Conversion between entire radicals and mixed radicals

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  1. conversion between "entire radical" & "mixed radical"
  1. Converting to Mixed Radicals
    Convert the following radicals to mixed radicals.
    1. 486\sqrt {486}
    2. 38000{^3}\sqrt{{8000}}
    3. 5160{^5}\sqrt{{160}}
    4. 332003{^3}\sqrt{{ - 200}}
    5. 1225\frac{1}{2}\sqrt {25}
    6.\sqrt {6.25}
  2. Converting to Entire Radicals
    Convert the following mixed radicals to entire radicals.
    1. 323\sqrt 2
    2. 45 - 4\sqrt 5
    3. 5316 - 5{^3}\sqrt{{16}}
    4. 123\frac{1}{2}\sqrt 3
    5. 0.63500.6{^3}\sqrt{{50}}
  3. Comparing Radicals
    Rank the mixed radicals below in order from least to greatest. Do not use a calculator.
     i) 535\sqrt {3}          ii)  646\sqrt {4}        iii)  353\sqrt {5}        iv) 464\sqrt {6}        v) 95\sqrt {95}