Solving logarithmic equations

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  1. How to Solve a Logarithmic Equation
  1. Solve algebraically:
    1. log(3x)+log(43x)log(x)=log7 \log(3 - x) + \log (4 - 3x) - \log(x) = \log7
    2. 2log3(x+4)log3(x)=2 2 \log_3 {(x + 4)} - \log_3 (- x) = 2
    3. log2x=2+12log2(x3)\log_2x = 2 + {1\over2} \log_2(x - 3)
  2. Solve algebraically:
    1. (logx)2logx5=14{(\log x)^2 - \log x^5 = 14}
    2. 2(log3n)3(log3n)2=0{2 (\log_3n)^3 - (\log_3n)^2 = 0}
Topic Notes

Introduction: Understanding Logarithmic Equations

Welcome to our exploration of logarithmic equations, a fascinating and crucial area of mathematics! These equations are powerful tools that help us solve complex problems in various fields, from science to finance. If you've ever wondered how to solve logarithms or how to solve log equations, you're in the right place. Our introduction video is designed to demystify this topic and set you on the path to mastery. As your virtual math tutor, I'm excited to guide you through the basics of logarithmic equations. We'll start by breaking down what these equations are, why they're important, and how they relate to exponential functions. Don't worry if it seems challenging at first with practice and the right approach, you'll soon find yourself confidently tackling these equations. So, let's dive in and unlock the power of logarithms together!

The Basics of Logarithmic Equations

What are Logarithmic Equations?

Logarithmic equations are mathematical expressions that involve logarithms. To understand how to do logarithms, it's essential to grasp their basic structure and relationship with exponents. Logarithms are the inverse operations of exponentiation, making them powerful tools in solving complex mathematical problems.

The Structure of Logarithmic Equations

A typical logarithmic equation has the form: logb(x) = y, where 'b' is the base, 'x' is the argument, and 'y' is the exponent. Understanding this structure is crucial when learning how to simplify logarithms. The base 'b' is usually 10 (common logarithm) or e (natural logarithm), but it can be any positive number except 1.

The Relationship Between Logarithms and Exponents

Logarithms and exponents are closely related. In fact, logarithms are defined in terms of exponents. If we have by = x, then we can express this as logb(x) = y. This relationship is fundamental in understanding how to do logarithms and solve logarithmic equations.

Examples of Simple Logarithmic Equations

Let's look at some logarithmic equation examples to better understand their application:

  1. log2(8) = 3 (because 23 = 8)
  2. log10(100) = 2 (because 102 = 100)
  3. ln(e) = 1 (because e1 = e, where ln is the natural logarithm)

How to Simplify Logarithms

Simplifying logarithms often involves using logarithm properties. Here are some key rules to remember:

These rules are essential when learning how to simplify logarithms and solve more complex logarithmic equations.

Solving Logarithmic Equations

To solve logarithmic equations, you often need to convert them to exponential form. For example, if we have log2(x) = 3, we can rewrite this as 23 = x, which gives us x = 8. This technique is crucial in understanding how to do logarithms in practical problem-solving scenarios.

Applications of Logarithmic Equations

Logarithmic equations have numerous real-world applications, including:

  • Measuring earthquake intensity (Richter scale)
  • Calculating compound interest
  • Analyzing sound intensity (decibel scale)
  • Modeling population growth

Understanding these applications can provide context and motivation for learning how to do logarithms and work with logarithmic equations.


Mastering logarithmic equations requires practice and a solid understanding of their relationship with exponents. By familiarizing yourself with the basic structure, learning how to simplify logarithms, and working through various logarithmic equation examples, you'll develop the skills needed to tackle more complex mathematical problems involving logarithms. Remember, the key to proficiency lies in consistent practice and application of the fundamental principles discussed in this inverse operations of exponentiation.

