Absolute value functions

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  1. Review: Evaluating the Absolute Value of a Number
    i) 5\left| { - 5} \right|
    ii) 5\left| 5 \right|
    iii) 0\left| 0 \right|
    iv) 6 - \left| 6 \right|
    v) 6 - \left| { - 6} \right|
    vi) 3+  3\left| 3 \right| + {\;}\left| { - 3} \right|
    vii) 29\left| {2 - 9} \right|
    viii) 16 - \left| { - \sqrt {16} } \right|
    1. Evaluating Expressions Involving Absolute Values


      i) 132312|13-23|-12

      ii)   48  |\; |4|-|8|\;|

      iii) 327| {^3}\sqrt{-27}|

      1. Expressing an Absolute Value Linear Function as a Piecewise Function

        Express the absolute value function as a piecewise function: g(x)=54xg\left( x \right) = \left| {5 - 4x} \right|

        1. Expressing an Absolute Value Quadratic Function as a Piecewise Function

          Express the absolute value function as a piecewise function: f(x)=x24f\left( x \right) = \left| {x^2 - 4} \right|