Adding and subtracting matrices

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  1. Adding and subtracting matrices overview
  1. Understanding how to add and subtract matrices
    Can we add or subtract the following matrices?
    1. Adding and subtracting matrices
    2. Adding and subtracting matrices
    3. Adding and subtracting matrices
  2. Adding matrices
    Add the following matrices:
    1. Adding and subtracting matrices
    2. Adding and subtracting matrices
    3. Adding and subtracting matrices
  3. Subtracting matrices
    Subtract the following matrices
    1. Adding and subtracting matrices
    2. Adding and subtracting matrices
    3. Adding and subtracting matrices
  4. Solving matrix equations
    Solve the following matrix equations:
    1. Adding and subtracting matrices
    2. Adding and subtracting matrices
    3. Adding and subtracting matrices