Set builder notation

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  1. Introduction to Set Builder Notation

    i. What are sets?

    ii. Why do we need set builder notations?

  1. Translating Intervals On Number Lines Into Set Builder Notation Form

    Translate the following intervals into set builder notation form.

    1. Translating Intervals On Number Lines Into Set Builder Notation Form
    2. Translating Intervals On Number Lines Into Set Builder Notation Form
    3. Translating Intervals On Number Lines Into Set Builder Notation Form
    4. Translating Intervals On Number Lines Into Set Builder Notation Form
  2. Evaluating the Domains of Expressions in Set Builder Notation Form

    What are the domains for the following expressions? Write the answers in set builder notation form.

    1. 1x\frac{1}{x}
    2. x\sqrt x
    3. 2x24\frac{2}{x^{2} - 4}