Find the difference of squares: (a - b)(a + b) = (a^2 - b^2)

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  1. Find the difference of squares
    1. (3x+4y)(3x4y)(3x + 4y)(3x - 4y)
    2. (x23y2)(x2+3y2)(-x^2-3y^2)(-x^2+3y^2)
    3. x225x^2 - 25
    4. 1625x416 - 25x^4
    5. 16x2y8416x^2y^8 - 4
    6. x2n25x^{2n} - 25
    7. x81x^8 - 1
    8. (x2+6x+9)4y2(x^2 + 6x + 9) - 4y^2