Solving linear systems using Cramer's Rule

  1. Cramer's Rule Overview:
  2. Using Cramer's Rule with 2 x 2 matrices
  3. Using Cramer's Rule with 3 x 3 matrices
  1. Cramer's Rule with 2 x 2 matrices
    Solve the following linear systems with Cramer's Rule"
    1. x+2y=3 x+2y=3
      2x+3y=1 2x+3y=1
    2. 5x+3y=1 5x+3y=1
    3. y=3x+5 y=3x+5
      y=4x2 y=4x-2
    4. 2x+4y=3 2x+4y=3
  2. Cramer's Rule with 3 x 3 matrices
    Solve the following linear systems with Cramer's Rule"
    1. x+4y+3z=1 x+4y+3z=1
      x+2y+9z=1 x+2y+9z=1
      x+6y+6z=1 x+6y+6z=1
    2. x+3y+4z=4 x+3y+4z=4
      x+3y+2z=2 -x+3y+2z=2
      3x+9y+6z=6 3x+9y+6z=-6
    3. 23y3z=x 2-3y-3z=x
      3x+9y=33z 3x+9y=3-3z
      3x+6y+6z4=0 3x+6y+6z-4=0
Topic Notes
Last chapter we saw that we are able to solve linear systems with Gaussian Elimination. Now we are going to take a look at a new method which involves solving linear systems with Cramer's Rule. Cramer's Rule requires us to find the determinant of 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 matrices (depends on your linear system). However, this rule can only be used if you have the same number of equations and variables. If you have a different number of equations and variables, then finding the determinant will be impossible. Hence, it will not be possible to use Cramer's rule.

Introduction to Cramer's Rule

Welcome to our exploration of Cramer's Rule, a powerful method for solving linear systems of equations. This elegant technique, named after Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer, provides a straightforward way to find solutions using determinants. Cramer's Rule is particularly useful when dealing with systems that have a unique solution. In our introduction video, we'll break down this concept step-by-step, making it easy for you to grasp and apply. You'll see how Cramer's Rule can simplify complex problems and save time in certain scenarios. Whether you're a student tackling linear algebra or just curious about mathematical problem-solving, this video will equip you with a valuable tool. We'll use clear examples and visual aids to demonstrate how Cramer's Rule works in practice. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of this important concept and be ready to apply it to your own linear systems. Let's dive in and unravel the elegance of Cramer's Rule together!

Understanding Linear Systems and Cramer's Rule

Linear systems are fundamental in mathematics and have numerous applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. A linear system consists of a set of linear equations with multiple variables. These equations represent relationships between different quantities and are often used to model real-world problems. Solving linear systems is crucial for finding the values of unknown variables that satisfy all equations simultaneously.

One method for solving linear equations is Cramer's Rule, named after the Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer. This rule provides a straightforward way to find the solution to a system of linear equations using determinants. Cramer's Rule is particularly useful for systems with a small number of equations and variables, typically two or three.

To apply Cramer's Rule, we first calculate the determinant of the coefficient matrix, which contains the coefficients of the variables in the system. Then, for each variable, we create a new matrix by replacing the column corresponding to that variable with the constants from the right-hand side of the equations. The solution for each variable is obtained by dividing the determinant of this new matrix by the determinant of the original coefficient matrix.

For example, consider a simple 2x2 system:

2x + 3y = 8
4x - y = 1

Using Cramer's Rule, we can solve for x and y by calculating the appropriate determinants and ratios.

While Cramer's Rule is elegant and straightforward for small systems, it has limitations when compared to other methods like Gaussian Elimination. Gaussian Elimination is a more versatile technique that involves systematically eliminating variables to transform the system into an equivalent, simpler form. This method is generally more efficient for larger systems and can handle a wider range of linear equations.

One significant limitation of Cramer's Rule is that it requires the system to have an equal number of equations and variables. This means it can only be applied to square systems, where the coefficient matrix is square. Additionally, Cramer's Rule becomes computationally intensive for larger systems, as calculating determinants for large matrices is time-consuming and prone to numerical errors.

Another constraint is that Cramer's Rule cannot be used if the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero, as this indicates that the system either has no solution or infinitely many solutions. In such cases, other methods like Gaussian Elimination are more appropriate for analyzing the system's properties.

