Combining product rule and quotient rule in logarithms

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  1. Evaluate:
    1. log560log53+log55log520\log_5 60 - \log_5 3 + \log_5 5 - \log_5 20
    2. given:
      abc=9 {{a \over {bc}} = 9}
      ask: 5log3a5log3b5log3c 5\log_3 a - 5\log_3 b - 5\log_3 c
    3. if logax=3 \log_a x = 3 and logay=4, \log_a y = 4,
      evaluate (loga1xy)2 (\log_a {1 \over xy})^2
  2. Simplify log5a3logb2+log2bc+logbloga3100 \log 5a^3 - \log b^2 + \log {2b \over c} + \log b - \log{a^3 \over 100}