Step 1: Combining Logarithms

Welcome to the first step in solving logarithmic equations! Today, we're going to tackle an essential technique: combining logarithms on each side of the equation. This skill is crucial for simplifying logarithmic expressions and making them easier to solve. So, let's dive in and learn how to add logarithms and get rid of logs in an equation!

First things first, let's review the rules for adding and subtracting logarithms. These rules are the foundation for combining logarithms effectively:

  1. The Product Rule: log(a) + log(b) = log(ab)
  2. The Quotient Rule: log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b)
  3. The Power Rule: n * log(a) = log(a^n)

Now, let's see how we can apply these rules to combine logarithms in equations. Imagine you have an equation like this:

log(x) + log(y) = log(z)

Using the Product Rule, we can simplify the left side of the equation:

log(xy) = log(z)

See how we've combined two logarithms into one? This is the essence of simplifying logarithmic expressions. Let's look at another example:

2log(x) - log(y) = log(z)

Here, we can use both the Power Rule and the Quotient Rule:

log(x^2) - log(y) = log(z)

log(x^2/y) = log(z)

Amazing! We've taken three logarithmic terms and combined them into a single, neat expression. This process of how to get rid of log in an equation is crucial for solving more complex problems.

Let's try one more example to really cement this concept:

log(a) + 3log(b) - 2log(c) = log(d)

Step by step, we can combine these logarithms:

  1. Apply the Power Rule to 3log(b) and 2log(c)
  2. Use the Product and Quotient Rules to combine all terms

The result? log(ab^3/c^2) = log(d)

Isn't it incredible how we can simplify such a complex-looking equation into something so manageable? This is the power of knowing how to add logarithms and simplify logarithmic expressions.

Remember, the key to mastering this step is practice. Start with simple equations and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. Don't be discouraged if it takes some time to get comfortable with these rules logarithms can be tricky, but with persistence, you'll get there!

As you practice, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always look for opportunities to apply the Product, Quotient, and Power Rules
  • Be careful with negative signs they can change whether you're adding or subtracting logarithms
  • Double-check your work to ensure you haven't missed any terms

By mastering this first step of combining logarithms, you're setting yourself up for success in solving more complex logarithmic equations. Remember, simplification is key the more you can combine and simplify, the easier your equation will be to solve in the end.

So, go ahead and give it a try! Start with some simple logarithmic equations and practice combining the logarithms. Before you know it, you'll be simplifying complex expressions with ease. Happy logarithm solving!

Step 2: Solving Equations with Logarithms on Both Sides

When faced with equations containing logarithms on both sides, it's essential to understand the process of solving them effectively. This skill is crucial for students learning advanced algebra and preparing for higher-level mathematics. Let's explore how to solve logarithms on both sides step by step, focusing on the principle of equating arguments when the bases are the same.

The key to solving equations with logarithms on both sides lies in recognizing that when two logarithms with the same base are equal, their arguments must also be equal. This principle forms the foundation for solving such equations. Here's a general approach to tackle these problems:

  1. Identify the base of the logarithms on both sides.
  2. If the bases are the same, equate the arguments.
  3. If the bases are different, convert them to a common base (usually base e or 10).
  4. Solve the resulting equation using algebraic techniques.

Let's walk through an example to illustrate this process:

Example 1: Solve log(x + 3) = log(2x - 1)

  1. We can see that both logarithms have base 2.
  2. Since the bases are the same, we can equate the arguments: x + 3 = 2x - 1
  3. Solve the equation algebraically: x + 3 = 2x - 1 4 = x x = 4
  4. Always check your solution by substituting it back into the original equation.