To illustrate the difference in efficiency, consider a 3x3 system:

x + 2y + 3z = 14
2x - y + z = 4
3x + y - 2z = 7

While Cramer's Rule would require calculating four 3x3 determinants, Gaussian Elimination can solve this system more efficiently through a series of simple row operations.

In conclusion, understanding linear systems is crucial for many mathematical and practical applications. Cramer's Rule offers a direct method for solving small systems, but its limitations in terms of system size and computational efficiency make Gaussian Elimination a more versatile choice for larger or more complex linear systems. Both methods have their place in mathematical problem-solving, and choosing the appropriate technique depends on the specific characteristics of the linear system at hand.

The Cramer's Rule Formula

Cramer's Rule is a powerful method for solving systems of linear equations using determinants. This formula, named after Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer, provides a systematic approach to finding solutions without the need for complex matrix operations. Understanding Cramer's Rule is essential for students and professionals in mathematics, engineering, and various scientific fields.

The Cramer's Rule formula is expressed as follows:

  • x = dx / d
  • y = dy / d
  • z = dz / d (for 3x3 systems)

Let's break down each component of the formula:

  • d: This represents the determinant of the coefficient matrix of the system.
  • dx: The determinant of the matrix formed by replacing the x-coefficient column with the constant terms.
  • dy: The determinant of the matrix formed by replacing the y-coefficient column with the constant terms.
  • dz: (For 3x3 systems) The determinant of the matrix formed by replacing the z-coefficient column with the constant terms.

The significance of these components lies in their ability to provide a direct solution to the system of equations. By calculating these determinants and applying the formula, we can find the values of the variables without resorting to elimination or substitution methods.

To demonstrate the application of Cramer's Rule, let's consider a simple 2x2 system:

2x + 3y = 8
4x - y = 1

Step 1: Calculate the determinant d of the coefficient matrix:

d = | 2 3 |
| 4 -1 | = (2 * -1) - (3 * 4) = -14

Step 2: Calculate dx by replacing the x-coefficient column with the constant terms:

dx = | 8 3 |
| 1 -1 | = (8 * -1) - (3 * 1) = -11

Step 3: Calculate dy by replacing the y-coefficient column with the constant terms:

dy = | 2 8 |
| 4 1 | = (2 * 1) - (8 * 4) = -30

Step 4: Apply Cramer's Rule to find x and y:

x = dx / d = -11 / -14 = 11/14
y = dy / d = -30 / -14 = 15/7

Thus, the solution to the system is x = 11/14 and y = 15/7.

Understanding determinants is crucial for effectively using Cramer's Rule. A determinant is a scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix. It provides important information about the matrix, such as whether it's invertible or not. In the context of Cramer's Rule, determinants allow us to express the solution of a system of equations in a compact and elegant form.

The ability to calculate determinants is fundamental to applying Cramer's Rule. For 2x2 matrices, the determinant is found by subtracting the product of the off-diagonal elements from the product of the diagonal elements. For larger matrices, more complex methods like cofactor expansion are used.

While Cramer's Rule is particularly efficient for 2x2 and 3x3 systems, it becomes computationally intensive for larger systems. In such cases, other methods like Gaussian elimination or matrix inversion might be more practical. However, the conceptual understanding gained from studying Cramer's Rule remains valuable in linear algebra and its applications.

In conclusion, Cramer's Rule offers a direct and elegant method for solving systems of linear equations.

Applying Cramer's Rule to 2x2 Systems

Cramer's Rule is a powerful method for solving systems of linear equations. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore how to apply Cramer's Rule to solve a 2x2 linear system, using the example: 1x + 2y = 3 and 4x + 5y = 6. This method involves calculating determinants and using them to find the values of variables.

Step 1: Identify the System

First, write out your system of equations in standard form:

  • Equation 1: 1x + 2y = 3
  • Equation 2: 4x + 5y = 6

Step 2: Set Up the Coefficient Matrix

Create a matrix A using the coefficients of x and y:

A = | 1 2 |
| 4 5 |

Step 3: Calculate the Determinant (d)

Calculate the determinant of matrix A, which we'll call 'd':

d = (1 × 5) - (2 × 4) = 5 - 8 = -3

Step 4: Create Matrices for x and y

Replace the x column with the constants to create matrix Ax:

Ax = | 3 2 |
| 6 5 |

Replace the y column with the constants to create matrix Ay:

