiation step. To avoid these, always check for composite functions, work from the "outside in," and remember that the Chain Rule involves the product of derivatives, not their sum.

    Prerequisite Topics for Understanding the Chain Rule

    Mastering the chain rule in calculus requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most crucial prerequisites is understanding composite functions. These functions form the backbone of the chain rule, as it essentially deals with differentiating composite functions. By grasping how functions can be nested within one another, students can better comprehend the chain rule's application in calculus.

    Another vital concept to grasp is the power of a power rule. This rule is fundamental in calculus, particularly when dealing with the chain rule. It helps students understand how exponents behave when applied to expressions, which is crucial when differentiating complex functions. Similarly, the power of a product rule and the power of a quotient rule are essential prerequisites. These rules provide the foundation for understanding more complex differentiation techniques, including the chain rule.

    As students progress in their calculus journey, they'll encounter more advanced topics that build upon the chain rule. For instance, functions expressed as power series often require the application of the chain rule for differentiation. Understanding this concept helps students see the broader applications of the chain rule in higher-level mathematics.

    The chain rule also plays a crucial role when dealing with the derivative of inverse trigonometric functions. These functions are often composed with other functions, making the chain rule indispensable for their differentiation. Similarly, the derivative of exponential functions frequently involves the chain rule, especially when dealing with composite exponential functions.

    By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students can approach the chain rule with confidence. The chain rule is not an isolated concept but rather a culmination of various mathematical principles. It serves as a bridge between basic differentiation techniques and more advanced calculus concepts. Mastering the chain rule opens doors to solving complex real-world problems in physics, engineering, and economics, where functions are often composed of multiple layers.

    In conclusion, the journey to mastering the chain rule is paved with these essential prerequisite topics. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a robust foundation for understanding this fundamental calculus principle. By dedicating time to these prerequisites, students not only prepare themselves for the chain rule but also develop a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of mathematical concepts in calculus.

    Chain Rule
    if: y=  f(              )y = \;f\left( {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \right)
    then: dydx=f(              )ddx(                )\frac{{dy}}{{{d}x}} = f'\left( {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \right)\cdot\frac{{d}}{{{d}x}}\left( {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;} \right)

    Differential Rules
    table of chain rule applications on various functions 1
    table of chain rule applications on various functions 2