For more complex equations, you might encounter situations where the bases are different or where additional algebraic manipulation is required. Here's another example:

Example 2: Solve log(x² - 4) = 2

  1. In this case, we have a single logarithm equal to a number.
  2. To solve this, we can use the definition of logarithms: 3² = x² - 4
  3. Simplify: 9 = x² - 4 x² = 13 x = ±13

When dealing with natural logarithms (base e) or common logarithms (base 10), the process remains similar. For instance:

Example 3: Solve ln(x + 2) = ln(3x - 5)

  1. Both logarithms have base e (natural log).
  2. Equate the arguments: x + 2 = 3x - 5
  3. Solve algebraically: 7 = 2x x = 3.5

Remember, when solving logarithmic equations, it's crucial to consider the domain of the logarithm. Logarithms are only defined for positive numbers, so always check that your solution satisfies this condition.

To become proficient in solving logarithmic equations, practice is key. Start with simple equations and gradually move to more complex ones. Pay attention to the bases of the logarithms and be prepared to convert between different bases if necessary. Always verify your solutions by substituting them back into the original equation.

By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to handle a wide range of logarithmic equations, from basic to advanced levels. This skill is not only valuable for academic success but also forms a foundation for understanding more complex mathematical concepts in fields such as engineering, physics, and data science.

Step 3: Solving Equations with Logarithms on One Side

When faced with an equation that has a logarithm on one side and a number on the other, it's crucial to know how to solve it effectively. This step in the problem-solving process is vital for mastering logarithmic equations. Let's explore how to get rid of a log in an equation and solve for the unknown variable.

The key to solving logarithmic equations is understanding the relationship between logarithms and exponentials. When you have a logarithm on one side of the equation, you can use the corresponding exponential function to eliminate it. This process is often referred to as "undoing" the logarithm.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to solve logarithmic equations:

  1. Isolate the logarithm on one side of the equation.
  2. Identify the base of the logarithm (if not specified, assume it's base 10 or base e for natural logarithms).
  3. Apply the corresponding exponential function to both sides of the equation.
  4. Simplify the equation and solve for the unknown variable.

Let's look at some examples with varying difficulty levels to illustrate this process:

Example 1 (Basic):

Solve for x: log(x) = 3

Step 1: The logarithm is already isolated.

Step 2: The base is 2.

Step 3: Apply 2 to the power of both sides: 2^(log(x)) = 2^3

Step 4: Simplify: x = 8

Example 2 (Intermediate):

Solve for x: log(x + 5) = 2

Step 1: The logarithm is isolated (assume base 10 when not specified).

Step 2: The base is 10.

Step 3: Apply 10 to the power of both sides: 10^(log(x + 5)) = 10^2

Step 4: Simplify: x + 5 = 100

Solve for x: x = 95

Example 3 (Advanced):

Solve for x: ln(2x - 1) = 3

Step 1: The natural logarithm (ln) is already isolated.

Step 2: The base is e (Euler's number).

Step 3: Apply e to the power of both sides: e^(ln(2x - 1)) = e^3

Step 4: Simplify: 2x - 1 = e^3

Solve for x: x = (e^3 + 1) / 2

Understanding how to solve for x with log is essential in many mathematical and scientific applications. It's important to practice these steps to become proficient in solving logarithmic equations. Remember that the process of "undoing" the logarithm by using its corresponding exponential function is the key to solving these types of equations.

As you work through more complex problems, you may encounter equations with multiple logarithms or logarithms combined with other functions. In such cases, you might need to use additional algebraic techniques or properties of logarithms before applying the exponential function. However, the core principle of using exponentials to eliminate logarithms remains the same.

Mastering this step in the problem-solving process will greatly enhance your ability to handle a wide range of mathematical challenges involving logarithms. Whether you're working on academic problems, scientific calculations, or real-world applications, the skill of solving logarithmic equations is invaluable. Keep practicing

Step 4: Verifying Solutions and Domain Restrictions

When learning how to solve logarithmic equations for x, it's crucial to understand that the process doesn't end with finding a solution. The final, and arguably most important step, is verifying your solutions and checking domain restrictions. This step is often overlooked, but it can make the difference between a correct and an incorrect answer in log equation examples.