Ay = | 1 3 |
| 4 6 |

Step 5: Calculate dx and dy

Calculate the determinants of Ax and Ay:

dx = (3 × 5) - (2 × 6) = 15 - 12 = 3
dy = (1 × 6) - (3 × 4) = 6 - 12 = -6

Step 6: Apply Cramer's Rule

Use Cramer's Rule to find x and y:

x = dx / d = 3 / (-3) = -1
y = dy / d = -6 / (-3) = 2

Step 7: Verify the Solution

Always check your solution by substituting the values back into the original equations:

Equation 1: 1(-1) + 2(2) = -1 + 4 = 3
Equation 2: 4(-1) + 5(2) = -4 + 10 = 6

Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes:

  • Always calculate the main determinant 'd' first. If it's zero, Cramer's Rule cannot be applied, as the system either has no solution or infinitely many solutions.
  • Be careful with signs when calculating determinants. A common error is forgetting to subtract the product of the off-diagonal elements.
  • When creating Ax and Ay, make sure you're replacing the correct column with the constants.
  • Double-check your arithmetic, especially when dealing with negative numbers.
  • Remember that x = dx / d and y = dy / d. Don't mix up the numerators.
  • Always verify your solution by plugging the values back into the original equations.


Applying Cramer's Rule to 3x3 Systems

Cramer's Rule, a powerful method for solving systems of linear equations with three variables, can be extended from 2x2 systems to 3x3 systems. This extension introduces additional complexity but follows the same fundamental principles. Let's explore how to apply Cramer's Rule to 3x3 systems, using the example from the video as our guide.

In a 3x3 system, we have three equations with three variables (x, y, and z). The general form looks like this:

ax + by + cz = d
ax + by + cz = d
ax + by + cz = d

The process for solving a 3x3 system using Cramer's Rule differs from 2x2 systems in several ways:

  1. We need to calculate four determinants instead of three: d, dx, dy, and dz.
  2. Each determinant is now a 3x3 matrix, making the calculations more involved.
  3. We use the 3x3 determinant formula, which is more complex than the 2x2 version.

Let's break down the step-by-step process for calculating d, dx, dy, and dz for a 3x3 system:

Step 1: Calculate d (the system determinant)

d = |a b c|
|a b c|
|a b c|

To calculate this 3x3 determinant:

d = a(bc - bc) - b(ac - ac) + c(ab - ab)

Step 2: Calculate dx

Replace the first column of d with the constants:

dx = |d b c|
|d b c|
|d b c|

Use the same 3x3 determinant formula as in Step 1.

Step 3: Calculate dy

Replace the second column of d with the constants:

dy = |a d c|
|a d c|
|a d c|

Step 4: Calculate dz

Replace the third column of d with the constants:

dz = |a b d|
|a b d|
|a b d|

Step 5: Solve for x, y, and z

x = dx / d
y = dy / d
z = dz / d

The main challenges when applying Cramer's Rule to 3x3 systems include:

  1. Increased complexity in determinant calculations
  2. Higher likelihood of arithmetic errors
  3. More time-consuming process compared to 2x2 systems

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cramer's Rule

Cramer's Rule is a powerful method for solving systems of linear equations, offering both advantages and disadvantages when compared to other techniques like Gaussian Elimination. Understanding these pros and cons is crucial for determining when to apply Cramer's Rule effectively in various mathematical and real-world scenarios.

One of the primary advantages of Cramer's Rule is its straightforward and elegant approach. It provides a direct formula for finding the solution to a system of equations, making it particularly useful for smaller systems. This method is especially beneficial when solving for a specific variable in a system, as it allows for the calculation of that variable without solving for the others. Additionally, Cramer's Rule can be easily programmed into computer algorithms, making it valuable in certain computational applications.

However, Cramer's Rule also has notable disadvantages. As the size of the system increases, the computational complexity grows exponentially, making it impractical for large systems of equations. In contrast, methods like Gaussian Elimination are more efficient for larger systems. Cramer's Rule also requires the calculation of determinants, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when done manually for larger matrices.

Cramer's Rule is most useful in situations where the system of equations is small, typically 2x2 or 3x3, and when a quick, direct solution is needed for a specific variable. It's particularly valuable in educational settings for teaching the relationships between variables in linear systems. In real-world applications, Cramer's Rule finds use in computer graphics for solving equations related to 3D transformations and in electrical engineering for analyzing circuit networks.

