Converting between degrees and radians

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  1. Review "unit conversion"
    1. 24 roses = ___________ dozens of roses
    2. 3 dozens of roses = ___________ roses
    3. 65 kg = __________ lbs
    4. 100 lbs = __________ kg
  2. Convert the following angles from degrees to radians
    1. 85°
    2. -213°
    3. 30°
    4. 60°
    5. 45°
    6. 90°
    7. 180°
    8. 270°
    9. 360°
  3. Convert the following angles from radians to degrees
    1. π6\pi \over 6
    2. 5π3-{ {5\pi} \over 3}
    3. 2
    4. -8.14