First and foremost, it's essential to remember that the argument of a logarithm must always be positive. This is a fundamental rule in mathematics that cannot be violated. When you solve logarithmic equations, you might arrive at solutions that seem correct algebraically but are invalid due to this restriction. Therefore, always check that your solutions result in positive arguments for all logarithms in the original equation.

For instance, consider the equation log(x - 2) = 3. If you solve this equation, you'll find that x = 10. This seems straightforward, but it's crucial to verify this solution. Substitute x = 10 back into the original equation: log(10 - 2) = log(8) = 3. This checks out, confirming that 10 is indeed a valid solution.

However, let's look at a trickier example: log(x + 3) + log(x - 3) = 1. Solving this equation algebraically might lead you to two solutions: x = 4 or x = -1. But here's where verification becomes critical. When you substitute x = 4, both logarithms have positive arguments (7 and 1), and the equation holds true. However, when you try x = -1, you get log(2) + log(-4). The second logarithm has a negative argument, which is undefined. Therefore, x = -1 is not a valid solution, despite satisfying the algebraic manipulation.

This example illustrates why it's so important to check domain restrictions when you solve logarithmic equations. Without this crucial step, you might include invalid solutions in your answer, leading to errors in further calculations or misunderstandings of the problem at hand.

To properly verify solutions and check domain restrictions, follow these steps:

  1. Solve the equation algebraically.
  2. For each solution, substitute it back into the original equation.
  3. Check that all arguments of logarithms are positive.
  4. Verify that the equation holds true with the substituted value.
  5. Discard any solutions that violate domain restrictions or don't satisfy the equation.

Remember, when dealing with logarithmic equations, it's not enough to simply find values that make the equation true algebraically. You must always consider the domain restrictions imposed by the logarithmic functions. Failing to do so can lead to serious errors in your calculations and misunderstandings of the underlying mathematical concepts.

In conclusion, as you learn how to solve logarithmic equations, always treat the verification step with the utmost importance. It's not just a formality it's an integral part of the solution process. By diligently checking your solutions against domain restrictions, you ensure the accuracy and validity of your work, building a solid foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. Don't let careless oversights undermine your hard work in solving these equations. Always verify, always check, and always be certain that your solutions truly satisfy all aspects of the logarithmic equation.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When learning how to solve logs, students often encounter challenges that can lead to errors. Understanding these common mistakes and how to avoid them is crucial for mastering logarithmic equations. Let's explore some frequent errors and provide helpful tips to overcome them.

One common mistake is forgetting the domain restrictions when solving for log. For example, in the equation log(x - 2) = 3, students might solve it as x - 2 = 10^3, resulting in x = 1002. However, they forget to check that x - 2 must be positive. Always remember to state the domain restriction x > 2 in this case.

Another error occurs when students incorrectly apply the product rule of logarithms. For instance, they might write log(ab) = log(a) + b instead of log(a) + log(b). To avoid this, practice the logarithm rules regularly and double-check your work.

Students often struggle with how to solve a log equation involving different bases. They might try to solve log_2(x) = log_3(x + 1) by simply equating x and x + 1. Instead, use the change of base formula to convert both sides to the same base or use exponentials to rewrite the equation.

Mishandling exponents is another pitfall. In an equation like 2^(log_2(x)) = 8, students might incorrectly conclude that log_2(x) = 8. Remember that 2^(log_2(x)) simplifies to x, so the correct equation is x = 8.

When dealing with logarithms of negative numbers, students sometimes forget that these are undefined in the real number system. For example, log(-5) is not a real number. Always check for this when solving logarithmic equations.

Lastly, a common error is incorrectly assuming that log(a + b) = log(a) + log(b). This is not true! The correct form is log(ab) = log(a) + log(b). To avoid this, memorize the logarithm rules and practice applying them correctly.

Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Don't get discouraged if you find yourself making these errors. Instead, use them as opportunities to deepen your understanding. Practice regularly, review the rules often, and always double-check your work. With time and effort, you'll become proficient in solving logarithmic equations. Keep up the great work!

Conclusion: Mastering Logarithmic Equations

In this article, we've explored how to solve logarithmic equations step-by-step. We covered key techniques such as using logarithm properties, converting to exponential form, and isolating variables. Remember, careful attention to each step is crucial for accurate solutions. If you're still unsure about any concepts, we encourage you to rewatch the introductory video for a visual explanation. Practice is essential in mastering logarithmic equations, so don't hesitate to work through additional problems. How you approach these equations can greatly impact your success in advanced mathematics. We recommend seeking out more practice problems and engaging with online resources to further strengthen your skills. By consistently applying these methods, you'll soon find yourself confidently tackling even the most complex logarithmic equations. Keep exploring, stay curious, and remember that mastery comes with persistence and dedication. Happy problem-solving!

Solving Logarithmic Equations

Solve algebraically:

log(3x)+log(43x)log(x)=log7\log(3 - x) + \log (4 - 3x) - \log(x) = \log7

Step 1: Identify the Base of the Logarithms

First, we need to identify the base of the logarithms. If the base is not specified, it is understood to be base 10 by default. In this equation, all logarithms are base 10.

Step 2: Combine the Logarithms on the Left Side

Next, we combine the logarithms on the left side of the equation using logarithmic properties. The equation is:

log(3x)+log(43x)log(x)=log7\log(3 - x) + \log (4 - 3x) - \log(x) = \log7

Using the property that log(a)+log(b)=log(ab)\log(a) + \log(b) = \log(ab), we combine the first two logarithms:

log((3x)(43x))log(x)=log7\log((3 - x)(4 - 3x)) - \log(x) = \log7

Then, using the property that log(a)log(b)=log(ab)\log(a) - \log(b) = \log(\frac{a}{b}), we combine the result with the third logarithm:

log((3x)(43x)x)=log7\log\left(\frac{(3 - x)(4 - 3x)}{x}\right) = \log7

Step 3: Equate the Arguments of the Logarithms

Since the logarithms on both sides of the equation have the same base, we can equate their arguments:

(3x)(43x)x=7\frac{(3 - x)(4 - 3x)}{x} = 7

Step 4: Eliminate the Fraction

To eliminate the fraction, multiply both sides of the equation by xx:

(3x)(43x)=7x(3 - x)(4 - 3x) = 7x

Expand the left side:

129x4x+3x2=7x12 - 9x - 4x + 3x^2 = 7x

Simplify the equation:

3x213x+12=7x3x^2 - 13x + 12 = 7x

Move all terms to one side to form a quadratic equation:

3x220x+12=03x^2 - 20x + 12 = 0

Step 5: Solve the Quadratic Equation

We solve the quadratic equation 3x220x+12=03x^2 - 20x + 12 = 0 using the quadratic formula x=b±b24ac2ax = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}, where a=3a = 3, b=20b = -20, and c=12c = 12.

Calculate the discriminant:

Δ=b24ac=(20)24(3)(12)=400144=256\Delta = b^2 - 4ac = (-20)^2 - 4(3)(12) = 400 - 144 = 256

Find the roots:

x=20±2566=20±166x = \frac{20 \pm \sqrt{256}}{6} = \frac{20 \pm 16}{6}

This gives us two solutions:

x=366=6x = \frac{36}{6} = 6

x=46=23x = \frac{4}{6} = \frac{2}{3}

Step 6: Verify the Solutions

We need to verify that the solutions do not make any argument of the logarithms negative or zero. Substitute x=6x = 6 into the original equation:

log(36)+log(43(6))log(6)=log7\log(3 - 6) + \log(4 - 3(6)) - \log(6) = \log7

This results in log(3)\log(-3), which is undefined. Therefore, x=6x = 6 is not a valid solution.

Next, substitute x=23x = \frac{2}{3} into the original equation:

log(323)+log(43(23))log(23)=log7\log(3 - \frac{2}{3}) + \log(4 - 3(\frac{2}{3})) - \log(\frac{2}{3}) = \log7

This results in valid logarithmic arguments, confirming that x=23x = \frac{2}{3} is the correct solution.


1. How do you solve logarithmic equations?

To solve logarithmic equations, follow these steps:

  1. Isolate the logarithm on one side of the equation.
  2. If there are multiple logarithms, use logarithm properties to combine them.
  3. Rewrite the equation in exponential form.
  4. Solve the resulting exponential equation.
  5. Check your solution by substituting it back into the original equation.

2. What is the basic formula of logarithm?

The basic formula of logarithm is:

logb(x) = y if and only if by = x

Where b is the base, x is the argument, and y is the exponent.

3. How do you simplify logarithmic expressions?

To simplify logarithmic expressions, use these rules:

  • Product Rule: loga(xy) = loga(x) + loga(y)
  • Quotient Rule: loga(x/y) = loga(x) - loga(y)
  • Power Rule: loga(xn) = n * loga(x)
  • Change of Base: loga(x) = logb(x) / logb(a)

4. How do you solve logarithmic equations without a calculator?

To solve logarithmic equations without a calculator:

  1. Use logarithm properties to simplify the equation.
  2. Convert to exponential form.
  3. Solve the resulting equation algebraically.
  4. Use known logarithm values (e.g., log2(8) = 3) to simplify calculations.

5. What are some real-life applications of logarithmic equations?

Logarithmic equations have various real-life applications, including:

  • Measuring earthquake intensity (Richter scale)
  • Calculating compound interest in finance
  • Measuring sound intensity (decibel scale)
  • Modeling population growth
  • Analyzing pH levels in chemistry

Prerequisite Topics for Solving Logarithmic Equations

Understanding the foundations of mathematics is crucial when tackling complex topics like solving logarithmic equations. To excel in this area, students must first grasp several key concepts that serve as building blocks for more advanced problem-solving techniques.

One of the most fundamental skills required is solving linear equations with variables on both sides. This forms the basis for manipulating logarithmic equations, as many techniques involve isolating variables and rearranging terms. Mastering this skill will greatly enhance your ability to solve more complex logarithmic equations.

Logarithms are closely related to exponents, so a solid understanding of exponential functions is essential. This knowledge helps in recognizing patterns and relationships within logarithmic expressions. Additionally, familiarity with the process of converting to exponential form is crucial for solving certain types of logarithmic equations.

The rules of logarithms play a pivotal role in simplifying and solving logarithmic equations. Students should be well-versed in the quotient rule of logarithms and the power rule of logarithms. These rules allow for the manipulation of logarithmic expressions, often simplifying complex equations into more manageable forms.

Another important concept is the change of base formula for logarithms. This formula is particularly useful when dealing with logarithms of different bases, allowing for conversion between them and simplifying calculations.

While not directly related to logarithms, understanding inverse operations of exponentiation can provide valuable insights into the nature of logarithms, as logarithms are essentially the inverse of exponential functions.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will develop a strong foundation for solving logarithmic equations. Each concept contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationships between logarithms, exponents, and algebraic manipulation. This comprehensive knowledge base enables students to approach logarithmic equations with confidence, recognizing patterns and applying appropriate techniques to find solutions efficiently.

Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and each new concept builds upon previous knowledge. Taking the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisite topics will not only make solving logarithmic equations easier but will also prepare you for more advanced mathematical concepts in the future.

Steps to solving logarithmic equations
1. Combine all the logarithms into one.
2. Two scenarios:
logbM=logbN\log_bM = \log_bN M=N M=N
ii. logbM=N\log_bM = N bN=M b^N = M
3. Plug the answer back into the original equation to make sure the inside of any logarithm is non-negative.