On the other hand, Cramer's Rule becomes impractical for systems with more than three or four equations due to its computational intensity. In such cases, Gaussian Elimination or other iterative methods are preferred. It's also not suitable for systems where the coefficient matrix is singular (has a determinant of zero), as this leads to undefined solutions.

Real-world applications where Cramer's Rule is particularly useful include solving small-scale economic models, balancing chemical equations in chemistry, and in certain physics problems involving force and motion. For instance, in structural engineering, it can be used to solve small systems of equations representing forces in simple structures. In computer science, Cramer's Rule is sometimes employed in cryptography algorithms and in solving equations for computer vision problems.

In conclusion, while Cramer's Rule offers a direct and elegant solution for small systems of linear equations, its practicality diminishes with larger systems. Understanding its strengths and limitations allows mathematicians and engineers to choose the most appropriate method for solving linear systems, balancing between the simplicity of Cramer's Rule and the efficiency of methods like Gaussian Elimination based on the specific requirements of each problem.


Cramer's Rule is a powerful method for solving linear systems, offering a systematic approach to finding solutions. This technique utilizes determinants to calculate variable values, making it particularly useful for systems with a unique solution. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding Cramer's Rule, demonstrating its application step-by-step. To truly grasp this concept, it's essential to practice applying Cramer's Rule to various linear systems, starting with simple 2x2 matrices and progressing to more complex scenarios. This practice not only reinforces your understanding but also helps identify when the rule is most efficient. As you become more comfortable with Cramer's Rule, consider exploring advanced topics in matrix operations and eigenvalues. Remember, Cramer's Rule is just one tool in the vast field of linear algebra, and mastering it opens doors to more sophisticated problem-solving techniques. Keep practicing and expanding your knowledge to become proficient in solving linear systems.

To truly grasp this concept, it's essential to practice applying Cramer's Rule to various linear systems, starting with simple 2x2 matrices and progressing to more complex scenarios. This practice not only reinforces your understanding but also helps identify when the rule is most efficient. As you become more comfortable with Cramer's Rule, consider exploring advanced topics in matrix operations and eigenvalues. Remember, Cramer's Rule is just one tool in the vast field of linear algebra practice, and mastering it opens doors to more sophisticated problem-solving techniques. Keep practicing and expanding your knowledge to become proficient in solving linear systems.

Cramer's Rule Overview: Using Cramer's Rule with 2 x 2 Matrices

Cramer's Rule is a mathematical theorem used for solving systems of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns, using determinants. This guide will walk you through the steps to solve a 2x2 linear system using Cramer's Rule.

Step 1: Introduction to Cramer's Rule

In this section, we will introduce Cramer's Rule and its application in solving linear systems. Cramer's Rule is an alternative to Gaussian elimination and involves finding determinants of matrices. This method is particularly useful for small systems of equations.

Step 2: Understanding the Linear System

Consider a linear system with two equations and two variables:

ax + by = e

cx + dy = f

Here, a, b, c, d, e, and f are constants. Our goal is to find the values of x and y that satisfy both equations.

Step 3: Converting the System to Matrix Form

First, convert the linear system into an augmented matrix. The coefficients of the variables form the coefficient matrix, and the constants on the right side of the equations form the constants matrix:

Coefficient Matrix (C):

| a b |

| c d |

Constants Matrix (B):

| e |

| f |

Step 4: Finding the Determinant of the Coefficient Matrix (D)

Calculate the determinant of the coefficient matrix (D). The determinant of a 2x2 matrix is given by:

D = ad - bc

Substitute the values of a, b, c, and d from the coefficient matrix to find D.

Step 5: Finding the Determinant for X (Dx)

To find Dx, replace the x-column of the coefficient matrix with the constants matrix (B) and calculate the determinant of the new matrix:

| e b |

| f d |

Dx = ed - bf

Step 6: Finding the Determinant for Y (Dy)

To find Dy, replace the y-column of the coefficient matrix with the constants matrix (B) and calculate the determinant of the new matrix:

| a e |

| c f |

Dy = af - ce

Step 7: Solving for X and Y

Using the determinants found in the previous steps, solve for x and y using the following formulas:

x = Dx / D

y = Dy / D

Substitute the values of Dx, Dy, and D to find the values of x and y.

Step 8: Example Calculation

Let's solve the following system of equations using Cramer's Rule:

1x + 2y = 3

4x + 5y = 6

Coefficient Matrix (C):

| 1 2 |

| 4 5 |

Constants Matrix (B):

| 3 |

| 6 |

Calculate D:

D = (1 * 5) - (2 * 4) = 5 - 8 = -3

Calculate Dx:

| 3 2 |

| 6 5 |

Dx = (3 * 5) - (2 * 6) = 15 - 12 = 3

Calculate Dy:

| 1 3 |

| 4 6 |

Dy = (1 * 6) - (3 * 4) = 6 - 12 = -6

Solve for x and y:

x = Dx / D = 3 / -3 = -1

y = Dy / D = -6 / -3 = 2

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -1 and y = 2.

Step 9: Conclusion

By following these steps, you can solve any 2x2 linear system using Cramer's Rule. This method is efficient for small systems and provides a clear, systematic approach to finding the solution.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Cramer's Rule:

1. What is Cramer's Rule and how does it work?

Cramer's Rule is a method for solving systems of linear equations using determinants. It provides a formula for the solution of a system by expressing the variables as the ratio of two determinants. For a system AX = B, the solution for each variable is found by replacing a column in A with B and dividing by the determinant of A.

2. How do you apply Cramer's Rule to a 3x3 system?

To apply Cramer's Rule to a 3x3 system:

  1. Calculate the determinant of the coefficient matrix (d).
  2. Replace each variable's column with the constants column to find dx, dy, and dz.
  3. Solve for each variable using x = dx/d, y = dy/d, and z = dz/d.

3. When should you use Cramer's Rule?

Cramer's Rule is most effective for small systems (2x2 or 3x3) with a unique solution. It's useful when you need to solve for a specific variable without solving the entire system. However, for larger systems, other methods like Gaussian elimination are generally more efficient.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cramer's Rule?

Advantages include its straightforward application and ability to solve for individual variables. Disadvantages are its inefficiency for large systems and inability to handle systems with no solution or infinitely many solutions.

5. How is Cramer's Rule used in real-life applications?

Cramer's Rule finds applications in various fields, including:

  • Computer graphics for solving equations related to 3D transformations
  • Electrical engineering for analyzing circuit networks
  • Economics for solving small-scale economic models
  • Chemistry for balancing chemical equations

Prerequisite Topics for Solving Linear Systems Using Cramer's Rule

Understanding the foundations of linear algebra is crucial when tackling advanced topics like solving linear systems using Cramer's Rule. This method relies heavily on several key concepts that students must grasp to effectively apply and comprehend the rule.

At the core of Cramer's Rule is the concept of determinants. The determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix is a fundamental skill that directly applies to using Cramer's Rule for systems with two variables. This prerequisite provides the mathematical foundation for calculating solutions efficiently.

Before diving into Cramer's Rule, students should be comfortable with solving systems of linear equations by substitution. This method helps in understanding the concept of finding unique solutions, which is what Cramer's Rule aims to do more systematically for larger systems.

Another important prerequisite is solving linear systems using 2 x 2 inverse matrices. This topic introduces the idea of using matrices to solve systems, which is a stepping stone to understanding how Cramer's Rule utilizes matrix operations to find solutions.

For a broader perspective on solving linear systems, familiarity with solving a linear system with matrices using Gaussian elimination is beneficial. This method provides context for why Cramer's Rule can be advantageous in certain situations.

Understanding distance and time related questions in linear equations helps in applying Cramer's Rule to real-world problems, enhancing the practical relevance of the method.

While not directly related, knowledge of conversions involving squares and cubic can be helpful when dealing with determinants of higher-order matrices in more complex systems.

Proficiency in the three types of matrix row operations is essential, as these operations are often used in conjunction with Cramer's Rule for simplifying and solving systems.

Understanding applications of linear relations provides context for where Cramer's Rule might be applied in various fields, making the learning more engaging and relevant.

Interestingly, even topics from other subjects, such as balancing chemical equations, can benefit from understanding linear systems and Cramer's Rule, showcasing the interdisciplinary nature of mathematics.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the complexities of Cramer's Rule, understanding not just how to use it, but why it works and when it's most appropriate to apply in solving linear systems.

This is a different way of solving linear systems. Instead of using Gaussian Eliminations, you can use Cramer's Rule! Make sure to review your determinants of 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 matrices.

Cramer's Rule for 2 x 2 matrices:


Cramer's Rule for 3 x 3 matrices:

